Post baby belly

Hi guys I'm 26 years old and have a 5 1/2 yr old and 21 month old (both girls) I'm struggling with losing 16 lbs to my first goal (really 26 lbs to my final goal of 140 lbs) my main hated part of my body is my stomach. It's just gross. Bloated and jiggly. No matter how many crunches I do I don't see a difference. Has anyone had success flattening the post baby pouch?


  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm completely flat and all I've done since having my little guy is Zumba. I shake it hard.

    Actually, ... I do look a little poochy at the end of the day sometimes. Food baby perhaps?
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    My stomach looks bloated at the end of the day as well. My youngest is 13 months and I am finally starting to notice very positive changes. Heavy lifting has helped!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have the same problem but haven't been working hard enough. I would suggest interval training and more strength to burn the fat.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    My sister has the same problem even after 3 years. Unfortunately with her there is nothing she can do she had a c section and when they did her incision it tore the muscle and it didn't repair itself. Whats been helping mine and my waist has been cardio and more cardio I can already see a difference from before I am only 8weeks PP so there is lots of work left to go.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    my youngest is 6 months and i have lost almost 30 pounds since she was born and my belly is very flabby still. Im doing Turbo Fire right now and it is seeming to help alot! Ive noticed a change so far, cant wait until i finish. Would deff recommend Turbofire because she works the abs a ton!
  • my youngest is 6 months and i have lost almost 30 pounds since she was born and my belly is very flabby still. Im doing Turbo Fire right now and it is seeming to help alot! Ive noticed a change so far, cant wait until i finish. Would deff recommend Turbofire because she works the abs a ton!

    I've been doing turbo jam. My laptop with the video on it needs a cord replaced.but as soon as it gets fixed I'm going to start up again. Part of me feels like its all extra skin and I'll never get rid of it
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm 9 weeks pp and he post baby belly is super annoying! that's the only thing keeping me from wearing my smallest pp jeans...the muffin top is NOT flattering! ha! before getting pregnant I lost 86b lbs and a total of 36 inches..a foot from my belly alone! it wasn't toned but it was flat and hey that was good enough for me! I've got 15lbs of baby weight left and I'm so ready and determined to get back down to where I was! Right now I'm doing the 30 day shred and all of me is sore so hopefully I'll see some results when it's over!

    Good luck girlie!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I've been trying to cardio, cardio and some strength training. I have 10 lbs to get to my pre-preg weight (I'm 14 weeks pp). I think getting back in to shape will help with the weight but getting toned back up is proving to be a challenge. I'm with Chicky, some days I'm just not trying hard enough. Eventually, I'll get back in to the intensity needed.

    Time and effort- you can do it!
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    Everything I've read about pregnancy, mommy tummies, and how it all works, says that there is a specific muscle - the transverse abdominis. It is a girdle that wraps around your tummy area to hold everything in when it is strong, or let it all hang out when it's not, like after stretching it during a pregnancy. There are specific exercises to do to get it back into shape and can make a huge difference in what a belly looks like. I'm not always great about doing the specific exercises, but I've had luck with just doing them a little bit.
  • I am a bit further out from Post Partum as most. My youngest is almost 4. I have lost over 30 since I split from my kids dad. The belly is most definately the hardest since I was always over weight. I have found that Mewlingstork is quite accurate. Recently I have been doing Pilates. It most definately helps with the tummy. It is very gratifying to feel muscles you have never felt before. Hopefully a few of you have already had luck with lossing the baby belly.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen. It's great to have good core strength, but crunches won't give you a flat tummy. Diet to a lower BF%. I would also recommend weight lifting, squats in particular. More muscle = greater metabolism burn. This is what I did pre-baby and I had fairly keen abs.

    Right now I'm just working on my cut, will bulk when I hit roughly 20% bf. Baby is just over 5 months and I am a jiggle monster currently as well. :)
  • DiannaDC
    DiannaDC Posts: 48 Member
    I have a six month old (girl) and my stomach is pretty jiggly still. I am hoping that running will help flatten it out. It's gone down but just a little. I've started reading Wheat Belly so we'll see what they are suggesting, if not, I'll keep up with my greens and see if that helps. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • mommywife04
    mommywife04 Posts: 6 Member
    Baby #5 is now 6 months old and my belly and but are the worst! Actually, I've always had a bigg butt, but I did not mind since my tummy was flat. It has gone down significantly but I still look about 3-4 months pregnant. I just started 30 Day Shred and my abs feel tighter.
  • My stomach basically hangs, I can kind of smu**** against my body and see how good I look .... But I have no idea how to actually flatten it
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If I pull mine in it's pretty flat and when I don't pull it in - well I still have 30 lbs to go to pre preg weight so I guess that's what that is.
    To OP is your belly bigger than you'd expect it to be with the weight you have to lose? Hope that makes sense. I assume you've been checked for ab separation? In any case I'm sure it will go away once you lose the rest of the weight!! Good luck
  • Hey everyone my name is kait I'm 25 and I just had my 1st child. I gained 50 lbs with my pregnancy and I'm haven trouble losing the last 20 I really want to be back in bikini shape for summer.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Crunches can be the worst thing to do postpartum. They can make an ab seperation, or, make it worse. Try googling "transverse abdominis and postpartum" and you will get great info on how to flatter your tummy. Here's something that's helping me:

    Good luck! :)
  • My belly sag is awful! I'm working on it and hoping the extra skin goes away.
  • What's amazing is if I stand up straight my tummy looks somewhat flat. But when I move it shakes all over the place and if I sit I have these god awful enormous rolls :/ Before I had my son my stomach was always flat. Even when I was chunky I just never gained weight there it always stayed tight and flat. NOW definitely not!!! I still have MANY pounds to go and wish I could tell all those people who said "ohhhh eat what you want it's your time" to kiss my very large *kitten*!
  • TheNewStacie
    TheNewStacie Posts: 187 Member
    I have it horribly, but I've been overweight since my first pregnancy (7 years ago). I'm 9 wks PP and Hailslyrics is 100% right. I've read about it since my first. You have to strengthen those muscles back together or no matter what exercise you'll always have that little pooch. :ohwell:

    Could be worse, you could have the yucky flap like I do :noway: