Weight loss stalled!

Last year I did body revolution plus gym workouts and kept my calories around 1200. My the end of May I lost 38 lbs and I had began in January 2012. Then we moved, I got really depressed and ate like a horse and gained it all back plus some! So two weeks ago I started Jillian again incorporating in some of her other workouts in addition to body revolution. In 2 weeks I've barely lost anything!!! At a current weight of 208 should I be eating more because that's what I'm getting from other blogs. I have to be very regimented with my diet or else I fall off the wagon and stop trying. Please help!!! I'm drinking 80+ ounces of water, drinking no soda or juice and not eating carbs after lunch. Also I am eating lots of greens and good proteins. I want to get advice before I give up again which I don't want to do. Also, I burn about 500 calories doing one Jillian workout and I do 1 to 2 a day and take 1 rest day a week.


  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    I'm not sure you're burning as many calories as you think you are...unless you've tracked yourself using a hrm, in which case, please ignore me. You might want to consider upping calories as you're working out a lot. Your body needs fuel and a 1200 calorie diet might be acceptable for someone who is relatively sendentary, but for someone as active as you are... Also, if you've yo-yo'd before, you might be struggling with what your body has begun to realise is a chain of events that leads to it losing fat stores. Bodies do not like this so will cling on for dear life. Relax a little, give yourself some time and don't worry about how long its taking. Exercising and eating right is the path to take and for some of us, its a more scenic route, but we'll all get there in the end. Don't give up! You're doing the right thing by getting yourself HEALTHY!

  • Chelsund
    Chelsund Posts: 8
    Yeah I do use a hr monitor. Thank you!! Encouragement is what I need at this point :)
  • kete05
    kete05 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow. Sounds like you are doing everything right! The only thing I can figure is that you are not eating enough. The BR program recommends 1200 calories but I assume if you are doubling up the calories have to increase as well. Maybe your body assumes you are starving and metabolism is low? I would say eat back half of your exercise calories. But don't get discouraged. You are doing a great job and think of how awesome you felt at 40 lbs lighter! We are the same, I am 208 and need to lose 40 at least. Keep pushing along. I have only lost 5 pounds in 4 weeks but I just measured and I have lost a good amount of inches. Good luck to you!
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    Last year I did body revolution plus gym workouts and kept my calories around 1200. My the end of May I lost 38 lbs and I had began in January 2012. Then we moved, I got really depressed and ate like a horse and gained it all back plus some! So two weeks ago I started Jillian again incorporating in some of her other workouts in addition to body revolution. In 2 weeks I've barely lost anything!!! At a current weight of 208 should I be eating more because that's what I'm getting from other blogs. I have to be very regimented with my diet or else I fall off the wagon and stop trying. Please help!!! I'm drinking 80+ ounces of water, drinking no soda or juice and not eating carbs after lunch. Also I am eating lots of greens and good proteins. I want to get advice before I give up again which I don't want to do. Also, I burn about 500 calories doing one Jillian workout and I do 1 to 2 a day and take 1 rest day a week.

    I stayed at 1200 for the first phase and lost around 15 lbs, but I have since switched up my calories a little and upped them just a tad. I also have a desk job and even though I mostly get 2 dvd's in a day - the rest of my day is just sitting. it sounds like you are on the right track - just stick to it and give yourself time to adjust. KEEP PUSHING PLAY! :)