Starting Insanity today 3/18, Anyone want to join me?

aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
I am starting Insanity today. I will complete the Fit Test this afternoon. I have made it through Week 2 before life got in the way so I was never able to finish. I will not allow that to happen this time. I will finish it. Anyone else starting now?


  • vball1121
    vball1121 Posts: 36 Member
    just did the day 1 fit test! are you supposed to do the dig deep part after you complete the fit test?
  • ericayoung17
    ericayoung17 Posts: 5 Member
    I started yesterday...good luck!! :-)
  • chicana242
    chicana242 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started it today...Just did the fit test. I also made it to week 2 before.
  • melaniecmajors
    melaniecmajors Posts: 39 Member
    I LOVE insanity! It's a great workout and will get you in shape QUICK! Be warned - you will be sore but keep going. I continue to do the program piecemeal and in just three workouts, you can see a difference in your body. Good luck and hang in there!
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    I've made it 3 weeks before but then had surgery and life ended up getting in the way. I'm not looking forward to the soreness but know it will be worth it. :)
  • I started yesterday (3/18) and am looking forward to the results! I've never done Insanity before but my co-worker has and says it is intense but so worth it and the results show up quickly.

    I've set up a food plan for myself too and will be sticking to the suggestions of the meal plan in terms of calories and types of foods. My schedule is so busy that I had to put something together that works for me.... I'm hoping this is it.

    Looking forward to hearing about everyone's results!

    Day 2 here I come!

    xo L
  • aloha311
    aloha311 Posts: 118 Member
    Day 2 done! I barely made it because my allergies are killing me but I did it and feet great about it. :)
  • ASecretBobby
    ASecretBobby Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me about to do my last workout of week 2 tomorrow, time has flown and I have progress already. It's awesome DIG DEEP
  • RunMumRun1
    RunMumRun1 Posts: 29 Member
    I started on the 18th n did my fitness test on Monday. Had my cardio recovery day, didn't feel like a recovery. My legs are like jelly. Add me for motivation if you like.