BEFORE pictures

SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
I'm posting this thread so we can all share our before pictures (if you're brave enough :bigsmile: ) and then share our after pictures in 28 days. I'm so excited! Aren't you? :)

178.4lbs Saturday March 16, 2013: Starting weight for challenge
Need to lose 7.1 lbs to hit 4% lost.


  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member

    This is me at 270lbs beginning this journey. Can't wait to see everyone's results in a months time :D
  • Brenda1636
    Brenda1636 Posts: 36 Member
    How do you post pictures here?
  • iamfitcat
    iamfitcat Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, how do you share a photo?
  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I went to photobucket, uploaded my photo, and then copied the image code. When I pasted it here, I changed the IMG to img so the picture wasn't super huge. Hope that helps! :)
  • 2zz135y.jpg

    Hope this works. Sorry the pic stinks, and no I am not preg, I have Diastasis Recti that will not close.
  • That smile on your face says you got this!! Can't wait for tomorrow and to cheer each other on.
  • First Post - Is there a way to enlarge the font size?? This is hard on my 56 year old eyes. I will attempt a Before pic.

    I recently retired from working as nurse/miner in the coal industry. I need to lose 25 lbs. I have been a chronic yo-yo dieter for years.

    Anyhoo here goes the pic test. I really avoid camera's so don't expect much. Can't wait to post the after.

  • Angieis123
    Angieis123 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm going to post a pic tomorrow. I think it will
    Give me more motivation. And it's good to
    See how far you come.
  • Brenda1636
    Brenda1636 Posts: 36 Member
    I figured that's how you posted it but wanted to make sure. Thank you for the info.
