Insanity and an extreme hunger point

lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
I'm just wondering if everyone else went through this or not. My first round of Insanity (Dec '12-Feb '13) went very well. The first month I didn't seem super hungry (over hitting my goal) nor did I lose much weight, until I hit recovery week...then bam..that entire week I could not control or eat enough to satisfy my hunger. That week I lost 3lbs, then after that 1-3 lbs/week. That round of Insanity got me down to prepregnancy weight, so I decided to repeat Insanity again (after a few weeks of doing random other workouts). I'm just about to start week 4 of my second round, and bam...again this week my hunger is extreme, can't be satisfied..and I lost 4lbs. Obviously, I'm not ignoring the hunger...I'm doing what the meal plan says & add in extra healthy snacks (or chocolate) when needed. But wow! Any fitness gurus have an explanation of why the hunger goes from manageable to ravenous so quick & so extreme?


  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yes. P90x and insanity both. The trick was I had to increase my protien and make sure I net 1200 calories a day to get through it. I know why your protien is lower, but it really is important.
  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    I know, I can't seem to get above the mid90s in protein daily. I may have to check out some protein bars. I think my problem is I really like how I eat now and have found my groove in knocking off some pounds. But maybe I can add in a nut/protein bar snack in the midam (the one meal I usually end up not fitting in) after my workout.
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    You don't necessarily have to get bars as there are many powdered protein supplements out there as well these days. Watch the protein bars. I have a hard time finding in that are high protein without bringing along all the carbs and sugar. The nice thing about the supplements is that you can add it to other things like a smoothie, or dump a scoop in a glass of juice, yogurt, or even just mix it with water. I think several people have incorporated it into all kinds of recipes as well.

    Although you may have dietary restrictions that preclude you from using them so it might not be an option. The most common base for the powders out there is whey protein. Hope that helps some or at least gives you some "food" for thought.
  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks! Yeah, after doing a search for protein bars, I read that most aren't very nutritious and if they are, they are expensive (I'm a cheapskate...why I'm totally uninformed about supplements). I went back through my diary & wrote down my high protein meals. Also, after some quick research, looks like my protein should be closer to I think I'll play with my meals and see if I can't get a good mix. I usually have a good 100-200 calories that I waste, so If I can control my sweettooth, I should be able to get it to work. If not, I'll do some research on the different whey proteins and see ask the doc first.
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    The sweet tooth is a killer for a lot of people. My Dad developed Type II diabetes in his late 50s so it caused me to start watching my sugar intake, especially since my brother was showing borderline number migrating toward getting it himself for a time.