
KAY1BELLE Posts: 29 Member
So I see quite a few posts in the other message boards about blenders so I figured that since I have free time(not in the gym) Id share my thoughts in hopes of helping others make a decision too!! ;-)
I love my NUTRIBULLET they are $99 in target maybe walmart and also online from the website you can make payments. It is more powerful faster than a reg blender so the fruit veggies pieces arent chunky. Its also less expensive than vita mix and many other popular blenders.
It also comes with a booklet with recipes and some information regarding digestion which is helpful even if you dont agree with all of it.
Im currently drinking two nutriblasts per day w snacks in between and dinner. Which helps me stick to my goal of reducing my carb/grain intake.
Whatever you do KEEP PUSHING PPL!!!


  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    great thanks i have a blender simalar that i love i just pop the protein in the sports bottle and milk with fruit and blends great!!!!
  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    what kind of shakes do you make?
  • LiveLaughVegRun
    LiveLaughVegRun Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for posting; definitely going to look into it!
    KAY1BELLE Posts: 29 Member
    what kind of shakes do you make?

    The nutribullet comes with a booklet of recipes. So I either make those or I use recipes from the internet. I make fruit smoothies with almond milk. Protein shakes with bananas and some nut butter.
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    I am thinking about purchasing one
  • tgmoore34
    tgmoore34 Posts: 18
    I love mine too:). It's the best! I'm not a big veggie person but it has really helped me with getting my veggies in. I've also noticed I have more energy and my skin is clearer. I do frozen fruits (whatever you like), bananas, apples. Veggies; either kale, spinach or carrots. I do 1 veggie in each smoothie. I use light apple juice but if you don't want those calories you can do almond milk or water. I never thought I would like juicing but I've really enjoy it,

    My fav is strawberries, banana, apple juice, kale,& flaxseed. If I'm really hungry I will add a little low fat yogurt or you can add protein powder.

    Thanks for posting. I'm a fan:)
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    I purchased it, I have tried it out yet..