Big girl strength training??



  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    Unfortunately no deals at my gym for the trainers, and I am not impressed with the training I have seen them do for others ( I don't need someone to stand next to me on while I am on the treadmill, I figured that one out! LOL!)

    Right now I have been doing about 20 minutes of strength training, and 45ish of cardio (mixing it up treadmill 3 mph 8 -10 incline, C25K, bike or elyptical)

    For my strength training I have been mixing it up too. But some of the typical excercises I have been doing:
    Dumbbell biceps curls neutral grip 10 pounds, 10 reps, 5 sets
    Dumbbell biceps curls overhand grip 10 pounds, 10 reps, 5 sets
    Dumbbell triceps extensions standing 5 pounds 10 reps, 5 sets
    Dumbbell tripceps kickback neutral trip 10 pounds 10 reps, 5 sets
    Dumbbell shoulder press 10 pounds 10 reps, 5 sets
    Dumbbell squats 10 pounds 10 reps, 5 sets
    Dumbbell squats split 10 pounds 10 reps 5 sets
    Lat pull downs 30 pounds, 10 reps, 5 sets
    Shoulder press 30 pounds, 10 reps, 5 sets
    Leg curls 40 pounds, 10 reps, 5 sets
    Leg Presses 50 pounds 10 reps 5 sets
    Leg Extension 30 pounds 10 reps 5 sets

    I am sure I am missing some, but this is the majority of what I am doing

    I applaud you for starting somewhere but I think you should really consider lifting heavier to see some real changes. A good rule of thumb is that if you can lift a weight more than 12 times in a row with good form, it is too light. I also would highly recommend a begginers lifting program for you than concentrates more on compound than isolated exercises. Strong lifts or starting strength are great. When I started, it was with Jamie Eason's live fit trainer. Good luck!

    This. Lifting heavy gets great results. I highly recommend stronglifts 5x5 Mehdi. Easy to do. Simple to Learn. You can teach yourself by watching Mehdi videos and watching extra form videos on YouTube. Also there is an awesome Stronglifts for women support group on here.

    I don't do Stronglifts--I do Starting Strength, which is similar. However, I second this post, and the Stronglifts for Women group here on MFP seems super supportive and great. I'm a member even though I don't do that particular program because the info is good and a lot is applicable to my program as well.
  • 1carahmeldiva
    Congrats on starting and I applaud your efforts. I too am a big girl starting out and I joined a women's fit camp in my area where it's circuit of cardio and weights. I like it because it's guided strength training and the results have been phenomenal. I've purchased the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women and the program is easy to follow. Something like that may help with your efforts if you are unable to afford a personal trainer (like me).
  • friendlyvirgo
    friendlyvirgo Posts: 16 Member
    I am 257 and I lift weights. I mix it up. Every other day I do cardio and weights. Weights will help the extra saggy skin that develops after you lose weight. Cardio wont give you a nice shape. But cardio is excellent for losing weight. But it's not good alone. I do sit ups, squats and other easy exercise at home before bed. Helps with the tummy.
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
  • Dianescraps
    I am still working it!

    Did find a trainer at the gym who seems to have a bit more of a clue. We added some more weight training with the barbell and . . . I think it is called the cable machine? New parts of my body are sore - so something different is happening :-D

    I am getting lots of compliments too from friends and other trainers at the gym.