Atkins Induction

highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
I'm in my 2nd week of Atkins induction and I think I'm going to jump ship to paleo since I already eat a lot of pastured/organic food and I definitely want to stay the heck away from wheat and artificial sweeteners. My question is this... do you also watch your calories as well as your macros? I think if I ate 50g carbs I would gain unless I was also calorie restricting. Thoughts?


  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    It depends on the person. Myself if I'm strict paleo, I don't need to count calories. I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. But if you add any sugar, fake sugar or grains, I need to count calories. When I'm non-paleo, my hunger cues lie. LOL Others will tell you they have to count calories no matter what. Play with it and find out what works for you. And welcome to the group.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Thanks for the reply :) I made a mistake in my post and said paleo, but what I meant to say was primal. I'm not ready to cut our dairy (don't know that I will ever be!) So I think I may consider Primal Blueprint going forward. Does anyone who is following Primal Blueprint or MDA wish to share their journal with me so I can get an idea of the foods? I have the book from a few months ago, I just want to see what real people are eating. I don't experiment with too many recipes, certainly not one every day. I like to keep things simple but also not boring.... I'm sure that's doable right?
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    I eat primal and my diary is open but I don't really cook via recipes at this point.

    I just heat up some meat and prep some veggies (sometimes heated, sometimes cold) and eat.

    Don't buy any diet or low-fat products, use the normal or full fat versions. Don't use margarine, use butter (from pastured cow milk - Kerrygold is pretty common).

    I'm to the point now (almost 3 months primal) where I normally skip breakfast because I'm not that hungry in the morning anymore.

    I mainly eat the following: beef, chicken, pork (all from a local butcher and local farms), salads, non-starchy veggies (no potatoes or corn), cheese (both in block and cottage form - full fat versions remember), tree nuts (not peanuts though - they are a legume). I don't eat fruit as I seem to be very sensitive to sugar and it seems to give me the munchies so I try to limit it.

    I have discovered the wonderful world of spices to flavor the meat we are cooking. We make our own taco seasoning since the prepackaged stuff almost always has wheat in it.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    I follow the Primal Blueprint. Feel free to add me as a friend and you can view my diary. I finally succeeded in giving up the artificial sweeteners...that was really a tough one for me. I still have dairy in the form of organic half & half for my coffee and cheese. I love Mark's newer book, Healthy Sauces Dressings & Toppings. Lots of great ideas in there. I use mostly coconut oil, olive oil, or pasture butter for fat. I also make my own salad dressings using the homemade mayo recipe (trying to stay from commercial soybean oil).