


    BRANDYGR8MOVES Posts: 87 Member
    HI ALL
    im new to this group this is the second time on phentermine first time i was on for 3 months and lost 35lbs had a baby boy who is now one i have been actively trying to get the weight of since the begining of the year and have not been doc suggested doing these again for 6 months im on day 2 and i love the energy please friend me i love support an love to give it as well
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    New to this group. Hello all.

    1st time using Phen. Doc prescribed after asking about a weight loss drug Qsymia. Been taking 15mg once daily for a little over a month and have lost about 23 lbs. On about an average 1100-1200 cal diet. Cut most sugar/processed foods. Also taking 25mg Topiramate (other ingredient in Qsymia), down from 50mg a day as it was giving my tingly numb toes.

    I don't get that super energy boost from Phen anymore but I don't want to up my dose. As long as I continue to lose and it gives me that extra edge to say no to bad food cravings. No major nasty side effects. Dry mouth and a few mild headaches and insomnia at the beginning. Working on building good eating habits while on Phen for the next month or two (my doc is allowing me a 3 month trial)

    To those who have used phen before for more then a month. once you go off do all you food cravings come roaring back to the surface or do you just need to keep focused on doing what you've been doing to lose weight. That is my biggest fear about the drug is that once I go off my suppressed appetite will make up for lost time.

    Welcome! I hope that all is going well for you. I was on phen back in 2007, but my head was not really in it and I was on an antidepressant that pretty effectively countered the phen...in other words, I don't know for sure how my cravings will be when I stop the phentermine and I understand your fear...I have it too! What I have read on some of these forums, and other places on the web, is that the dr is supposed to wean us off the phentermine slowly. I am assuming that will help keep the craving monster from overcoming us. Hope that helped :smile:
  • ksboyd20
    ksboyd20 Posts: 21 Member
    So glad I found this group! Been on for 7 weeks.
  • Lmelito
    Lmelito Posts: 8 Member
    Yay, I'm glad I found this group...although I'm not sure if it is still as active as it once was :)

    I'm Lisa. I've been on phentermine since November 30th. Before I was put on the meds I lost about 5lbs on my own. Since then I've lost an additional 13lbs.

    I agree with what has been posted earlier...it's not a magic pill...and I knew it wouldn't be, but it helps with the cravings. You still need to work out and eat right to see any results.

    I haven't experienced any side effects, but my doctor did warn me that it could lower the effectiveness of my birth control.

    I'm excited about losing weight, I still have a long way to go on my journey. Feel free to add me, as I need all the support I can get :)

  • ewfishbye
    ewfishbye Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I just started today. I take a half of a phentermine 37.5 and a topamax at night.
    I watched my coworker do this for 3 months and melt away like 40 pounds!!
    So wish me luck!
  • Hi all.
  • Hello! This isn't my first time taking phentermine. But it's the first time I'm taking it properly. Been about 4 days now and 4lbs.
    I hate that it gets such a bad rep.
    I think the problem is, is too many people are just given the pill and it is magic for them at first. But they never change their habits and that's why the weight comes right back.
    I lost 30lbs without it, but I have been stuck for a few months now and it's highly frustrating, so Im taking it to kickstart things and get the scale moving again.

    I have a side effect checklist. Maybe it will help someone else too. If you feel terrible, ask yourself:
    1. When was the last time I ate? And what was it? Just because you're not hungry doesn't mean your body doesn't need the proper fuel.
    2. How much water have I had? I get a headache if I don't constantly drink water.
    3. How much sleep have I had? If I'm feeling super cranky and terrible it's usually because I haven't gotten much sleep, I find that melatonin and valerian helps with getting to sleep, if im having trouble.
    4. How much have I been exercising? If you suddenly start going gung-ho on exercise because you feel like you can run 80 miles out the gate... your body Isn't used to it, and even after it is, it still needs proper protein, hydration and rest for rebuilding muscle.
    Or the opposite, I haven't been exercising, and then I feel tired and lethargic too. It's a tricky balance sometimes.
    5. Vitamins! They help with everything. I take a multi, St. John's wort, tonalin cla, omega 3 and calcium+d and a probiotic.
    Just remember you can't take them on an empty stomach. Ick.

