Let's get to know eachother -- Self-introduction



  • 5hellz
    5hellz Posts: 63 Member
    How much would you like to lose by the end of the Spring into Summer 2013 challenge??

    Lets get to know each other -- Where are you from? What is your favorite color, season, food, television series, books, and hobby? Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? What are your favorite workout routines? RAMBLE ON MY FRIENDS!! lol :) Feel free to add your own questions to the mix! Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Hi everyone! The name is Shelley and I call the great state of Alabama home!! That's right, I'm a Bama girl through and through!! I'll start with the things mentioned in the intro then add a few of my own. My favorite color is green, it's bright and happy and always reminds me of spring and summer. My favorite season is Spring because in Alabama, Spring is the prettiest to me =) My favorite food is my husband's grilled chicken breast! I have several favorite television series but a few of those in order are: "True Blood", "The Walking Dead", "Dallas", "Smallville", "Supernatural", and "Double Divas" (my son watches all but "True Blood" with me). My favorite books are anything that can catch my attention in the description on the back. I love to read! My hobby is anything that lets me spend time with my family, We will play soccer, tennis, walk the bike trail, play the PS3 or XBox together.

    Now to my own additions....lol. Like I said, my name is Shelley, and have been with my husband for 17 years. We are the type of couple who does everything fast. We met one day, moved in together two days later, married a month later, had our first boy a year later, and our second boy three years later. He had 3 children (boy, girl, and boy) from previous relationships that completed our family. So now we have a 14 yr old, 16 yr old, 19 yr old, 20 yr old, and 21 yr old. Has it always been easy? Heck no!! Have there been times where I thought prison would probably have been easier? Definitely =) But would I have it any other way? No. Every struggle, every obstacle, every mistake has made us appreciate each other more.

    We had to have a horrific tragedy occur in the family to open our eyes and realize that all the hours at work will never replace what we are missing out on. And even though I have always been a stay-at-home mom, he worked 70-80 hours a week so I was basically mom and dad to 4 of the 5 kids. We opened our eyes and decided to change things. Now we go to the beach every year no matter what is going on, we never miss a soccer game, we go to the movies at least once a month, and we have all the kids in the house at the same time at least once a year. That's hard because the oldest lives 4 states away! But it happens and the kids understand why it's so important.

    My health journey began January 13th because I am tired of looking in the mirror and being disgusted with what I see. I'm tired of being winded everytime I climbed the stairs in the house. I want to be healthy and I want to enjoy watching my children live life and one day enjoy my grandchildren.

    Feel free to add me and look forward to all of us meeting our goals together!!

  • sfgiants122
    sfgiants122 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! My name's Christy and I lost some weight last year by training for a triathlon, but after it was over I scaled waaay back. Time to finish what I started :)

    Right now I'm completing my last semester of law school and would like to lose around 30 pounds by the end of the challenge. That would put me at my goal weight. I want to lose the first 15 by mid-May so I can fit into my graduation dress that I already bought that's too tight, and the rest by the end of July. I will be taking the bar then, and shortly thereafter taking my dream trip to a place where I will be in a bathing suit for most of the time...

    I love the google doc; what a great way to keep track of everyone's progress! Good luck everyone, and let's drop some pounds...

  • AngelavdH
    AngelavdH Posts: 37
    Hi guys,

    I'm Angela, 23 years old and from The Netherlands :). I'm working during the week (desk job) and play badminton and games in my free time. Also doing some work outs in the weekend.

    I lost about 5 lbs (2.3 kg) now and want to lose about 25 lbs in total.

    I'm very curious how all the results of everyone will be in 16 weeks'!!
  • Hey everyone. My name is Amy. I live in eastern Massachusetts. I'm 23 years old and the highest weight I've ever been.
    -Favorite color is pink.
    -Favorite season is summer! Duh! :)
    -Food is anything with cheese and carbs. Which is what got me here in the first place.
    -My favorite workouts are ones that don't feel like a chore. I love taking long walks and exploring new place.

    CW: 176
    GW for this challenge: 158
    Ultimate goal weight: 140 by the end of the summer

    Good luck everyone!!! :happy:
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Hi! I have a vacation in July, lots of beaches and shorts and tank tops since it's in Orlando... so I started weight training yesterday! I want to lose pounds, but I'm mainly focused on inches. I want to be able to comfortably wear shorts and tank tops this summer. My starting weight is 209.8, I'd love to be 179 but I made my goal 185 to be more realistic. I wear a size 16 and my goal is size 12.

    My current routine is stronglifts 5x5 3x a week, plus a little cardio and walking here and there. I currently follow the keto diet and may switch to CKD or paleo for my lifting.

    Location: Illinois
    Fav. color: Purple
    Season: Spring
    Food: unhealthy - pizza healthy - spinach and eggs
    TV: Rupaul's drag race :P
    Books: naughty books?
    Hobby: writing/rping, cooking, reading
    Favorite workouts: Zumba and Kickboxing

    I'm pretty excited about this challenge, good luck everyone!
  • Charbyte
    Charbyte Posts: 18 Member
    hey I'm Charlene. I have about 30lbs to go. My current goal is 140. When I see that number I'll set the next one. One thing at a time.

    this challenge will be perfect timing for me I think by July I should be close. Tomorrow I'm starting Turbo Jam workout plan. I need to up my cardio which I hate. I think I can should be able to stick with Turbo Jam from what I've seen so far.

