137 aiming for 125 - Would love someone to help



  • candykisses025
    candykisses025 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'4 started at around 136 (this might be my 4th go-round on MFP), I've been as high as 138. I've lost about 10 pounds in the past couple months and am now 125. To be honest I'd love to get down to 115, but I just started strength training with a personal trainer, so it might not happen just yet. I ran a half marathon last year and lost a lot of weight to start out, so 45 minutes a day will certainly help. I'll friend you and you can look at my diary -- I eat a ton of carbs and chocolate though, so it's like a handbook of what not to do sometimes.
  • leeanneo07
    leeanneo07 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi There,

    I am in a similar boat to the rest of you... Started out 160 lbs at 5'8".
    I lost 12 lbs in the first 2 months.
    Now I'm 4.5 months and I'm down to 132 lbs (28 lbs lost).

    My goal is 127 - 125 (Only 5-7 more lbs!)

    It is possible. Here's what contributed to my success:

    1. MFP -logging food and planning out meals
    *tip - add the food before you eat it to see the calorie and nutritional content

    2.Eating Healthy –
    *my opinion - I see many people on here in taking 1200 calories a day but you need to make those calories count. I stuck to healthy foods (non-processed), decrease sugar. Google "clean eating". Aimed for 20-30 grams of protein for every meal. Low carbs (for me this was 60-80 grams).
    Never skip breakfast and aim for 30g of protein
    I am currently eating 1200 cal/day but if I'm hungry I will eat.
    Get rid of all the junk food in your house.

    3. Fitbit - pedometer (tracks steps, stairs, sleep)
    *tip – I am for 10,000 steps a day (for me (desk job) this means walking to and from work (4km each day)

    5. Exercise –
    I would run 5km 4 times a week. This was probably the biggest contributor.
    In the first 2 months I focused a lot on cardio vs. weights, that being said 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes (lunges, squats, leg exercises).
    I have now started HIIT running.

    6. Water
    Drink lots of it

    7. Ankle Weights
    I bought 2.5 lbs ankle weights and wear them around the house on evenings/weekends

    8. Scale
    I didn’t own a scale before. This helped a lot it gave me something to measure and track.

    9. Don't over estimate exercise or under estimate calories
    I try to add 50 -100 of generic calories a day - I assure you there are little things you aren't counting.
    I always underestimate exercise - when lifting weights and MFP says "vigorous activity" - what does that really mean? After an hour or lifting weights I burned 800 calories, I don't think so.

    10. Don't track every day activities
    I never track "light housework" or "gardening". Be happy you're doing it your body thanks you.

    10.Curbing Cravings / Food Alternatives
    Get ready for your cravings and have alternatives ready
    I curbed my sweet cravings through low fat whipped cream with blueberries (50 calories – 2g fat; 6g sugar)

    10. Pinterest
    Yes its true, it provides a lot of motivation. Gives me so many great food and exercises ideas.

    11. Let yourself have bad days and don’t beat yourself up

    This is what worked for me and is probably not for everyone. Feel free to add me I love to hear other peoples secrets :)
  • FutureFitAuthor
    FutureFitAuthor Posts: 9 Member
    Hi There,

    I am in a similar boat to the rest of you... Started out 160 lbs at 5'8".
    I lost 12 lbs in the first 2 months.
    Now I'm 4.5 months and I'm down to 132 lbs (28 lbs lost).

    My goal is 127 - 125 (Only 5-7 more lbs!)

    It is possible. Here's what contributed to my success:

    1. MFP -logging food and planning out meals
    *tip - add the food before you eat it to see the calorie and nutritional content

    2.Eating Healthy –
    *my opinion - I see many people on here in taking 1200 calories a day but you need to make those calories count. I stuck to healthy foods (non-processed), decrease sugar. Google "clean eating". Aimed for 20-30 grams of protein for every meal. Low carbs (for me this was 60-80 grams).
    Never skip breakfast and aim for 30g of protein
    I am currently eating 1200 cal/day but if I'm hungry I will eat.
    Get rid of all the junk food in your house.

