Tendergrass farms deal from MDA

Lyndseed Posts: 79 Member
I just saw this on MDA... Spend $200 on organic/grassfed/pastured meats from Tendergrass Farms, and get 4 turkey breast roasts (2lbs each) free, and get free shipping. Not sure if any paleo/primal people are looking to stock their freezers, but this might not be a bad time to do it.



  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I love that he partners with them so often. They're a 40 minute drive from my house!

    Thanks for the heads up though, been wanting to order from them for a while.

    Purchased! Feel a bit dizzy from spending 200$ in one go on food...but it's food! I need it! Haha
  • dwest1976
    dwest1976 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the tip. Just placed an order, myself.
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    $200 is my weekly food budget. Sadly, as much as I want to jump on this sale, I can't do it right now. I'm one of those government employees who's taking a 20% pay cut and don't have any extra money laying around to splurge like that. I so wish I did.
  • hopeful0131
    I appreciate this post, also. I will have to check it out & see how it compares to our local farm. Thanks! :)