Introduce Yourself

kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
We need a place to introduce ourselves, so here it is. I'll have to do my intro later; I'm at work and really need to get busy instead of playing around on MFP! :wink:


  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm a survivor of sexual abuse from about 3-10 I dont remember a lot and I was raped at 15, then met my abusive ex at 17 who was mentally emotionally and sexually abusive for years, I still have problems with him he used to insult my weight but also refused to let me eat properly he controlled everything and I had no chance to eat as I wanted so I put 3 stone on.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I'm glad he is an EX!

    I often wonder if I should change the title of this group to Survivors of Abuse. It's not just sexual abuse that leaves serious scars and food issues behind! Emotional and physical abuse will do it, too.
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm glad he is an EX!

    I often wonder if I should change the title of this group to Survivors of Abuse. It's not just sexual abuse that leaves serious scars and food issues behind! Emotional and physical abuse will do it, too.

    I think so but CSA is a common abbreviation, I think abuse of all kinds is probably more open.
  • Up to you guys, but I kind of think different types of abuse affect people in very different ways. I think you gain more support if you have members that can specifically relate to your past and what you're dealing with. Again, up to you guys though.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I've actually seen different types of abuse have much the same effect on people, but I also like keeping this group specific, as it keeps it smaller and cozier. I think it makes it easier for people to open up, knowing that the only people reading it are people who have experienced similar situations. There are so many groups on MFP, that I'm sure there are other groups for families of alcholics, and domestic abuse, and all that sort of thing.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I agree to keep it to this specific type of abuse. I have survived both types, and they had very different effects on me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am a survivor also. Nice to meet you all.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hello everyone - I'm called icimani - ici for short.

    I'm a survivor of CSA, nearing the end of my healing journey with an excellent therapist. For me, losing the weight is a way of finding myself again, and a way of learning to fly.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm a CSA survivor. Developed PTSD as a result of it. Many years with a good therapist have me in a healed and healthy place. I started my "weight loss/get healthy journey" more as the result of a breakup (and doctor visit wake up call). All of it ties in, though. Body-Mind-Spirit working together to get me to happiness in life.

    I'm 5 pounds from my goal weight. I hope I can offer support and encouragement to all of you.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Hello I'm a survivor of physical and mental abuse from my father. I have many wounds that took years to mend. So thankful to have a supportive loving husband, he loved me though the low times and repeatedly told me that me dad was a big baby and it took him a long time to grow up. I was sexually molested at 3-5 years old. I remembered my step grandfather waking me up early and having doughnuts while touching me. Thank GOD he live out of state, so this happened a handful of times. Was also molested by a female baby sitter made me do things I didn't want to do. Told her I didn't want to do it, but she forced it on me. I think she was scared I would tell, because it never happened again. Was raped as a virgin at 16 , by my best friend, brothers best friend. Would have never seen that coming, because he was such a attractive smart guy. He new 6 languages at 18 and was learning Japanese, because he wanted to become the ambassador to Japan. Two years later I ran into his younger brother and he looked down his nose at me and called me a slut. I was strong and had my wits about me and said without missing a beat that his brother is a rapist. I think it shook him up : ).
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Hi. I just joined this group yesterday. Survivor of CSA and a few others. I'll post more later.
  • dubist
    dubist Posts: 279 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am a survivor also.
  • I am a woman, who was created for a purpose and a reason. I did not remember what was holding me back from being the best version of myself, until a couple of years ago. My husband walked into my life and loved me unconditionally exactly where I was at that time. I had a safe place to remember and begin to heal with him by my side. I have had a relationship with God, but God was able to use him to show me practically what love without conditions is like. In the past year I haven't talked with my family, they have chosen not to believe me because the abuse involved some family members. It has been a very hard year, but very freeing. I am discovering who I am for the first time. The last piece of the puzzle that is holding me back from being all I can be is my weight. I have used it as a physical barrier to others, and it gives me a false sense of security. I have hated my body for a very long time. I have felt that at times it has betrayed me and needed to be punished. This is a lie. I am not hurting anyone but myself by not treating my body in a healthy way. I am learning to listen to when I am hungry and attempting to reconnect to understand it more. I know this may seem silly to those who haven't been abused, but it is a daily battle for me to stay present with what is happening in my body. I am finally committed, and surrendered to being healthy. This is a gift for all the crap my body has been through by me and others. Thanks for being here.:smile:
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member

    This group isn't very active, but I happened to see your name - welcome!

    It sounds like you've come a long way. That's so great to hear!
    Feel free to send me a friend request. There are just some things that non-survivors can't understand, and it's good to have some friends who 'get it'.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I see no one has posted in a few months but I thought I'd join anyway. I'm Rachel, I'm a survivor of both physical abuse (mother) and sexual abuse and sodomy (multiple abusers) and I'm just starting my journey to healing. The physical abuse lasted around 18 years and the sexual abuse went on for about 11 years. I, like others, use food as an armor to repel men. This started as my early years of being a teenager towards the end of the abuse. I'm scared but I know this is something I need to get through so I can live the life I've always wanted.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Welcome, Rachel.

    Good for you for taking those first steps toward healing. It is scary and it's a lot of work, but it's a journey worth taking!
  • My name is Andrea. I was molested by my older brother's friend.
  • jkprof
    jkprof Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone, i'm jan. i like the group focus because body recovery has so much to do with emotional eating, CSA, and approaches to support recovery (health and emotion). i'm pretty much an emotional eater and MFP helps me monitor carefully--which i like. the connections to CSA are obvious. I struggle with anxiety and depression (as many on here) and i find that the exercise is the part that helps me sleep well enough to function in the world.

    i've had a down turn the last 2 weeks. the scale is still lower than it had been but after 6 or 8 weeks of cardio, weights and yoga and 10lbs lost i've really lost my body gains--it is frustrating. i want to give up; but i cannot. i want to have a healthy life. Any encouragement welcomed. jk
  • jkprof
    jkprof Posts: 20 Member
    hi Andrea, sorry for your losses; How does MFP help you?
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hi Jan,

    Wlecome to the group!
    i've had a down turn the last 2 weeks. the scale is still lower than it had been but after 6 or 8 weeks of cardio, weights and yoga and 10lbs lost i've really lost my body gains

    I'm curious - and not sure what you mean by losing weight, increasing yourhelath, but losing "body gains"?

    Don't give up! It's a long haul and it'a lot of work - but it's worth it. It's an investment in YOU!