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Hello Sweetie! Who Are You? Introduce Yourself!

rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
edited January 16 in Social Groups
Greetings :)

I thought it would be quite brilliant to have a Whovian group here on MFP - no matter where you are in the world and no matter WHO you are, you're more than welcome to join...

So please, introduce yourself...

My name is Richard... I'm English but I live in Louisville, Kentucky where I work as a corporate trainer for a large telecommunications company.

I'm separated and I have a six year old son whom I've taught to say "Allons-y!", "Brilliant!", "Fantastic", "Crikey Charlie!" and "Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!" as we walk around stores.

He's also slowly getting into Star Wars... once he does, his journey toward the dark side will be complete.... mwah ha ha

I also like Star Trek (sort of), Red Dwarf, Philip K **** (a favourite film is Blade Runner) and I'm BIG into astronomy. (I used to write freelance for Astronomy magazine.)

Ummmm... I'm also very open about who I am and I can be a bit... random...

That's about it for now...



  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    My name is Tatiana, born in Poland and I currently live in Warsaw, but tend to travel a whole lot because living among other nations is fasscinating!
    I work as translator and part time barista (I like a mean coffee, me) with dream of becoming personal trainer/dietarian by the end of the year . My weightloss journey made me realise that I love helping people make good and healthy lifestyle changes :3
    I used to study philosophy, precisely history of philosophy. Left me with moral imperative from hell and tendency to over-discuiss everything :o
    I'm major Doctor Who fan (obviously!) , apart from that all forms of geekery are close to me heart.. I love books, with fantasy and science fiction having super warm place in my heart, love good movies, i'm quite fond of zombies . They are my apocalypse of choice . Star Wars , Star Trek...even Star Gate. Galaxy Quest, obviously >.> . Good cinematography in any form actualy.
    What ellllse?
    I have terrible sense of humour and maturity of 12 year old boy.
    Brain contains high ammount of sarcasm and cynism,

    ..Donna Noble is my favourite companion :D
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    Hey, another Whovian group!

    I'm Leah. I'm 25. I live in Oklahoma. 11 is my Doctor.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome, both of you - it's nice to meet you :)

    There's already a Whovian group? Really? Hmmmm... I searched for Doctor Who and nothing came up....
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Actually, I just found it... whoopsie... oh well LOL

    I honestly didn't mean to create this one to compete against it...
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member

    My name is Kristen. I was born & raised in Portland Oregon USA (still live there). My first Doctor was Pertwee. I did fall out of the loop a bit when I moved away from home - I stopped watching soon after Colin Baker became The Doctor. So I have some catching up to do with the classic Who. I've been watching the new one ever since it came back.

    I have a 14 year old son who is a handful... he was born with a mild case of Spina Bifida and about 4 years ago he was diagonsed with Asperger's... again a mild form but still difficult.

    I'm fairly geeky and to prove it my birthday this year will be the answer to Life, The Universe, And Everything.

    Brightest Blessings!
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member

    I'll have the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything in June too :)

    I never did get into the original Who much... when you're raised on Star Wars, watching people running around hallways with wibby wobbly walls just doesn't work for me LOL

    (I've since gotten into it a bit... have the very first few episodes on DVD, plus The Five Doctors.)

    Ever seen Blake's 7? More wibbly wobbly walls but some cracking storytelling. Sci-Fy is remaking it this year.... yeahhhh... we'll see...
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    My name is Vicki, I live in Louisiana, when you say Doctor Who most people say "Who, what, what's that". So we're odd balls and we like it that way.

    David Tenant is my favorite doctor.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    LOL Vicki... you should work where I work... we're tech-heads... I've never seen a higher concentration of Whovians in one place before... it's the only place I've worked where you can wear a tweed jacket and a bowtie for Halloween and people won't think you're a boring college professor.
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member
    I haven't seen Blake's 7.

    I was raised on Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Dungeons and Dragons... *grin* As well as movies from the golden age of Hollywood (ya know, the musicals - lol)
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Cool :) What did you think of the Star Trek reboot? And what of JJ taking on Star Wars? I'm definitely looking forward to the new Trek movie in a few months and I think SW Ep VII could be well worth the wait too...
  • SlvrBluGoddess
    SlvrBluGoddess Posts: 239 Member
    I liked the Star Trek reboot.

    I'm not sure about anyone taking over Star Wars... I think that saga should have been left alone after the initial three. lol
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Someone said JJ Abrams turned the bridge of the Enterprise into an Apple store LOL I liked it though - am looking forward to Into Darkness.