    3. Fitbit - pedometer (tracks steps, stairs, sleep)
    *tip – I am for 10,000 steps a day (for me (desk job) this means walking to and from work (4km each day)

    5. Exercise –
    I would run 5km 4 times a week. This was probably the biggest contributor.
    In the first 2 months I focused a lot on cardio vs. weights, that being said 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes (lunges, squats, leg exercises).
    I have now started HIIT running.

    6. Water
    Drink lots of it

    7. Ankle Weights
    I bought 2.5 lbs ankle weights and wear them around the house on evenings/weekends

    8. Scale
    I didn’t own a scale before. This helped a lot it gave me something to measure and track.

    9. Don't over estimate exercise or under estimate calories
    I try to add 50 -100 of generic calories a day - I assure you there are little things you aren't counting.
    I always underestimate exercise - when lifting weights and MFP says "vigorous activity" - what does that really mean? After an hour or lifting weights I burned 800 calories, I don't think so.

    10. Don't track every day activities
    I never track "light housework" or "gardening". Be happy you're doing it your body thanks you.

    10.Curbing Cravings / Food Alternatives
    Get ready for your cravings and have alternatives ready
    I curbed my sweet cravings through low fat whipped cream with blueberries (50 calories – 2g fat; 6g sugar)

    10. Pinterest
    Yes its true, it provides a lot of motivation. Gives me so many great food and exercises ideas.

    11. Let yourself have bad days and don’t beat yourself up

    This is what worked for me and is probably not for everyone. Feel free to add me I love to hear other peoples secrets :)

    ^^^^Great advice:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • demme02
    demme02 Posts: 17 Member
    I can totally relate so feel free to friend me...I want/need to lose 7ish pounds by May 1st and can do good during the week with my eating and exercising. Actually exercising is something I never have a problem with, but I tend to blow my progress on weekends and it's driving me insane. I need to be accountable too so that when eating out or going to parties does not entail me eating as if it's my last meal..I would love some help in that too!!
  • kums
    kums Posts: 3 Member
    im also aiming to lose some and join the 30 days shred... hope it works.. will not give up
  • ticky
    ticky Posts: 38 Member
    You and I have the same stats... I'm struggling to get to 130!!
  • ticky
    ticky Posts: 38 Member
    We have the same stats-I REALLY want to break the 130 mark. It's so tough. I started at 148 back in October, and am now between 133-135. Of course I'm happy with the results, but I really want to be in my 120's again.

    I like to run (although I'm not very good at it). I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon in about 2 months for some extra motivation. I also LOVE to spin! I try and get to a class as often as possible with a 2 year old at home and a husband that works swing shift.
  • clare4b
    clare4b Posts: 9
    I am 5'4 and started weighing in at 157.5 now I am bouncing around 153. My goal is to reach 125 by the summer, i know my goal is a little higher than some of you but I would love the support!
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5 ft 3,I was 137 and now 119, took me about 4 months. Biggest thing for me was to be consistent about what I did and plan meals, keep a small deficit, do cardio and body weight exercises. I eat 1400-1600 cals per day depending on my activity. I log daily and often log in advance (ie before I eat) so I know that it will fit into my cal and macros allowance. I aim for 40:30:30 carbs to protein/fat ratio. It's worked for me. Feel free to friend me, my diary is open to friends.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    i'm 43, 5'7" and 133/134#. would love to see 127/128.... not sure it will happen though (and if i still lose bf, that is fine).

    i eat anywhere from 1200-1600 a day...

    i do hot vinyasa yoga about 5x a week (i'm an instructor). i also walk hills @ around 4 mph 5x a week.

    anyhow, just want to lose the last 5-6!
  • natzkj
    natzkj Posts: 127 Member
    HI this is similar to me. i am 5'3, 136LB, my goal weight is 122lb. Once i reach this weight i will see how i feel to see if i need to push for any more weight loss. In a week i do an hour at the gym including cardio and stregth, and an aqua aerobics class for an hour. On the other days i try to fit in abit of walking, abs work and dvd work outs, but struggling with the dvd bit at the minute.

