Any Christian SAHMs?

Louder4 Posts: 57 Member
Hi ladies,
Looking for other Christian SAHM friends. I am blessed to be able to stay home with our kids and even though we live on a tight budget, I wouldn't trade it for the world! We have 4 kids-10, 8, 3, 1!


  • grace4u2receive
    grace4u2receive Posts: 333 Member

    I'd love to be a friend! Looks like we have a lot in common just reading your profile. I'm also a stay at home mother of a 8, 7 and 2 1/2 year old. I used to live in Colorado, which I miss in a lot of ways. I'm looking to get in shape to keep up with my kids. Also my husband went through cancer treatment, that was an eye opening experience to our health. Now I'm trying to be a good example and encourage him to eat healthier and exercise.

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  • SunshineBB30
    SunshineBB30 Posts: 18 Member
    I am a Christian SAHM of two precious boys ( 3 and 4) and I just found out I am pregnant with #3:) Had used MFP to get to my goal weight. Was almost there when I found out I was pregnant. I am 20 pounds lighter than when I got preggo with #2 so I am excited about that. Still planning to log my food and stay active on MFP so I can be accountable and not gain a ton. Goal is 25 pounds.
  • jenniferitzep
    jenniferitzep Posts: 66 Member
    Im also a stay at home mom two boys 7&5. We just loss our 3 baby due to miscarriage but I would love some Christian encouragement and friendship.I love being able to be with my children . I had to with my oldest he is hearing impaired with a few other problems and we were at doctor s weekly then with number 2 it didnt seem fair to mis out on what I shared with the first and now I just love it I'm so blessed to be able to share in their life this much.

    God bless.
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    I've just joined the group! I'm a Christian SAHM of a 6month old girl. I'm a new SAHM and its been quite an adjustment, but I love being with my daughter. Cutting down to one salary has been tough, but through God's grace, we've been making it. I gained a rediculous amount of weight during my pregnancy 33kgs/ 72' and I'm only 4'8"!!!!, and need to loose it and more to be able to be the best mommy and wife for my family. I've lost 16kgs/ 35' so far, but its been tough. But I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!!!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I just joined the group. I'm a SAHM of three kids...two girls ages five and three, and a sixteen month old boy. Being a SAHM mom was a big adjustment, but by the first or second year I stopped subbing at all because I had finally made the adjustment and had found it was easier to stay at home. I gained a ton of weight after our second child and then lost quite a bit. But kiddo number three wrecked that. Apparently my body is one that will hold onto fat when preggers no matter what I do. So now I'm slowly dropping it again. Sending requests out to all you wonderful ladies and anyone can feel free to add me. :)
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    Me! I've been a SAHM for almost a year. I have been on MFP on and off since January 2012. I am just getting back into it, today actually, and I would love to expand my friend list. Adding Christian SAHM would be great!