Hello..i'm another newbie

Hello everyone, i'm new here. My name is Sophie, I'm 52...will be 53 in May. I've started eating better and exercising in mid-January. I've lost pounds so far (certainly not as easy as it was 10 years ago . I have two goals..the first is a total of 80 (54 to go) and then i'll decide where to go. I just joined mfp last week and having started using the food and exercise tracking...that has been very eye opening. I'm on a 1300 calorie/day diet..when i learned my fave sunday after grocery shopping meal of a mcdonalds sausage mcmuffin and sweet tea cost me half of my caloies for the day..i cringed big time. But that's ok I will adjust and do more exercise today. I look forward to being a part of this group and sharing experiences and learning from everyone.


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Welcome! I hope you like MFP. I'd suggest you read through some of the posts and build a friends' list. One on the way to you now!
  • DoreenMartell
    DoreenMartell Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, Welcome! I recently joined as well. I found the information very eye-opening also. I never realized how many calories were in some things. I am trying to lose a little of 100 pounds. Still trying to figure things out but on my way. Good luck....
  • sophieannejune
    sophieannejune Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Doreen,

    Nice to meet you...and good luck to both of us....
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome to the site & this thread. I like the fact that we have a thread especially geared toward our needs & the difficulty we all face at "our age". I know when I was younger (25-ish & just had my kids) and thought "oh I need to lose those last 10 lbs of baby weight" and it seemed like "wham" they were gone. And now it seems like I just walk by the food and "wham" it sticks to my butt (and hips & thighs) and I've gained another 10 lbs. When I was younger my mother used to see me eating some crap food & say "enjoy it while you are young because it will catch up to you" and I thought "no it won't" - OH yes it did & then some. Okay I guess I'm done rattling now. Welcome!
  • Never2late2change
    Never2late2change Posts: 4 Member
    Hi and good luck from a fellow newbie, (though I joined the site a long time ago but never came back, until last week) I'm wanting to lose 140lb, slow and steady will do so I'm here for the long haul. I think I'm getting the hang of the site but realise friends would be a great help, so please anyone feel free to add me as a friend
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    So what do you think of everything? I know it can be a bit overwhelming at first but don't be afraid to ask if you've got questions or just stop in to say hi.
  • sophieannejune
    sophieannejune Posts: 61 Member
    so far so good..i lost 5 lbs after my first week here for a total of 30 lbs since jan. I enjoy figuring out meals and i'm exercising more than ever..although when I read some of the posts i'm not sure why i'm doing that. I hope you're doing well.