Hi I'm new to group,some help would be appreciated!

Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
Hi I'm about to embark on my strength training regime.....I have previously done weight training before but not while I was trying to lose weight at the same time(was not a member of mfp at time) anyway I'm looking for advice on protein into to develop muscle mass/definition as my daily protein goals in my diary are adjusted to me losing about 1kg a week, so I assume that the protein intake it would recommend would most probably be insufficient. I am 5 foot 9 inches in height and currently 77.7 kg, I have found in the past my healthy weight to be between 70kg-75kg but when I have stuck to my strength training and reached a body type I enjoy having...... it sits at between 80kg to 85kg due to the added muscle mass. I am not looking to become huge (personal preference)I enjoy the feeling of being strong and cut. Anyway any help would be appreciated. p.s I've noticed not a lot of posts in this group recently, I really hope this group maintains as to break to stereotypes of vegan/natural body building not being effective.


  • thevegangladiator
    thevegangladiator Posts: 33 Member
    i just started lifting 3 months ago and had mass gains but thats how it normally is when you first start. i dont take any supplements at all. In the 3 months of lifting i put over 1 and half inches on my biceps couple on my chest and legs my starting weight was 135 im now around 145 and im still as lean as when i started so i didnt put on any fat. in strength i 1rm for bench was like 165 now its little over 200lbs.

    the first 2 months i was lifting 3 days a week and i upped to 6 days a week, almost a month ago cause i got a gym membership. im in the gym for a min of 2 and half hours.

    my diet is low fat high carbs the carbs keep you soo damn lean its crazy i follow dr mc dougalls diet. i try keep my calories over 3k

    to me it hard work that builds muscle not supplements
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    @thevegangladi-Thanks for info,its very helpful....I don't think supplements are the way muscles are built, its definitely hard-work and persistence (nobody's drowned in sweat I think) I was concerned I'm not consuming enough protein.working my way to a raw clean diet but the transition is slow as we are trying to introduce the meals to my daughter(12yrs) gradually as to not put her off. Once again thanks for taking the time to respond.