    Anyway, feel free to add me, so we can cheer each other on. :)
  • I've been taking it for a little over a week. I was skeptical about diet drugs, but it is working out very well.

    I am doing this with medical supervision and that has done so much to improve my general attitude about everything. Treating it as a condition, not a personality flaw makes lifestyle changes easier to accept.

    What the phentermine has done that they don't advertise is to let me know how much of my eating behavior had nothing to do with hunger. Especially bedtime snacks.
  • Hi! I was on phentermine about a year and a half ago. I lost around 25 lbs, then got off the pill and gained it all back, plus some! So here I go again, Ive been back on track for 11 days now and I am going to put everything I have into making a "lifestyle change" as far as eating and excersizing because I know sooner or later ill have to let go of phentermine once again and I must be ready!
  • HEY GUYS!!!!

    Im new to the group and i stated taking phentermine on Jan 26th, 2013 and i am down 26 lbs :) I have herd that mostly everyone that takes it and then goes off it gains all their weight back. That really scares me to death as seeing im spending all this money out just to gain it back :( I know that if you keep up your routine that i shouldn't have a problem maintaining. I know it is hard to just stop tracking and working out when you reach your weight loss goal. I would like to make new friends on here so i will have some people that knows what i am going threw :) Add me if you like :) I am on every single day and i do take the time to read what everyone else posts! Hope to make some new friends soon! If you send me a friends request just let me know your from the group :)
  • AshaBoss
    AshaBoss Posts: 1
    Hi am new here, started taking Duromine (phentermine) 4 days ago. i'm hoping to get good results and so far i feel great, hardly any side effects if any.
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
    This is day one of my second round of phentermine. My first time 2 years ago I was not mentally and physcially prepared to deal with all it entailed. I had to quit. but today went well. I had an eating plan, I drank a TON of water, and I feel comparitively better.
    Also, my doctor gave me a much smaller dose 15gram pills. The dose still does the job. I can't believe I was taking the 37.5 before. It's no wonder I was literally having a meltdown. Today did have challenges, but being hungry was not one of them. I feel like I can keep this up. I feel like I can deal with being thirsty, jitters, and other general side effects; because the pills are helping me to do something I absolutely could not do on my own--control my raging appetite. I'm mentally and phsyically tough to handle the rest.
  • tmlandgraf
    tmlandgraf Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, I'm Traci. I have been struggling with my weight basically my entire life.

    I am a type 1 diabetic, I have hypothyroidism, and I can be an emotional eater, so it's a triple whammy to the system and makes an already difficult task even harder (losing weight that is). I am determined to keep trying, and always seem to pick myself up after I crash and burn. I just had my thyroid dosage changed, so I am hoping that will help since my efforts have been fruitless thus far.

    I have a trainer that I work out with twice a week and I am looking to add a third day to get more strength training in. I try to do cardio as well 3-4 times a week, but as life tends to get in the way from time to time, that doesn’t always happen. I know I need to make it my primary focus and I will be the first to admit that it doesn’t always play out like that.

    Even with all of the above, I have not been able to lose but more then a pound or two over the past 6 months. So I wen to a doctor and they started me on Phentermine. Today is my first day, I only took a half of a pill, and I am feeling good so far. I have been super thirsty, so my water glass and I have become very good friends today. I wasn't starving at lunch and I ate almost of a normal portion. I am usually ready for an afternoon snack this time of the day and I am not relly all that hungry. I am also more alert this afternoon then normal. I am interested to see what the 2 week results are when I go back on the 25th. Hopefully it will keep me going.
  • Hello all! I just started phentermine yesterday because I am extremely overweight (need to lose more than 100 lbs) and I am already in love! I have not experienced any side effects yet, except for a bit of dry mouth. It has given me the energy I have been needing. I do not feel shaky or deprived. I love it!
  • Hey y'all

    I am new to the group. I started using phentermine about a week ago. I really like it. I work 12-16 hours a day which I used spend most of the day eating but now I don't. I am trying to eat at least 1200 calories a day but its hard because I feel full all the time. Everyone I work with has notice a big difference in my appetite. They keep asking me am I sick lol. I have also started going to the when I am not at work. I even started working out at home. I would love any advice or tips anyone wants to share. Add me as a friend on MFP.
  • BeckyAnne4
    BeckyAnne4 Posts: 143 Member
    Hello All,

    Boy am I happy I found this group. I made the mistake of posting a topic about phentermine in the main forums and the thread was locked by site administrators because the debate got a little too heated. People can be pretty brutal about the weight loss medication. I personally think that everyone should do what best for their own bodies. If one way of losing weight worked for everyone, we'd all be thin. Am I right?

