Starting Weight / Goal Weight



  • fitnessmare
    fitnessmare Posts: 117
    Hi I'm Mary.

    Let's do it!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    5'10" Age. 58
    SW 275
    CW. 192
    GW 175

    Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!
  • 5' 3"
    SW: 11 stone 10-11 pounds
    GW: as close to 10 as I can get
  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    Height 5.2, 38
    SW 177
    GW 150
    Chest 38
    Waist 36
  • mkkhoza
    mkkhoza Posts: 79
    Ok we now have over 130 people in this group. This is going to as someone said "Move Mountains of Fat". Let me set a goal for all of us and see what we can do.

    March 18th - April 18th 30 Days. I'm setting a goal for all of us: I want us to lose a combined 800lbs by the end of the month. That means everyone must do their part for some of you I think you will be losing 2-3 pounds per week for others .5-1lb. I think this is a goal we can obtain. On April 18th we will all post how much we lost in the first 4 weeks of this group.

    Let’s Crush This Goal. Keep each other honest. I'm thrilled to have such an interest in this GROUP and I could not be more excited!!!

    Go To Work We Start Tomorrow

    Yes...let's do this...i like that : "move mountains of fat" haha!!
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    5'2" 34 yrs old
    SW 160LBS
    GW 130
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    Age 48
    SW 117
    GW 115
    5' 5"
    Weight was my previous mission.. 2 pounds is neither here nor there at this point. I want chiseled body. 6 pack abs, defined arms, and a beautiful back and thighs. That is my new mission.
  • laura920
    laura920 Posts: 52
    Hi, here it is........

    47 yrs old 5'6"

    SW 210
    CW 205
    GW 150

    I lost 60 lbs 4 years ago, 40 has crept back on. I want to get it back off but I am trying not to focus on the scale but changing my body. Once I finally get to my goal weight, I'll re-evaluate the "number".
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    I am 37 and 5'5"

    Waist 33
    hips 38
  • theskinnyonme
    theskinnyonme Posts: 443 Member
    5'9 (35)
    CW 177
    GW 157 ( for this challenge )
  • bits4226
    bits4226 Posts: 101 Member
    Female 5'7"
    Sw: 187lbs
    Longterm Goal is 150-155 lbs
  • momof377
    momof377 Posts: 198 Member
    Hey Guys!

    24 y/o on Mar 21

    5' 4"
    SW- 165
    CW- 156.5
    Challenge GW- 139.999 :)
    Overall goal: 125

    Very excited about this group! Nice to see you all on the same page :)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY - a few days early!! :-)
  • age 37
    starting weight : 157 :(
    goal weight : 130 :)

    Woohoo.....can `t wait to reach this group
  • jess_goobie
    jess_goobie Posts: 133 Member
    lets see today is 3/19 SW: 222 4 weeks 4/16 GW: 212
    8 weeks 5/14 GW: 202
    12 weeks 6/11 GW: 192

    hopefully I will pass my goal every 4 weeks
    Going to try my hardest to stay away from fast food and junk food!! and alcohol lol
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    5'9", 25 y/o
    SW: 255
    CW: 250
    Short-term GW: 230
    Long-term GW: 160
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    5'1, sw169, goal wt. in 12 weeks 158
  • prudence00
    prudence00 Posts: 2 Member
    My name is prudence
    5'2 sw 169
    Goal 140
    I've been at this for a while and am at a stand still its so frustrating
  • 56 yrs old, female
    start weight: 138
    12 wk goal: 126
    final goal: 121

    and DETERMINED! thanks, Mike!
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    Your Welcome
  • Twinklegirl34
    Twinklegirl34 Posts: 59 Member
    34 year old female 5 ft 4

    Start weight : 144 lb
    Goal weight: 120 lb

    Wanting to sculpt, shape and tone