Water intake

Hey Peeps!

How is your water drinking going? I have found that the easiest way for me to drink water is to fill a juice/water pitcher full of water in the morning and make sure that by the end of the work day I have drank the pitcher.

The pitcher is a constant reminder that I need to drink water. If you bottle or cup is just sitting on your desk you may not think about how little you have drank. I have also found that I would forget to tick off each cup.

Just my two cents worth. Happy drinking.



  • Thanks Kyla!
    Great idea, I have noticed I am drinking 5 cups a day while at work, but seem to be forgetting to continue once I get home.
    Maybe putting the pitcher out at home with those last 3 cups would help me get to the elusive 8!
  • babesse
    babesse Posts: 14
    A good hint that a nutritionist gave me was when you drink a cup of coffee, have an equal amount of water. Coffee is a Diuretic so you need to replace that water.
    I also find a cup of just drinkable hot water is a good evening substitute of coffee, especially late at night.
  • kylabeattie11
    kylabeattie11 Posts: 9 Member
    I have found Kirsten that I have a picture at home for the weekends. I forget to drink my water then. So, seeing it on my counter reminds me to drink as well. I am not a fan of cold water, unless it is a hot day or at the beach, cause I find it makes me cold so I don't mind drinking my water warm.

    Good luck. Let me know if it works for you.
  • kylabeattie11
    kylabeattie11 Posts: 9 Member
    I have heard that before Brent. I find I only drink my coffee in the morning and at night I will have herbal tea.
    If you have found something that works for you keep it up. :)
  • One suggestion I have is to not forget measure how much liquid your typical drinking cup or glass holds. I have a cup on my desk that I was thinking would be counted as 1 cup but it actually holds 16oz of liquid. That's 2 cups!

    You might be drinking more than you think.

    Here are the various measurements to help you out:
    1 glass of water = 8oz = 236ml = 1 cup

    ~ Charlene
  • dkarleen
    dkarleen Posts: 9
    Grabbed from Skeptoid - March 22, 2013 -

    You can ask almost anyone at the gym how much water one is supposed to drink every day and they would probably tell you 8 full 8 ounce glasses is what they’ve always heard. Whether or not they actually drink that much is up for debate, I know I don’t even though that’s what I’ve always heard. Turns out, this one’s also false.

    It is recommended that you receive about that much in fluids per day but your body gets that from the regular foods that one eats as well as any beverage that one drinks. Trying to drink 8 glasses of water plus the morning coffee and the 12 ounce soda with every meal plus the fluid content in all of the food can be tiring to say the least, not to mention the trips to the bathroom. You would have to chug an 8 ounce glass of water about every hour and a half all day to keep up. In the absence of any related health problems, trusting in your own thirst to let you know when you need more water is sufficient to keep one properly hydrated.