    You know, everyone hates on the prequels, but I don't mind them. I didn't really like Return Of The Jedi anyway. Teddy bears with sticks overthrowing legions of stormtroopers? I don't think so. A second Death Star? Where did that come from?? That was just a rehash of the first movie and I thought it was lazy storytelling. (I may have been right - apparently Lucas only made ROJ because he had to. Even by that time he was done with the whole saga.)
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    I'm Sundae. I'm a lifelong Whovian and Sylvester McCoy was my first Doctor. I'm an Edinburgh girl born and bred and also a fan of Buffy, Star Trek, Stargate (except Universe, although "Begbie in space" was entertaining), Torchwood, and to a lesser extent Warehouse 13, Fringe and almost any geeky show.

    Oh, and David Tennant is my favourite Doctor and I love Captain Jack. I think Jenna Louise Coleman has the potential to be a genuinely great companion but I'd love to see Jenny return.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Awesome - welcome Special Sundae :)

    Did anyone like Stargate Universe? Never saw it myself but apparently all the SG fans turned away LOL
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    Awesome - welcome Special Sundae :)

    Did anyone like Stargate Universe? Never saw it myself but apparently all the SG fans turned away LOL

    My brother did but he doesn't like Who so his opinion is invalid! :-p
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm from California originally but I am loving living in Portland, Oregon. I've been a closet Trekkie for years until my husband told me that I was so far out of the closet, I was in the Delta Quadrant. I started watching Doctor Who with the reboot, and am loving it, especially sharing it with my 14 year old daughter. She has been a bit of a challenge, with Sensory Processing Disorder, (possible Aspergers) with related anxiety. It's nice to have something that we all can share together. I'm in process of getting a cosplay together of a Dalek that is part of my power wheelchair, for KumoriCon, during Labor Day weekend. Love meeting other sci fi fans/ whovians.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    LOL @Special Sundae - well, we can't all be perfect, can we?

    mom9198 - that's cool - I wanted to dress as one of the Doctors for Halloween, but alas, I don't look like any of them. It's funny you mention Aspberger's... I've come across several people over the past six months who have children with possible (or confirmed) Aspberger's. My son is one... he's just had the test to see where he falls within the autistic spectrum. We know he's not fully autistic but I watched Rain Man recently and he exhibits almost every one of the traits to some degree.
  • jpegjordan
    jpegjordan Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Only my second day on MFP. I've only seen Dr.s 9, 10 and 11. Got hooked on NetFlix.
    I'm in Tucson, AZ.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Brilliant! Welcome, jpegjordan :)

    Since you're new, you could probably use a friend or two... I'll send you a request :)
  • sgrubby
    sgrubby Posts: 103 Member
    Hi there, I'm from Phoenix, AZ and an all around sci-fi nerd. Doctor Who and Star trek are on the top of my list. My first Doctor was Tom Baker. I sorta lost interest after Peter Davidson but came back full on when the reboot came out with Christopher Eccelston in 2005.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Fantastic! Welcome, sgrubby!! :D
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi, I'm Lori.

    Born and raised in New England and very sick of all this snow.

    I watched some Doctor Who with my Uncle (with Tom Baker as the Doctor) when I was a little girl. My Barbies won that battle for my attention. I started watching Doctor Who on Netflix this past Fall with my hubby. We finished the six seasons last week. We have two more episodes of Season 7 On Demand and we will be ready for new episodes on the 30th.
    David Tennant is my favorite Doctor. I think Donna may be my favorite companion. I think I want to go back to the beginning of 9 and watch them all over again. I suppose I should also watch some of the classic episodes. At least the Sarah Jane stuff. And K9.

    I was the answer to everything last year. Maybe that is why the Doctor suddenly caught my interest. :wink:

    I grew up on Star Wars and married a huuuuge Star Wars geek. He's gone through the whole expanded universe series. Episode V is my favorite, then VI, III, II, VI and least is I. Firefly is my TV geekery of choice. "Define interesting." I like Star Trek Next Gen, I loved DS9. The original is okay (ducks) and I never had interest in Voyager and Enterprise.

    I love to read and gravitate towards vampires and the paranormal / supernatural genre in general. I love the Anita Blake books by Laurell K Hamilton. Loved the Sookie Stackhouse books, loathed the Trus Blood HBO series. I seem to gravitate toward series where I can read a dozen books with the same character base and get immersed in their world. I've read The Hollows series, The SIgns of the Zodiac, Meredith Gentry (another Laurell K Hamilton seires). My guilty pleasure is the Twlight Sage books. Although I own all the DVD's and watch them, I sort of feel dirty and brain cell dead when I am done.

