Hello, Just got a BMF

lovechattys Posts: 65 Member
I thought it was time for my first post (don't think I posted the first time I joined). I joined MFP months ago. But failed to stay with it. Life seemed to get in the way for me. Well I am not letting that stop me this time. I just bought the BMF to help me out this time. I find just the couple days I have had it, that it encourages me to move more (I don't like the visual reminder of how lazy I can be, lol). Loving it so far.

Had a little hiccup with it the first day, it quit working and I had to reboot it. Hopefully that was just a fluke. Any of you have that problem? I hope it doesn't happen often.

I also ordered a Total Gym (been wanting one for years). So no more excuses, I have all the tools I need to achieve my goals this time. So here's to my future and yours!


  • hballack
    hballack Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome! I think you will really enjoy your BMF. I have a link and I really depend on it. Yes, there are sometimes hiccups with it, but the customer service department is really helpful and if you have a problem just put in a help request through the website and they will email you a troubleshooting solution.

    It is true that it does motivate you to do more! Last Sunday was a terrible burn day for me and I ended up walking on the treadmill and doing some kettlebell swings at night because I was so disgusted with my burn. I was planning a rest day, but just couldn't do it. I like to eat and refuse to starve myself so I like that it gives me permission to eat more when I work harder.
  • thinagain2014
    thinagain2014 Posts: 51 Member
    You will love it! I am on week 2 with mine and I am already dependent on having it. I have lost 2lbs consistently so far and today isn't my weigh in day but I'm already down 2lbs this week. It keeps me motivated to move, even if it's cleaning something in my house to add to the burn. You can do it, use the BMF as the great tool it's meant to be and use it consistently.
  • dandelioncoach
    dandelioncoach Posts: 20 Member
    I ordered mine Friday and I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning! solo excited!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Have been wearing mine since Feb 2012 and love it! The hiccups have been minimal if annoying, but all the information is definitely worth the trouble. I'm a numbers geek, so the information has really been great, and the armband has helped me lose the weight pretty easily.

    Lots of support here. Feel free to send me a friend request if you are looking for BMF friends. I'm at goal and in maintenance, but I still log here every day. If I don't stay accountable, I'll gain it all back (and more) like I have in the past.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Yep - my Link is my life line which annoys the heck out of my husband but I don't care. It motivates me to move, it shows me where my diet is messing up and it tells me things like I need to sleep better. I love the data and so does my doctor who hadn't seen it before I took it to him at my last health check up. Enjoy it and keep on logging! It all helps!
  • lovechattys
    lovechattys Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone. Good to know that the hiccups won't be that bad.

    And congrats Kate for reaching your goal!

    Now if my total gym would just arrive, lol.