Struggles, Confessions, Obstacles....Lay them out here!



  • Nicolette_Karls

    I know the feeling! It's been a losing battle for me the past four years. But this is what I've learned recently: forget the number. Whatever the scale says is unimportant. What's important is being healthy, happy, and not going to extremes. Keep eating those veggies and fruits, keep the fats to a minimum, avoid processes foods, sugars, and grease. And don't forget: we're all human! We all make mistakes, and sometimes the number on the scale moves in a way we don't like, but as long as you keep exercising and eating healthy, then it will pay off in the long run. And, of course, everyone in this group is here for you! Good luck! =]
  • gasolean
    I'm 5'7" and weighed 120 when I got to my college. Now I'm 156 and feel horrible. I try and try and try but can't get back down. I've tried the unhealthy route the healthy route whatever. It never works. But this year, I hope I can pull through. :/
  • gasolean
    Are you me? Exact same issues. I weigh myself like a million times a day. Same issue with the guy too. And in the past I was way skinnier. Never diagnosed but 5'7" and ranging from 115 to 120
  • Nicolette_Karls
    Well, I've been responding to other people's posts (sorry for writing so much!), so I guess it's time for my own challenges.

    I think the greatest challenges have been mainly health related. I used to actively play volleyball and softball, which kept me occupied all year round. However, I began having knee problems from repeatedly hitting the floor, and a mass of scar tissue in my right knee tears whenever I do activity that is too strenuous. This caused me to quit volleyball, and thus lose my greatest cardio workout. Softball was a great workout until I couldn't breathe and almost blacked out during some bleacher runs. Turns out I have asthma and possibly a disease that causes my blood pressure to spike and then drop off. I find running on the treadmill too strenuous for my knee, and elliptical workouts are usually cut short by breathing difficulties and blackouts.

    These things have stopped me in the past, but I'm determined to fight through them, not only so that I can lose weight but so that I can be healthier and reduce the effects of my injuries.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Hey Guys!

    I feel you about the obstacles. I had them, and nothing but in the last five months of 2012.

    1) Tore my quad in July .. that was THE hugest downer and demotivator for me, because I love running so much.

    2) As soon as my quad healed, I started having problems with my running shoes. I have orthodics in my shoes and now for some reason they slip and slide around in my shoes when I run/walk/elliptical/whatever and shift out of place and make it really painful to do cardio, or I have to get off the machine I'm using, take off my shoes, take out the insert, adjust, put back in .. and repeat 10 minutes later. It just became a nuisance to work out. (If anyone has any tips for this, please message me!)

    3) My Dad had a heart attack in mid-October and it put me in a huge funk food and exercise wise for the longest time, because they weren't and still aren't sure if he'll live but things are looking up now.

    4) I FINALLLY got out of my funk three weeks later and started hitting the gym again. Not two days after, my at the time boyfriend and I were in a car accident on the November long weekend during a road trip. I had a separated ac joint in my shoulder and was told to keep sedentary by the doctor I saw until today actually.

    2012 .. lets hope you're better to me .. and fix my shoe problem sooner!

    I am also a total compulsive weigher.

    Damn! I had no idea all this went down the last year! I'm sorry girl... 2011 was not kind to you huh... 2012 will probably be better then!!! :D

    I hope your shoe thing gets fixed... maybe its slippin everywhere in your shoe cause you need new ones or new shoes... cause your feet are shrinking P:
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    One of my major struggles (that I'll definitely deal with this season) is that I hate the cold. I am guilty of parking as close as possible on these days, even when I know that I need that extra 100 feet of walking across the lot, just because I can't deal with beach wind biting through my jackets. And ANYTHING below 65 F is cold to me. :P

    I'm also a boredom eater and made a habit of eating cafeteria McMuffins between breaks at a new job a few years ago... hence why I'm here today. :noway: I am/I was a frequent vending machine shopper, even when I wasn't hungry, just to have something extra to do. Both of these issues are about to pose a pain in the *kitten*, but I'm tired of being like this, and with results showing already, I'm determined to stay on board with the program that works. :)
  • morgylou
    Ok here goes. Well, I am 20 years old, about to start my third year in college. As long as I can think back, I'm talking like 5 or 6 years old, I can remember looking at myself and being totally disgusted, feeling as if I was too fat. Looking back now, I really wasn't, for a short time in middle school I was a little chubby, but never EVER have I been overweight. Why the self loathing then? People always say that it comes from looking in magazines and seeing skinny models, or from TV, or movie stars, but for some people like me, it's not. My friends and family have never told me I look fat, or ugly, it's just a mental thing.

    Although I am able to recognize this now, and say it out loud, that "I am not fat, I am not ugly," daily life is still hard. Those thoughts still haunt me every moment of the day. The only thing that I know can help me feel better, is to become totally fit, with a rockin bod. It may be superficial, but I truly need it, not for anyone else, for me. I need my own approval.

