best type of yoga for beginner

Hi everyone!! I am new to yoga, and by new I mean I have never done it before! I just signed up for to try it out (too shy right now to try any classes in person, but maybe if I get better I'll try one out) and they have classes for just about every different type of yoga it's a bit overwhelming.

I know some types are more intense than others and was wondering what type y'all would recommend to start out with?? Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks!!


  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    it depends what you want to get out of your yoga practice. you can try this quiz, or similar ones:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Here's a nice explanation of the major schools

    I started out with a teacher who was trained initially as an Iyengar teacher, but who went on to study restorative yoga and yoga therapy and created her own style. So, my classes were very focused on alignment and we used a lot of props.

    Try a couple of classes, beginner or mixed level. Sometimes you have to give it a try.
  • ilovemaisy
    I would stay away from anything called power yoga, or bikram. Power goes fast and if you don't know the poses or aren't 100% comfortable you won't leave feeling confident. Bikram is hot on top of hard so I don't think it's good for beginners.

    My old studio had an 'intro' class once a month which was awesome! I went twice just to be sure I was doing the poses correctly and to ask 'stupid' questions. Maybe you can find a place that offers that.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm also new to yoga, all though I did try the Hot Yoga last summer as I found a groupon for it. There were newbies like me and advanced people but the instructor was great and help out the newbies and explained how and why we did each pose. You sure did get a great sweat and stretch! I've recently decided to look further into incorporating Yoga into my exercise routing. I did a search on You Tube for yoga for beginners. There are a lot of them. I tried a morning stretch video that was 20 minutes and that was wonderful. Check out You Tube and that way you can practice in the privacy of your home. Check out this link to
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    try hatha.. it's slower and great for beginners. but i find that the teacher is as important as what type of class it is. some teachers are great for advanced yogis, some are slower which is great for beginners. you really have to try it out yourself to see which teachers you like. but hatha is a good start i think. if you like hot, it's also great for beginners, just make sure you are hydrated!