
I am new to this website, group and journey. I could use a little encouragement and friends on here. Please add me if you're comfortable sharing your info with me. I am a stay at home mommy trying to lose the weight I gained from my pregnancy. It hasn't been easy! Thanks, and I hope to hear from you. God Bless!


  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    I think that you will find this community amazing. Ive already added you and will do my best to encourage you daily. I am a full time working mommy who has just lost all her pregnancy weight and am working on getting to my pre-marriage weight.

    This is not the first time I have gained and lost weight. At 22 I weighed in at 205 lbs. And I lost 80+ lbs on my own. This time around being 30 and having a child is much harder. Ive noticed it takes A LOT more work and A LOT more motivation than before. Pregnancy really does a number on your body thats for sure.

    I am doing what I can to learn to trust in the lord more when it comes to reaching my goals. He never intended us to go at this alone. :-) You will get there! Just never give up and always have faith!
  • luvnlifewithu
    You're my first friend here ;) Thank you for adding me. I love the group you created and I hope to inspire as well. Thanks for the message. It helps to have others who can relate and pass along motivation!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    it's really nice to meet you. all of you guys can add me also.
  • Journeywithyou
    Journeywithyou Posts: 49 Member
    I am fairly new to this site. I am a stay at home mom. I have been avoiding me being overweight for a long time. I have 3 children and with each child my weight went higher and higher after they were born. With each of my pregnancies I had complications that could have been avoided if I was at a healthy weight. After my last child I was told because of the complication I should not have any additional children. That was heartbreaking to me, I felt a decision that should have been made by my husband and myself was taken away. January a group a friends and myself made the choice to work together and get healthier, whatever that meant to each one of us. Some of them are giving up smoking, others loosing weight such as myself. At the beginning of the year I was at 200lbs. Since then I have dropped 16lbs and feel so much better.

    Thank you for welcoming me to this group. I welcome new friends.
  • YoungWife2012
    Hello all! I was encouraged to join this group too when I joined a similar one - Proverbs 31 Women. I am so excited to live life with all you dear sisters! I am newly married - a little over 9 months - and loving it, but it does get tough sometimes! I have put on some weight since I moved to the US about three years ago from being a missionary kid in Papua New Guinea. I love encouragement, the Lord and encouraging others! If you would like to add me please do and I will do my best to encourage you and lift you up in prayer as you do the dame for me! :) Blessings! :)
  • anniefamiy
    anniefamiy Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for being part of this group