    That being said, in highschool I always had this self loathing, but I never did anything about it. It wasn't until junior year that I decided to join soccer. I figured, why not, doing SOMETHING is better than NOTHING. But that is not the case. Yes, I worked my *kitten* off in practice, I became happy, and dedicated to the team. I was SO strong compared to now. But I still ate whatever I wanted. Hot cheetohs, mcdonalds, and slurpies. I thought that if I did the work, I could reward myself. NO NO NO. I just wasn't educated on diet and exercise! That was when I weight the most EVER, 165 lbs, and I HATED myself, even though I had all this potential. I was strong, and I could run, fast, and for long lengths. Once I graduated, soccer was done. That summer I played with the team still almost every day. I realized that I had not done anything to make myself feel better. I was so lost, so I stopped everything, and figured I was a lost cause.

    As a result, yes, I did end up losing weight over the next few years, but not by exercising or eating healthy. I would skip meals frequently, and really all I ended up losing was my muscle. I can't even do one push-up without struggling today, back then I could do 50, easily. My normal weight since the beginning of last year has been 145 lbs. But I am not fit, and I am still loathing.

    This past spring, in March, I started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 days, and I stuck to it for two weeks, I felt AMAZING, and dedicated. People were noticing the transformation. It's silly to say, because it WAS only two weeks, but I was doing her workout and diet plan, plus running four miles a day on average. I really did feel great, and I was getting strong, and skinny, and healthy. And the biggest thing, was that I was starting to love myself. However, I went to visit my friend in GA over spring break, which was the start of my third week of ripped in 30, and I gave in to everything. I did my workout maybe twice that week, but I ate ANYTHING I wanted. Cookies, doughnuts, fast food, you name it. I told myself I would start completely over when I got back home. Needless to say that never happened. When we got home I did a little workout here and there, but I was still eating pretty much whatever I wanted. By some miracle, my weight got down to 128 ilbs for about 2 or 3 weeks. Idk if it was because my metabolism had built up or what, but I felt like it was some kind of miracle. I thought I would stay that way even if I did nothing to keep myself that way. Obviously that didn't work out. I am now back up 145 lbs. My weight I carried almost all in my mid section, which is even more embarassing. I know I'm not obese, but I can't take it any longer.

    I have been doing the on again off again thing for about two weeks again, but I just feel a lack of dedication. I don't understand how I can want something so badly and yet do the exact opposite of what I need?! But I really, really, really am trying.

    I am starting an exercise plan and diet plan that incorporates some of Jillian Michaels rippped in 30, and some of my own personal tricks. I want so badly to become this healthy skinny, strong person. This group reminded me that I am not alone in my struggle, and I just had to share some of my story. It really feels good to let it all out. If I get through this first month as I promised to myself, I hope to share with you guys my success next time!
  • lexerz47
    My biggest struggle is definitely eating out. My friends ALWAYS want to go out to eat, and it's tempting to go with them because they are my friends and sometimes i just get tired of dorm food. Not only does it totally wreak havoc on my health, but it also wreaks havoc on my bank account. I'm starting to get better at telling them "No," but that bacon cheeseburger or chicken strip basket is always tempting. Anyone else have this problem???
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    My biggest struggle is definitely eating out. My friends ALWAYS want to go out to eat, and it's tempting to go with them because they are my friends and sometimes i just get tired of dorm food. Not only does it totally wreak havoc on my health, but it also wreaks havoc on my bank account. I'm starting to get better at telling them "No," but that bacon cheeseburger or chicken strip basket is always tempting. Anyone else have this problem???

    Yes!! This is one of my biggest obstacles as well. It isn't even as much the eating out, although my bank account does hate me for it, but the fact that when I eat out my friends seem to always want to get an appetizer or dessert and then of course they all want to order drinks too... when it's all said and done I've downed way more calories than I originally intended. It's super frustrating. I do try to plan out what I'm going to order beforehand a lot of the time though which has been helpful. A lot of times I even log it before I go to the restaurant so that I'm less tempted to order a less healthy option after staring at the menu... it's still a big struggle though.

    Another confession is my addiction to Starbucks. :ohwell: I try to resist it, but when I'm passing by it on campus I always feel the need to stop and get something. Even the nonfat options are pretty calorie heavy too. I need to learn some better self control so that I can save my waistline and my wallet. Haha
  • MissKCMarie
    MissKCMarie Posts: 4 Member
    One of my major struggles (that I'll definitely deal with this season) is that I hate the cold. I am guilty of parking as close as possible on these days, even when I know that I need that extra 100 feet of walking across the lot, just because I can't deal with beach wind biting through my jackets. And ANYTHING below 65 F is cold to me. :P

    I'm also a boredom eater and made a habit of eating cafeteria McMuffins between breaks at a new job a few years ago... hence why I'm here today. :noway: I am/I was a frequent vending machine shopper, even when I wasn't hungry, just to have something extra to do. Both of these issues are about to pose a pain in the *kitten*, but I'm tired of being like this, and with results showing already, I'm determined to stay on board with the program that works. :)

    Girl, I feel you! I grew up in New England, so all my friends tease me. But there is nothing worse than the cold mornings. I'm such a wimp. This year I made the silly mistake of choosing to live in a house on the edge of campus, and I don't own a car... needless to say, it is so hard to venture out into the cold to hit the gym. Or even to hit the cafeteria, which isn't good when all you own is college food like pasta, popcorn, ramen.

    I also do not drink nearly enough water. Does anyone else have this problem? It's not like I think it tastes bad. It's just like... when I try to drink it, I just get so nauseas.

    Also, does anyone have any allergies? I'm allergic to dairy and eggs.