    "If one way of losing weight worked for everyone, we'd all be thin."

    THIS. exactly this!
  • I'm new to the site and have been on Phentermine for 1 week today. I've lost 11 lbs so far. The only side effect I have is the dry mouth which I welcome as I makes me drink water, which has been a real problem for me in the past. I hear people talk about the energy rush I Wish I had it !!! What better way to get motivated to exercise ! I still get hunger from time to time so I wonder if that part of the meds is working for me? I stick to 1200 calories a day and work out about 3 times a week. Something IS working because I AM loosing but not because of less appetite. A good tip I use is when I make a smoothie or protein shake, I add ground Flax or Chai seeds and let it sit a few mins and it really expands and keeps me full longer. And Remember all calories are Not alike. I figured since I'd exercised a lot that day and still had enough calories budgeted for dinner, Id eat whatever. Wrong !!! I ate a chicken/ pasta in cream sauce at Olive Garden. Didn't gain but didn't lose. Same with Fish sticks ... It's all that junk in with it (salt, fat, preservatives ...) so I'm sticking to Healthy foods.
  • I have a few questions :

    how long do most people go before they build a tolerance and need a break and start again ?

    I wonder if I should lose a little bit of extra weight just in case I start to regain after stopping the med. I Do still plan to eat well but who knows what my metabolism will do at first!

    Do most people weigh themselves daily, weekly ..?

    What's up with the B12 shots ? What's the point of them ?

    Thanks for any and all reasonable advice lol
  • nhunolt
    nhunolt Posts: 2
    New to the group; been taking Phentermine for a little over a month. Lost 14 lbs. My calorie goal on MFP was a little high. I just bumped it down some. I had heard you should do 1200 cal a day but mine was saying 1400 or more I guess bc my weight. I need to lose well over 50 lbs. I'd love to just be below 200. The medicine worked ok the first month no real side effects. But I started getting headaches pretty much every day. I read some articles and people's responses. At first I thought it was raising my BP and giving me headaches but Ive never had high BP. So I read that you are supposed to drink ALOT of water. A few Liters or more a day. Which I dont hardly drink it now! So Im going to start. Bought a big water bottle 2.2 L and am starting with that. I also dont get a burst of energy. If I start running around (Im a nurse) then I notice my pulse speeds up and what not. But a lot of times I'm really tired. I read also that because your metabolism is bumped up you need to eat something for it to burn bc if not you can get tired. Some days I dont want to eat and some days I still want to eat junk LOL but then I find after I eat it I feel too full or sick.

    I think you have to change your lifestyle habitrs also. Not just rely on the pill. You need to change your diet and start exercising. I used to do WW and always just had problems bc of the hunger or even boredom. Now even if Im bored I dont want to eat.

    A friend of mine lost 280lbs or something on WW and exercising so I know its possible but I just couldnt stick to it.
    I am hoping the increase in water helps because I cant live with headaches like this all the time. You can tell when you use the bathroom whether youre hydrated enough. And water itself decreases your appeteite. The center in the brain that tells you youre thirsty is the same as the one that tells you youre hungry.

    Anyway I hope to change my lifestyle and not have to take the medication forever. It does give me mood swings also. So we will see!
  • nhunolt
    nhunolt Posts: 2
    I have a few questions :

    how long do most people go before they build a tolerance and need a break and start again ?

    I wonder if I should lose a little bit of extra weight just in case I start to regain after stopping the med. I Do still plan to eat well but who knows what my metabolism will do at first!

    Do most people weigh themselves daily, weekly ..?

    What's up with the B12 shots ? What's the point of them ?

    Thanks for any and all reasonable advice lol

    Ive heard some people say they take it 3 months then go off a month. And I've heard some who dont go off of it for along time. I think everybody is diff. I dont weigh daily but like 3 times a week. I have heard its good to weigh every day. Heard lots of things LOL. B12 gives you energy, make you feel good, increases metabolism.