    Please feel free to add me
  • Ariel52
    Ariel52 Posts: 9
    Hi! I'm 5'3" tall and weighed 137 lbs the first week of January. I started a transformation challenge about 10 weeks ago; actually started watching my calories and working out about a week prior to that though. I am now down to 117 lbs. and my body fat has dropped from 26% to 20%. I'm hoping to get that in the teens and my new goal weight is 115. My workouts consisted at first of 45 min of cardio and 30 min of weight lifting alternating upper and lower body workouts for 6 days a week. I now do cardio for about an hour and weight lifting for 30-45 min depending on how many sets/reps I do. I really focused on cutting out processed foods, eating more fruits and veggies and adding more protein to my diet. I'll try to post some before and 8 wks progress photos under my profile. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • J_G76
    J_G76 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am also trying to cut the weight. I am 5'4'' and weigh about 139 lbs. After hitting my mid-thirties, it seems like the weight doesn't want to drop and creeps up. I have completed Turbofire and Insanity and just started using my MFP to try and keep track of my protein and calories and hold me accountable for the sweet snacking. Week one has so far been successful. No cheating! I am trying to find that workout combination that finally takes me from 139 to 125 by summer. I have added strenth training, with no more tha 10 pounds since that is the heaviest hand weight I have at home. I am thinking about increasing that to try to get more definition. My question for weight training - higher weight or higher reps? Really want to tone and be cut for summer, but need to drop a good 10 pounds to start seeing the definition I think. I have been trying to do a mix of all my video workouts, elliptical and strength. Would love some input on losing 15 pounds and keeping it off. Haven't gone below 134 since before my kids in my early 20's. Beginning to think it's not possible :(
  • BlairW_13
    BlairW_13 Posts: 22 Member
    I am 5'4 and started weighing in at 157.5 now I am bouncing around 153. My goal is to reach 125 by the summer, i know my goal is a little higher than some of you but I would love the support!

    I have pretty much the same measurements! I would love to get down to low 120s by the summer as well. I just started but I know we can do it :D
  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    IN the same boat as most of you 5'3" at 137lb currently and trying to get down to 120lbs. Run 3 times a week and do circuit training or Julian Michale dvds on the other days . trying to stick to 1200 calories a day and eat as clean as possible. Please feel free to friend me.
  • MJO7164
    MJO7164 Posts: 10 Member
    This sounds alot like my situation too! I have always weighed around 123. Somehow I let myself get up to 150 and now I know how hard it is to lose. I am now around 145 and really want to be 125 by June 16th...that gives me 13 weeks to lose 20 pounds. Even if I lose just the 13, that would be ok with me for now. That would bring me down to 132 and give me the rest of the summer to bump up my workout regimen. So lets go girls...we can do it...lets root eachother on! Lets Dot It!!
  • cassondra1370
    cassondra1370 Posts: 162 Member
    Well girls, I started on MFP around January 14th. As I mentioned before, I am 5'7. I started out around 150, and as of this morning I weighed in at 135. I call that progress! I am hoping I can lose ten more pounds before summer gets here so I can (finally) look smoking hot in a bikini :wink:

    I was wondering, however, if any of you are pear shaped. The problem with weight loss for me is that I begin to look anorexic on my top half (collar bone protruding, etc.) but from the stomach down I still look chunky! This is something I've always had to deal with, but I was just wondering if any of you have the same issue.
  • kelseystew
    kelseystew Posts: 49 Member
    Well girls, I started on MFP around January 14th. As I mentioned before, I am 5'7. I started out around 150, and as of this morning I weighed in at 135. I call that progress! I am hoping I can lose ten more pounds before summer gets here so I can (finally) look smoking hot in a bikini :wink:

    I was wondering, however, if any of you are pear shaped. The problem with weight loss for me is that I begin to look anorexic on my top half (collar bone protruding, etc.) but from the stomach down I still look chunky! This is something I've always had to deal with, but I was just wondering if any of you have the same issue.

    I am the same!!! 5'7 started at 142, and am at 131 right now, looking to get to 125, but my boobs keep shrinking and my collarbone is protruding but I still have a bit of a belly and my legs well fit seem to be the same size as they were at 142! I am hoping that I just lose weight in my upper body first and these last 6 lbs will come off the tummy and legs :)
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Hi just joined MFP; I also have a goal of 125. Feel free to add me for support.
  • unbeknownst
    unbeknownst Posts: 27 Member
    I hover between 134 and 136 and am also aiming for 125. I work out almost every day and try to eat clean. Add me if you like!!