    My eating needs some serious work. I'm fine during the week, during the day but weekends I'm off schedule, there are cocktails involved. My dinners while healthy for the most part there is a need for portion control. I think my eating will be more of a challenge than getting the workouts in. Either way I'm doing this!

    I'm a Chicago girl. Divorced. and recently bought size 12 jeans from 16. If that didn't give a boost I can't tell you. Its been quite some time since I was comfortable in a 12. Next stop 10s

    My current weight is 167
    My goal for this challenge: 152
  • hira12jan
    hira12jan Posts: 12 Member
    hey, Im Hira...I have about 35 lbs to go but if i get to 150 it will be like a dream come true. I was 150 bfr my kids, it has been impossible for me to stay on track. Just sick of this really want to get rid of my weight. Current :188 (183 as of today) , oh also I am jucing but i do take like a mango or something when that chocolate fever strikes :D
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Hi there! I'm Stormy and this sounds and looks like a perfect group for me! I need to lose around 30 pounds...I would be happy with 20 by the end of this challenge.

    Current weight 180
    Challenge goal weight 160
    Favorite color: blue
    food: pizza
    TV show: any of the real housewives ones :noway:
    Workout: Cathe Friedrich for strengh training, running, jazzercize and Turbofire

    Can't wait to start!
  • Chejan
    Chejan Posts: 183 Member
    Hi all!

    I have quite a bit of weight to lose, about 85 lbs. I don't know what its like to be at a healthy weight, so I'm trying to get there. I haven't lost as much weight as I would like to (yet), but I have gotten rid of a lot of my bad habits that caused me to struggle with my weight. With this challenge I hope to see some real progress.

    Good luck everyone :smile:
  • VickyDG88
    VickyDG88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all :)

    Scottish girl here, 24 yrs old.

    Current weight: 234.5lbs

    Currently on a journey to lose 100lbs! ... I always lose around a stone or under then add it all back on plus more in a matter of months....As of this week I have lost 17lbs since January 6th 2013. Hoping this challenge will motivate me for the summer (IF Scotland gets a summer that is!) and to hopefully lose 30lbs in this time :)

    Goal weight for this challenge: 204.5lbs

    Good luck everyone

  • Cara85K
    Cara85K Posts: 122
    Hi Everyone! Hope its not to late for me to join on to this group!

    My name is Cara and I'm from Texas. I started losing weight again this January and have lost about 20lbs so far. A couple years ago I lost about 55 lbs doing WW but had gained most of it back. I am much more motivated this time! I started really trying to work out hard this january. I am currently on Week 4 of C25k and I also do a lot of spinning at my gym. My ultimate goal is to be about 170 lbs, which will be almost 90 lbs from my starting weight. For this challenge I"m starting at 238 lbs and would like to be down to 208 lbs by July. I see this as an attainable goal.

    Where are you from? I was born in Texas and currently live here but I grew up all over the south.
    What is your favorite color: green
    season: Fall-the leaves, the sports, the weather I love all of it!
    food: probably Mexican food!
    television series: I love Downtown Abbey!
    hobby: I quilt a lot...its a weird hobby I guess but I love it!
    Where would you visit if you could visit any place in the world!!?? -- and why? I'd like to go to Europe...I've never been out of the US.
    What are your favorite workout routines? I started doing the C25k and I've really started to enjoy running!
  • thinkskinnythoughts
    thinkskinnythoughts Posts: 14 Member
    Greetings Everyone!

    My name is Yasmine. I am 32 years old and I reside in San Francisco, California. Over the next year I would like to lose about 100 pounds.

    My Favorite Color: Pink
    My Favorite Season: Spring
    My Favorite Food: Cajun and Italian
    My Favorite Television: Supernatural, Grimm, American Horror Story, Castle, Criminal Minds
    My Favorite Book: Anything by Jillian Michaels, Rick Riordan, and J.R. Ward
    My Favorite Hobby: Knitting, Sewing, Browsing the Internet, Photography, Traveling, Dollhouses
    My Favorite Destinations: Bahamas, New York, Paris, Rome
    My Favorite Workout Routines: Walking and Zumba (Wii or Classes)

    My motivation for losing weight: I want to change my eating habits and be more healthy. I also want to avoid getting diabetes (it runs in my family) and other health issues that are associated with obesity. I also want to be able to shop in clothing store that are NOT plus size.........Goodbye Lane Bryant, Torrid and Avenue!! Overall, I just want to feel good about myself and be confident about my body.
  • dreejay
    dreejay Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so excited about this challenge. It's lovely to meet you all!

    My name is Dree. I'm 22 years old and I'm currently a Masters candidate. I also work part-time at a health and beauty shop, so I seem to be always talking about hairspray and mascara. I am Irish-American, having spent half of my life in the USA and the latter half in Ireland. Red is my favorite colour - my nails are always red, it's probably mildly OCD. I blog and tweet, all that social media stuff, I love celebrity gossip, and I knit and read in my spare time. I am a TV person: Veronica Mars and Everwood are my favourite shows, alongside Friday Night Lights, which I am bawling my way through at the moment.

