Weekly Chat 3/16 - 3/23

babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day... and my first 5k race. I'm feeling pretty good about it. The problems come in with my anxiety about the crowds (35,000+ participants over 4 races, not to mention all the supporters! Also, spring has come to Oregon... which means that my alergies are beginning... and my asthma is back. Crap. I have not had to use my inhaler for 3 months... and now I need it just sitting around my house. I'm not pleased.

Good Luck to all of you this week! I've had a slacker week on my end.. but all will be well again soon!


  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good luck on the race!!!! You know you have done well when you will be competing!!! WTG!!! That is a lot of people but you are going to do FANTASTIC!!! Sorry to hear about the allergies and asthma fla ring to life. We are expecting another snow storm today again :(

    I was happy earlier this week to see my scale drop pretty quick. IT took a 5 lb jump back up again today. I think I deserve the bloat though. Yesterdays menu consisted of a whopper and 3 margaritas. So bye bye fun day and back to beginning CTL again! It about gagged me to get my breakfast in within 30 min of waking but I did it. I toyed with the idea of going back to strict low carb but there is always that fall off the wagon and binge factor. That is not a factor in CTL. I just need to force the 5 small meals for a few days and all will be well. I shopped yesterday and dh helped me prep so there is no excuse!!!

    I also got brave and changed my goal weight to my ultimate goal that might be a bit ambitious.
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    Hope the race goes/went well. :) I hope to be able to do one someday. I'm still working to get to Day 1 of the c25k!

    Today is my food prep morning. I measure out everything for my meals in the coming week and cook as much as I can. And it's fun day! :) I've got a big honkin' salad with lots of cheese, bacon, and dressing in the fridge. Love those.

    Happy St. Pat's day! :)
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I will be updating my blog with a post about the race... but not until tomorrow. It is already 10pm and I'm tired. LOL. But I did upload some new pics to my profile!! Check it out.. I'm running!!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Howdy everyone!!!!
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm struggling with low and high carb. I've gained 5 pounds. Thinking on just doing low carb all of the time.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Mav I struggle with that also and have really debated keeping it all basic paleo. I really do like the plan mostly because of the free day. I like getting some rice etc. I do notice oh high carb days I sure get heartburn.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Mav, Do what you need to do for you! :) But, if you go all "low carb" you are still welcome here! I love your perspective on things. :) Same with you Chelle. :)

    I'm going to be "on plan" until April 16th.. and then after that I will likely be taking 3 weeks of since I'll be traveling with my children to Wisconsin and Texas. I have to leave my hubby behind. I'm sad about that.

    While I'm traveling I will be at the mercy of my hosts. My mom will be very sensitive in regards to my food choices, my best friend in Texas... Well, let's just say that I'm not counting on anything. Bot places I'm going to try to calorie count on mfp with my phone... I just won't be in control of everything I eat otherwise.
  • islandgirl76_
    islandgirl76_ Posts: 86 Member
    Babe - congrats on your 5K!

    MAV and WiChelle - Don't you think Paleo is great if you want to do it forever? I was very successful with a pretty strict paleo diet but as soon as I started adding in grains or dairy I gained it all back. I discovered this group accidentally and I am hoping CTL will be a happy medium.

    I'm on day 2 and I feel pretty good. I feel like I am constantly eating! I had a hard time getting 1200 calories yesterday and that is normally not a problem for me. I was a sumo like he says int he book. Little in the morning and the pig out in the afternoon. Chia seeds are my new secret weapon. 6 grams of fiber in a tablespoon and I can't see or taste them in my shake. My diary is open if anyone wants to offer advice.
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    My biggest struggle is the carbs craving if I stay away from them, after a while I do not miss them. Once I get some I cannot stop. I'm on a bad spot right now, feel like I'm loosing this battle. I apologize to the group for my negativity.
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    That's okay Mav. I struggle with fighting off self-doubt a lot. I was a longtime low-carber and until this plan, it was the only thing had ever worked. I'm the same way about carbs and alcohol. It's hard to just have a little and then stop. Somehow the carb thing has gotten out of control for me and I've been able to just tell myself that I can have the carb tomorrow, but I've fully prepared myself for switching back to low-carb if the carbs get out of control or this diet is otherwise not working. So I hear ya. :)
  • kemit1976
    kemit1976 Posts: 46 Member
    HI all thought I would come and say hi, first day doing this,, and at 2.55pm with 3 meals down I am starving.. which is really weird cause I am eating a lot of my usual foods, guess i was picking through out the day more than I realised. My diary is open so if people want to friend me and assist me I would be very happy I am doing hi carb today.. had gotten good information from reading the groups posts.
  • kemit1976
    kemit1976 Posts: 46 Member
    Day one I did 4 meals and I went over calories.. with them, might take me a bit, i had just over 1700cals..
    I did get high carbs and low protein and I did not have any fat.. that in it self is a huge thing not to put butter etc on my toast, or cook my eggs in etc.. So i have done good in some places and not in others, but for day 1 I did ok.. I can see how effective it is..

    I did work out but I read that you do not eat back calories, I am not really into eating back calories. i do sometimes I do eat some and other times I don't... I look forward to seeing how this goes.. I know two other ladies starting this today also..