Questions about Bodymedia LINK

Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
Good afternoon. I have a few questions about the Bodymedia LINK and how it works.

My understanding is that one of the ways it measures is by your body heat. I am a very cold natured person, for some reason I just can't seem to get warm most days even in summer. I shake and shiver year round, so would this cause the Bodymedia LINK to be inaccurate for me?

I know it syncs to some Apple devices. Can I sync it to my iPad 2 and my 5th generation iPod? If both are compatible, can I switch back and forth between the two devices?

I was born missing my left arm from about 2 inches below my elbow due to Amniotic Band Syndrome. My understanding is that the armband is worn above the elbow so I am thinking this would not have any effect on wearing the device for me, is that correct?

My last question is about other placements I have read about. Several people on the forums have stated they wear their armbands on their calf at night because it is more accurate. I have also saw several women post they place the sensor in their bra. Would those two alternatives give accurate readings?

Thank you so much for your time. Have a wonderful day. :flowerforyou:



  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    Your tendency to be cold will not matter at all. The BodymediaFit device will adjust to you in the first couple of days of wearing it. I, too, am cold year round and have had no problems with this.

    The device that women put in their bras is something else entirely- probably a FitBit, which I gather is a sort of step counter.

    I can't answer the Apple syncing questions. I only sync to my droid phone. It will only sync with one device at a time, meaning you would have to pair it every time you changed devices. To me, that would be majorly annoying.

    About whether your left arm is a good option or not-- I would contact their customer service about this. It might matter if your muscle on that arm is significantly reduced in size compared to the other arm. Also if there is a difference in how much your one arm swings compared to the other when you walk, run, etc., that might matter. In any case, I'd ask them. It's probably fine on the left, but they might advise you to use your right arm. Once you have worn it a while you can compare a day on one arm to a day on the other.

    I always where mine on my arm. BodyMediaFit generally says it is always most accurate on the left arm. The only time I have seen them recommend the leg is when biking does not register as activity for someone. For me, biking does record as activity, but it isn't very vigorous. I'd rather get credit for a possibly reduced level of activity than a overly inflated one, so I keep it on my arm.

    Good luck!!
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I have read that women put it in their bra. I tried it on Sunday because I went out in a sleeveless shirt and didn't want to do the explaining....but it seemed accurate. I was just sitting in Church but it seemed to give a typical reading. I always wear it on my arm other times.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you for your help! I have been using a Fitbit Ultra for about a year but I don't think it is accurate. I noticed the other day it wasn't counting my steps right. Sometimes it only picked up about 55-65 out of every 100 steps. Another time when I tested the Fitbit it picked up 127 steps when I only walked 100. Maybe it balances out but I want something more consistant. My weight loss has never been what it says I should have in my premium reports. I am hoping the Bodymedia will be more accurate. Do you find it to be accurate for you? Do you have steady weight loss at the rate it says to expect?
  • zlauerMom
    zlauerMom Posts: 183 Member
    I have it set for 1.5 pounds a week. I am on target to reach my goal 10 days early. I've been losing 1.6 pounds a week on average. Some weeks I lose very little and others I lose more. I think the fluctuation is more due to water weight. In any case, when I look at several weeks together, I'm hitting my goals.

    I do believe the BMF to be accurate. My days vary a great deal. I can burn 1900 calories one day and 3200 calories on another. This is why I like it so much. If your days are not all the same, using formulas can fall short or you have to try to shoot for a guestimate average. I have a much better sense of what I'm burning now from day to day. Also, I find it interesting to see what the calorie burn is for my various everyday activities.

    There is a step counter feature in the BMF, but I have no idea if it is accurate or not. I haven't paid any attention to it. I have heard others complain that it missed steps. In my mind that isn't what BMF is about, so I haven't sweated those numbers.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I am expecting my Bodymedia to arrive tomorrow. I hope it works as well for me. Thank you for your help.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Regarding your apple question, no, you can't pair it with two different bluetooth mac devices. I have the app on both my iPhone and my iPad, tho, because you can use both apps to enter food (unless you just track food here on MFP).

    I think you will love your BodyMedia. It's been amazing to me to know what I'm burning every day. And it made losing the weight easy for me.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I will just pair mine with my iPod. Should I sync with myfitnesspal? Do I enter my food here or on the Bodymedia site? I always use a Polar heart rate monitor when I exercise and enter it here. Do I continue to do that or do I stop logging my exercise? Which would be more accurate? Thank you so much!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I am not synced with MFP, but that's because I had the BodyMedia (BMF) a long time before I really started using MFP, so I entered all my foods there and it's easier for me to use those numbers than try to figure out which entry here is correct, so I just get close here but actually try to get my calories "exact" on BMF. The database here is much bigger than the one on BMF, tho, so if you eat a lot of packaged foods, it's probably easier to figure your calories here. You can play with it, tho, and link or unlink them when you want.

    If you sync, then it will fill in your calorie burn, tho not specifically from exercise (because it measures what you burn all day, not just during workouts). I prefer logging my workouts using what BMF says I burned during the workout, but I don't have an HRM. I'll actually be interested to hear how close your numbers are between the two. There is some disagreement about which is more accurate, so interested to hear about your experience.
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you for your help. I have decided to wear my Fitbit Ultra and the BMF for a couple of weeks. I will continue to use my hrm when I exercise and log that as well. I want to play around with it for a while and compare them.
  • dandelioncoach
    dandelioncoach Posts: 20 Member
    I ordered mine Friday! Can't wait to play with my new toy!
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    Just placed my order today after seeing it on The Biggest Loser. Hoping for it to motivate me more!
  • Michelle7897
    Michelle7897 Posts: 108 Member
    I have been wearing mine for a couple of days. I am still wearing my Fitbit and using my hrm when I exercise. I am going to do a 30 day comparison to see which is more accurate and which I like better.