    For the weight-related portion, I've been overweight since I was eight years old. I reached 215-225 lbs at my highest weight when I was eighteen. I'm 5'3, if that helps you picture things. I lost about 30 lbs on my own when I left home for college and joined Weight Watchers with a friend later in my freshman year. I lost 25 lbs with Weight Watchers and another 5 lbs after I quit {college student problems}. In the four years since I have yo-yoed from 155 to 180 lbs and re-joined and quit Weight Watchers two more times. I am currently sitting at 170 lbs and I am hoping to reach a goal of 135 lbs, which I haven't seen in my adult life, and take it from there. I am attempting to loosely follow WW principles but really watch my calories and exercise by walking in and out of Dublin city each day and using Jillian Michaels DVDs. I love the community behind MFP - I need that guilt factor!
  • Makers72
    Makers72 Posts: 65
    Hey everyone! My name is Matt from Columbus, Ohio. Just so you know I plan on winning this :)

    I wish everyone well and if you need any support or conversation, I your guy! :)

  • michiganmanda
    michiganmanda Posts: 43 Member
    My name is Amanda. I'm 43 pounds down from my top ever weight of 230 (5'10"). I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding in September and our honeymoon in Hawaii. I love golfing and am trying to love biking... I'm hoping it will finally warm up in Michigan so I can get to it. I'm currently doing a 10k steps challenge at work.

    I'm 24 and I work in the environmental department of a major transportation company. I live with my fiance who is an electrical engineer and we both have 40 minute commutes which makes exercising harder. Lately we've been watching the new Vikings show on showtime. We have a 30 gallon aquarium.... Also he cooks most of the time so I don't have as much control over what i eat for dinner all the time. I really need to learn to cook. If anybody has any easy recipes for dinner I'm all ears!
  • Hello,
    My name is Melissa and I'm from Ontario, Canada. I'm 26 and I'm a stay at home mom and have a 5 year old boy. My goal for this summer is to finally feel confident in my own skin... inside and out. I may not have the most to lose, but I've been carrying these extra pounds for too long already. I'm ready to get healthy and stay healthy!

    Favourite Colour: Blue and purple
    Season: Summer
    Food: Italian
    Television Series: Cougar Town, 90210, 2 Broke Girls, Hart of Dixie
    Books: I like most anything by Stephen King
    Hobby: Scrapbooking, reading
    Visit any place in the world: I would love to go to Alaska. Why? The northern lights, the icebergs, the sites...it just looks so beautiful to me
    Favorite workout routines: Turbofire and most P90X, walking, biking
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hi Gang!

    I am glad to be a part of this challenge! I came from the New Year New You challenge and it was AWESOME! God has truly blessed me with the groups and with my new lifestyle change!

    I'm 45 and working on getting my health in order. I have a 16 yo son who tells me when my form is wrong and teaches me how to do things correctly - I LOVE it!!! and he LOVES showing me how to workout correctly! It's awesome!

    I started out at 284 pounds a little over year ago (December 2011). I'm now at 177.5. My goal for this challenge is 155. My ultimate goal is from 135 - 140, we'll see when I get there. The point is to be HEALTHY!!!!

    Best of luck to you in your goals!!! :flowerforyou:
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Clint. Nice to meet you all. I am 42 years old and live in a small town in Wisconsin. I have 105.7 more pounds to lose. (not that I am counting bahahahaa) My goal for the 15 week challenge is to lose 56 pounds. Good luck to you all.

    Favorite Color: Green
    Favorite Season: Baseball Season
    Favorite Food: Pizza
    Favorite Television: Stand Up Comedy, Milwaukee Brewers
    Favorite Book: Fighting Back:The Rocky Blier Story
    Favorite Hobby: Do an internet radio show, writing
    Favorite Destinations: Not sure yet
    Favorite Workout Routines: Riding the fake bike and walking the Dog Vincent
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm new to MFP since Feb. I have hypothyroidism, stage II hypertension and since 2005, have gained over 60 lbs. Since joining MPS, my wife and I have made some of the necessary lifestyle changes, improving the quality of food we eat, reducing the quantity, and exercising with more regularity...doing this right and for the long haul is our goal. Since 1/31, I am down 13 lbs...with another 40+ to go.

    Hi Luna,

    I wanted to let you know, that I also have hypothyroidism. I actually have no thyroid. They had to remove it because of cancer. I did gain weight in part because of it. But you CAN lose weight even with this disease! I've lost OVER 100 pounds so far and I am NOT done yet! :) Congratulations on your lifestyle changes and on losing the weight you've already lost!!! :flowerforyou: Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like...

    ~ Bethany
  • LucilleHighball
    LucilleHighball Posts: 107 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have plateued now for about 3 months, looking for some new motivation to keep going. I have lost 33 pounds, and have another 25ish to go.

    I joined MFP almost a year ago, its been slow and steady until the beginning of this year. I did a challenge during the holidays and it was super helpful.