Body Combat Release 54

DeAsh Posts: 32 Member
Our gym is starting release 54 this weekend. Anyone else already doing 54? If yes, what do you think?


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I did a few tracks from 54 when our gyms started it back in mid-January, but then I got sick and then busy so have annoyingly missed it. What I did do I liked, it felt different to other releases and there were various new moves which were quite interesting. I really liked track 8, 'Dark Skies' which was a brutal workout on the shoulders where recent track 8s have been a bit low key in comparison. Enjoy!
  • hikixx
    hikixx Posts: 13
    Track 2 with the song Turbulence is AHHHHMAAAZING! I love love love the muay tahi track (sp??)The entire release is very good though. I jam to the music all day long! ;)
  • pinkreena711
    pinkreena711 Posts: 41 Member
    i like it, it's been at our gyms for awhile now. we're starting 55 april 1st!!

    i like most of the tracks at the beginning and end but the middle is a little bland. lol. but definitely, a great workout!
  • hikixx
    hikixx Posts: 13
    55 is AMAZING!!! Got to do it at Quarterly this year! Its really really good and FAST paced! I was a puddle when I finished! :)
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    I am doing Less Mills Combat and on day 31 and loving it, Next years going to be Less Mills Pump.. :O)
  • DeAsh
    DeAsh Posts: 32 Member
    Our instructor just mentioned this week that we'd be starting 55 pretty soon. With the exception of a few tracks, all the instructors got tired of this one a little quicker than usual.
  • hikixx
    hikixx Posts: 13
    I do have to agree the music in BodyCombat 55 is fun, but it will get so old so fast! Thats why I am glad they mix it up after about 3 weeks after introducing the new one!
  • tocara
    tocara Posts: 81 Member
    all the eskeevas (i have no idea how to spell that) in 55 is going rip my legs!!!!