use net or total intake?

This is probably a very simple question but I may have over thought things and lost it...!

I use a fitbit zip and have been comparing my fitbit cals burned over the day vs my intake of calories. I am aiming for 1500 a day at the mo.
So with this in mind, should I use my total intake of calories or net intake of calories to work out if I have met my cut for the day?
Forgive my stoopidity, I have no doubt way overthought this....



  • LoveFitNation
    LoveFitNation Posts: 43 Member
    Where did you get 1500?? If that is your BMR then you need to eat at least that amount including your you would net 1500...was that your question??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    And your FitBit says your TDEE is ...?

    And your BMR is?

    Deficit is off of TDEE - which includes exercise.
  • twostepsforward
    twostepsforward Posts: 113 Member
    So bmr is just over 1400. Fitbit tdee averaging around 2050. I was aiming for 1500 as a 500 cal cut for 1lb a week, staying over my bmr.

    So when I look at my number s for the day, while I aim for 1500 on mfp calories in, I might have a fitbit adjustment of 250 calories added as I have been more active than expected. So do I eat back those extras at net back at 1500 and I can count this as my intake for the day, or must I count my intake as 1750 for the day ?
    Does that even make sense!? Just trying to keep track of my fitbit burn vs intake and what size of deficit I am keeping on a daily baais.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So bmr is just over 1400. Fitbit tdee averaging around 2050. I was aiming for 1500 as a 500 cal cut for 1lb a week, staying over my bmr.

    So when I look at my number s for the day, while I aim for 1500 on mfp calories in, I might have a fitbit adjustment of 250 calories added as I have been more active than expected. So do I eat back those extras at net back at 1500 and I can count this as my intake for the day, or must I count my intake as 1750 for the day ?
    Does that even make sense!? Just trying to keep track of my fitbit burn vs intake and what size of deficit I am keeping on a daily baais.

    Since you are not using this method with 15% cut but using MFP's assignment, then yes, you eat back those adjustments as that is increased TDEE for that day, and that keeps the deficit the same.

    MFP if it was used correctly would be much more successful for many, so that's in essence what you are doing. Just wiser deficit amount than 2 lbs.
  • twostepsforward
    twostepsforward Posts: 113 Member
    Thank you very much sir....yet again!