Can't get motivated

chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
I am having so much trouble latey getting motivated to workout or even do anything! All I do is work, take care of baby, watch TV, and sleep. Today I stayed home with him, he has napped quite a bit but I can't get off my lazy bum to do anything. I really need to some housework and work. I am usually the same way on the weekends, except I usually go to bed soon as LO one does is DH is gone. I have also been extra hungry lately and have been over my calories...ugg what's wrong with me.


  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    I'm sorry, I know how you feel! I think I have worked out 2 times in the last week, the time I get home from work I spend some time with Maria, and once she goes to bed I just go to bed. I try and eat healthy and I feel like all I want is junk :/ Must be a new momma thing- they need to make a magic energy pill :)
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    It will come back to you. I was super motivated about a month after I gave birth until he was about 6 months old. I religiously logged my meals, I walked or ran everyday. I did workout videos while he napped etc. I pretty much saw nothing, no change... I was still stuck 15 pounds over I was when I got pregnant. I lost motivation and lost interest because I felt like I was doing a ton of work for no reward. I still ate well and walked my dog everyday, but nothing crazy like I had been doing.
    I got motivated again after I stopped breastfeeding. I know a lot of people say it helps you lose weight, but that's not the same for all bodies. For me it made me hold onto weight, I guess my body felt it needed it to make milk and feed my LO. Anyhow, as soon as I stopped breastfeeding I lost 5 pounds within a week and a half, no exercise, not eating differently, just no BF.
    Since then I have re-focused on working out and logging all my meals. I have been consistently losing about .5 per week since then.
    Don't beat yourself up over being lazy but don't start eating crazy and end up makeing your journey harder or more daunting when you do decide to re-focus on you.
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    I can't imagine nursing, taking care of baby, taking care of house work stuff, AND working. There's no way. I lost a lot of motivation right around 2-3 months post partum; don't beat yourself up too much. Like a previous post, every body is different as to losing weight while nursing. Some become scary stick figures and others don't lose anything. Just try to keep making the best choices you can and if not, there's always tomorrow!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    100% what labtracks and Mewlingstork said! Getting started is the hardest part, for sure. I have to force myself to exercise some days, but I always feel better afterwards. For me it's kind of like house cleaning, once you get started you can't stop! Do you have a friend you can workout with to help keep you motivated? How about DH? Tell him you need a push, maybe he can help motivate you? One thing that works for me is that DH and I alternate gym days, so I know if I miss "my" day at the gym (I usually just do cardio at the gym and do my weights at home) it will be a few days before I get back, and it keeps me motivated to stick to my schedule.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have no motivation either. With all the sick people I have had, working and cleaning I have nothing left. The want is there I just can't get my butt off the couch once it hits it and I also go to bed when Jordan does whether its at 9pm or midnight. Thankfully I haven't gained but I haven't lost either. Hoping to get myself in gear soon but who knows.
  • GinE73
    GinE73 Posts: 68
    I've been the same way since I went back to work- it's been 2 months! LOL I only recently found my sneakers under my desk at work and have been going on walks during my break but that is the only exercise I've been doing. Just try to do your best and keep on logging. You'll eventually find the right motivation and then *click*- you will be back in no time!
  • bonkers4mydogs
    bonkers4mydogs Posts: 11 Member
    I am right there with you! Not only do I not have the energy or motivation I need to get moving and get things done, but then I start feeling guilty and beating myself up that I should be doing this or that instead of sitting on my butt. It's turned into a vicious cycle.

    I wish I had someone to come and kick my butt and make me go for a walk or go to the gym or do something. I know once I get going my energy will improve and it will get easier. I just cant seem to get over the hump though.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    It will come back to you. I was super motivated about a month after I gave birth until he was about 6 months old. I religiously logged my meals, I walked or ran everyday. I did workout videos while he napped etc. I pretty much saw nothing, no change... I was still stuck 15 pounds over I was when I got pregnant. I lost motivation and lost interest because I felt like I was doing a ton of work for no reward. I still ate well and walked my dog everyday, but nothing crazy like I had been doing.
    I got motivated again after I stopped breastfeeding. I know a lot of people say it helps you lose weight, but that's not the same for all bodies. For me it made me hold onto weight, I guess my body felt it needed it to make milk and feed my LO. Anyhow, as soon as I stopped breastfeeding I lost 5 pounds within a week and a half, no exercise, not eating differently, just no BF.
    Since then I have re-focused on working out and logging all my meals. I have been consistently losing about .5 per week since then.
    Don't beat yourself up over being lazy but don't start eating crazy and end up makeing your journey harder or more daunting when you do decide to re-focus on you.

    I kind of figured that was my case. This last week I have been eating 2700 calories and have lost a couple lbs. I decided not to stress about it, and eat if I was hungry.

    Thanks ladies, I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I wish DH was more into exercise, but he's not. He understands it is important to me and doesn't mine when I go walking or to the gym though. But i only have that chance on the weekends since he works so late.