Weight gained after having mirena

I have gained almost 50 lbs since having the mirena put in. I HATE IT!!!


  • Lampaul29
    Lampaul29 Posts: 7 Member
    I was on the Mirena for 2 years and gained over 40lbs, had acne, mood swings, etc... I hated it!!!! I just had mine removed 2 days ago :)
  • I've gained 15 lbs. since I had mine put in a year ago. I have developed acne and a nasty attitude. Sex is usually out of the question (sorry for too much info, but this is one of my side effects) because my libido is gone. I had this piece of medical garbage removed from my body 2 days ago, and I cannot wait for the hormones to leave me! I want to be normal again!
  • Hi All,

    I had a mirena removed recently, due to horrible side effects - weight gain being one of them.
    Asked Dr if the mirena contributed to the weight gain, got the typical answer of "no no, it won't be the mirena".

    So I too am here to lose weight. I gained 8 lbs. May not seem like a lot, but it took me a bit to lose it the first time round.
  • sandiswork
    sandiswork Posts: 3
    I'm down 5 lbs. 14 days after Mirena removal by doing exactly as I have been doing with NO results while on the Mirena. I drastically reduced my fat and carbs to no avail, but it's starting to go, now! Acne is still with me, libido hasn't returned to normal (sorry, hubby. Soon, I hope!), but no major Mirena Crash! I read a lot of horror stories about the Crash, but so far, so good on that front. :happy: How is everyone else doing?