Paleo on Pinterest

kmdavis1105 Posts: 16 Member
I have been stockpiling some Paleo recipes on Pinterest, for when I go strict Paleo starting April 1st (I'm weaning onto it). Feel free to check out my Paleo recipes at:

I'm looking for more recipes to add, and would love to follow others who pin Paleo recipes! Pinterest is a great way to save recipes and come back to them when you're looking for something new to cook!

I don't eat beef, and limit my pork intake, so you wont see much of that on there. May consider adding Organic/Grass-Fed beef into my diet, if I feel the need or get bored with chicken, turkey and fish. :)

Feel free to add me! (on MFP and Pinterest!) I'd love to have more support as I start my Paleo journey.
