Emotional eating is the thorn in my side.

Hi, I'm thirty years old and gained 30 pounds between January of 2012 to now. I really would like to loose the weight but have become a little overwhelmed. Support and motivation would be greatly appreciated on this journey of getting back in shape.


  • Bexiblueberry
    Bexiblueberry Posts: 48 Member
    You can do it! being on here really helps with support and having somewhere to turn to when you are having a weak moment!
  • mocatinho
    mocatinho Posts: 65
    Hi Ladies
    Maybe we can all support each other. I'm going to be 39 next month. 10 years ago my husband passed and I haven't stopped eating...sad that I allow myself to be such and emotional eater. BUT I am getting better. I logged all my food Sunday thru Friday for this week, meals are planned, fruit and veggies are prepped in grab bags.
    You can achieve your goal, just one step at a time!
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    hey girls im a 37 year old who have always ate emotionally....I only need to lose 30 lbs but I cant seem to start....my thinking is really out there because Im also a recovering addict/alchohalic....I had to go on meds and that is what made me gain weight also...but Im a bad night eater ever since I stopped smoking 3 yrs ago.....I have an anxiety disorder...I know I sound all screwed up but I have a wonderful life....but this eating is my last thing and I started this food diary today...I think it is really going to help....please send me requests
  • AprilThirty
    Hi girls, Oh how I relate to that thorn. I just posted a topic, "success" discussing the same thing.
    Very recently I realized that my emotional overeating was a way for me to punish myslef. I won't repeat what I wrote in the post, but that came as a shock to me. I could hardly beleive it.
    I praise God for showing this to me, after all these years. I am no longer that person, no longer held captive by that stronghold. I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, but I know it will come. I praise God for this life change, this aha! moment of mine and pray that each of you has your own. You are worth more than the way you are treating yourself when you binge eat or emotional overeat. I pray that each of you can overcome it.
    Hugs to you all.
  • Talister
    Talister Posts: 22 Member
    Best wishes to all of you! I often eat when I feel lonely, and Im home alone a lot so it gets difficult to control but if we stay strong and seek support when we need it we can overcome it :)
  • jennagoogles13
    I think we're all in the same boat here! I finally admitted to myself that I had a problem when I continuously ate for no reason other than the fact that I was lonely, bored, or nervous. We just have to take it one day at a time, and realize that we are all going to make mistakes, but we just need to learn how to correct them and how to better ourselves. Stay strong and stay positive because there are better days ahead:)
  • tweetyep
    tweetyep Posts: 6
    I have found I want to eat more when I am tired or stressed and if I am both I just don't want to stop. I have decided this year it is going to be about me. I have got to take care of myself before I can take care of anyone else. I find with excercise and eating a healthy diet with plenty of rest and fluids help me. A constant battle for sure!!