    I work in finance. I am currently studying to get my Certified Special Needs Advisor designation. I passed the final assessment yesterday, but I still have three new modules to coplete and pass an assessment on before I "officially" can use the designation. I frequently escape to MFP several times during the day to let my brain decompress.

    And now I should get back to work since the NYSE opens in 15 minutes.
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome loril13!

    I kinda a grew up on Who when I was a kid in Englandl; it was on TV every Saturday night on BBC 1 in the 70's. I guess my first doctor was really Tom Baker but I can't honestly say I liked it.

    For one thing, I saw Star Wars on my 7th birthday and, frankly, after that, nothing the BBC put on could hold a candle to Star Wars. Running around corridors with wibbly-wobbly walls just didn't cut it.

    So I never got into it until the reboot and - even then - not until the beginning of last year when my wife and I separated and I felt the need to reconnect with something truly geeky *and* English. (I'd seen up to half of season three at that point.)

    Now I'm an addict LOL

    Anyway... welcome to the club. I would say "we have T shirts" but I'm willing to bet most of us already have. (I have three... "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, RUN!" and "Bow Ties Are Cool" and "Keep Calm and Don't Blink."
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome loril13!

    Anyway... welcome to the club. I would say "we have T shirts" but I'm willing to bet most of us already have. (I have three... "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, RUN!" and "Bow Ties Are Cool" and "Keep Calm and Don't Blink."

    No t-shirts yet. My t-shirt collection is probably 90% Disney World and the rest Star Wars. I do rather covet the Van Gogh Tardis shirt. I could quickly go broke on thinkgeek.com. Especially since I just discovered they are having a 25% off all apparal sale!
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Don't tempt me LOL I have a couple of Star Wars shirts... "Trust me, I'm a Jedi Master" is one... and I have the "expressions of Vader" shirt - basically, the exact same 12 photos of Vader's head (ie, his helmet) and underneath each one it has a different emotion - confused, happy, sad, etc...

    You can get it in Wally world so you might have seen it there :)
  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member
    Hello Fellow Whovians!

    I'm Kelly, I'm 23 and I live in Seabrook, New Hampshire. I'm a recently converted Whovian by a MFP friend and member of this group. She got me hooked and now I'm playing the game of catch up as fast as I can. I just started Season 2 with David Tennant last night.

    Until I get further into the series, my Doctor is still Christopher Eccleston. I loved him. Though I hear that David Tennant is an awesome Doctor.

    I also a huge Star Wars and Harry Potter fan. I tend to side with the Rebels but I love Darth Maul. <3
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    I also a huge Star Wars and Harry Potter fan. I tend to side with the Rebels but I love Darth Maul. <3

    I converted you to The Doctor. I can convert you to The Dark Side.
    We have cookies.
    .... and bacon. ;-)
  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member

    I converted you to The Doctor. I can convert you to The Dark Side.
    We have cookies.
    .... and bacon. ;-)

    I do like bacon...
  • rbartlett9671
    rbartlett9671 Posts: 193 Member
    Hmmmmm... bacon....

    Welcome KelBelz.... I'm sorry you like Harry Potter. My sympathes :P

    I hate Harry Potter LOL No, really. I'm an Englishman living in the US so here are the top three questions i get asked...

    1) Have you met the Queen?
    2) Do you like the Beatles?
    3) Do you like Harry Potter?

    No, no and no. I can guarantee it.... I'm a corporate trainer in a call centre and if I train a new hire class, sometimes I won't mention any of those things and see how long it takes for them to ask me.

    I've never liked Harry Potter and I never will. I've never seen the movies either. When the last book came out, I too rushed down to Wallyworld and flipped to the last page because I wanted to know if he would die. Alas, no.

    Actually, the #1 question I get asked is "where you from?" - to which I reply "Oklahoma" - which is true because I lived there for three years before moving to Kentucky... y'all :P
  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member
    I fell in love with the HP books. Granted I was like 9 years old when the first one came out so I'm assuming that puts me in the age group that the books were intended for. As a fourth grader Harry Potter was the new and exciting thing. It just happened to stick with me today. Anything mystical and magical catches my attention. The movies are good, but I like the books better. As most people say about every book that has turned into a movie.

    Oh well. I'll always be a Potterhead.
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