Had my first shot of T today...what can i expect?

cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
I have been losing weight and working out doing compound lifts with progressively heavier weights. I've still have a lot of weight to lose, but all of my blood work is coming back really good with the exception of testosterone. I had it checked at my heaviest and is was just under 200 and even after my weight loss and lifting, it came back last week still right under 200. So today was my first T shot and I'm kinda psyched to see if this helps with weight loss and muscle gain...just don't know.

Any thoughts from men on gel or shots currently?


  • I also just started and I feel great. I'm eager to get my bloodwork back to see how my numbers have increased. I'm also interested in other men's experiences with taking T.
  • liftingcoach
    liftingcoach Posts: 65 Member
    I've been on the injected Depa Testosterone for several years now. Like anything else, it is not an immediate change, but rather over time the Testosterone will build up. Overall, you should feel more energetic, and notice a greater benefit from your workouts. Its not a cure all, quick fix. You won't be superman tomorrow,, but over time you will feel normal again. Even if you forgot what normal felt like!!
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Yep, definitely forgot what normal should feel like. After much reading and further research, I am having a hard time finding a Dr. that specializes in TRT in my immediate area without having to drive 2-3 hours. And it seems like I might be more informed about this topic than my regular Dr. and maybe even the endocrinologist I just saw a couple of days ago as I'm the one having to suggest what blood tests I want run. Neither one of them even suggested or mentioned anything about testing my HGH or IGF-1, though the endo did recommend testing my Prolactin level to see if anything "wonky" was going on with the Pituitary gland. So at least she brought one new piece of info to the table.