Welcome to all the new peeps!



  • MrsNina1972
    MrsNina1972 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks for the invite. I live on the far Eastside of Indy, I joined MFP about 3 years ago and achieved my weight loss goal the first year by my birthday. Since I knew nothing about maintaining and keeping the weight off I picked up a few pounds and would drop them again. I had surgery in December 2012 and couldn't exercise for 3 months after, so here I am today close to 10lbs heavier than I would like to be and ready to get back to Zumba and lots of other exercises.
  • ldmcginley
    ldmcginley Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for inviting me into this group...not able to do any runs...having meniscus tear repair tomorrow, but hope to be back in the walking and workout routine soon.
  • blckbrrygrl
    blckbrrygrl Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the invite!

    I'm Kim from the Mooresville/Camby area. I started my weight loss journey last June and successfully lost 40 pounds. I've been super lazy over the winter months but really haven't gained anything back - just maintained. I'm ready to get moving again! I want to see those numbers DROP!
  • npeery
    npeery Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for inviting me! I was all alone :)
  • kkoltcz
    kkoltcz Posts: 30
    Thanks for the invite!
  • torylinnangel
    thank you for the invite!
  • arathfon
    arathfon Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the invite!
  • Trichardson42
    Thanks for the Invite. I am a walker not a jogger yet. I am excited and this is my first group also, feel free to add me as a friend if anyone like. The more encourgement the better. Thanks
  • weekesje
    weekesje Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the Invite. I'm glad to find a local network to be apart of on this weight loss Journey.

    I'm currently a 2nd year medical student at IUPUI and working out has definitely become my stress relief these past couple of months. I don't have many MFP friends so feel free to add me "weekesje" . I look forward to connecting with you guys.
  • THanks for the invite. I am a 25 y/o female who gets on and off the wagon more than some people change their underwear! I thought getting engaged it would do it for me, but nope not yet. So now my wedding is August 24 and it is time to get my butt in gear so I won't hate myself forever.

    I am hoping to get lots of support from local people. I actually live in Central Indiana. Anybody else living in the Southeast Side of Indianapolis?

    Good luck everyone and please support me as today I make the decision to do my complete lifestyle change.. not temporarily but FOREVER!
  • robinbetts852006
    Thanks for the invite! We do a lot of group events at work to help lose weight/maintain a healthy weight, but am looking forward to suggestions and support from the group!
  • orbrover
    orbrover Posts: 4
    Well, hello everyone! Thanks for the invite, Cool.

    I had been only using the Android app to keep track of my food and weight until recently. Looks like the website has a lot more information (like I had been taking in waaaay too much sodium!) and it's a lot easier to read the forums on here! I had no idea there were so many. It's great to read all of your posts and that provides a definite boost to my motivation. It's also nice to hear about different events to take part in.

    So, my girlfriend and I live in Franklin and we both work in Indy. I'm 42 and did weigh over 200. I am tired of my pants being too tight and I don't really want to buy any larger sizes, so I needed to lose weight. My girlfriend, Julie, has been a tremendous help - finding ways to change my diet, convincing me to join a gym with her, etc. I'm already feeling better and the pants aren't as tight. Yay!

    I used to weigh only 145 and was a vegetarian. When I turned 30, my metabolism crashed and my work is mostly at a computer, sedentary. I ran track in high school and was into tae kwon do in college. But I never got that 'runner's high' or rush from working out. I only did it to hang out with friends - then we all grew up and moved our separate ways.

    My problem now, besides not really enjoying exercise, is that I just love food. I love to eat. I'm hungry all the time. I'm a connoisseur of Chinese buffets, meatloaf, pizza, cheeseburgers, and candy. I do, however, love veggies and fruits and there is almost nothing I won't eat. I'm working through getting used to my new diet.

    Anyway, thanks for reading my ramble. I’m looking forward to making progress with you all!

    Good luck!
  • gadgetmonster
    gadgetmonster Posts: 7 Member
    Peep, Peep, Peep

    Thanks for the invite. Let's do something.
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks for the invite!

    Personally, since Spring and Summer is around the corner (I know it doesn't feel like it with all this snow, but we have to keep the faith it will arrive), I would love to get a sand volleyball team together. Team would be 4 people and we could play in a real league (for beginners), but if more want to do it we could play games against each other and maybe form our own little unnofficial league. If you've never played sand volleyball it is SUPER fun and you work off a lot of calories. It is a workout in and of itself, while still being a blast. Ever just practicing it will get you sweating and laughing. I'd love love love if people wanted to do this.
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    Thanks for the invite!

    Personally, since Spring and Summer is around the corner (I know it doesn't feel like it with all this snow, but we have to keep the faith it will arrive), I would love to get a sand volleyball team together. Team would be 4 people and we could play in a real league (for beginners), but if more want to do it we could play games against each other and maybe form our own little unnofficial league. If you've never played sand volleyball it is SUPER fun and you work off a lot of calories. It is a workout in and of itself, while still being a blast. Ever just practicing it will get you sweating and laughing. I'd love love love if people wanted to do this.

    Interesting.... Where would it be played?
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 833 Member
    Thanks for the invite!

    Personally, since Spring and Summer is around the corner (I know it doesn't feel like it with all this snow, but we have to keep the faith it will arrive), I would love to get a sand volleyball team together. Team would be 4 people and we could play in a real league (for beginners), but if more want to do it we could play games against each other and maybe form our own little unnofficial league. If you've never played sand volleyball it is SUPER fun and you work off a lot of calories. It is a workout in and of itself, while still being a blast. Ever just practicing it will get you sweating and laughing. I'd love love love if people wanted to do this.

    Maybe a new thread should be started on this...
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Alot of parks have open sand volleyball courts, almost all sports centers do, and even some bars and gyms do. If you wanted to start a new forum to promote this, I am all for it. I'd love to see how many people would be interested.
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for the invite!

    Personally, since Spring and Summer is around the corner (I know it doesn't feel like it with all this snow, but we have to keep the faith it will arrive), I would love to get a sand volleyball team together. Team would be 4 people and we could play in a real league (for beginners), but if more want to do it we could play games against each other and maybe form our own little unnofficial league. If you've never played sand volleyball it is SUPER fun and you work off a lot of calories. It is a workout in and of itself, while still being a blast. Ever just practicing it will get you sweating and laughing. I'd love love love if people wanted to do this.

    I could be interested! Warning, Im terrible at volleyball but still enjoy it. What side of town is the league on and what would be the time commitment?
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    All the details could be worked out once we know that enough people would be in on it. And don't worry, we'd all have a lot of work and practice needed before going pro ;)
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    I'm thinking we could get together once or twice a week, just to have some scrimages or practices, maybe an hour give or take. We'd have to figure out what day is best for everyone interested before figuring out a time commitment. But I think this would be a blast. It's a great way to burn calories and have some fun at the same time.