I just wanted to say whoohooo

Since the start of the 2nd week in February I have lost a stone (14lbs for those of you who don't work in stones ;-) ) on Dukan.

This is the lowest I have weighed for a long time, in spite of having tried so many different ways to lose weight. I'm loving eating this way and finding it really straightforward. I also feel really healthy on it.

I still have between 28 and 35lbs to go (I'll go for 28 and see how I feel when I get there) but for the first time in years it feels like it's achievable :-D


  • Sayoh
    Sayoh Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats and nice to hear you have done so well.
    Just starting our and on day 3 of attack phase, not lost anything yet...sob
    I had low calorie crackers at like 6g cabs and 60cals, could that be the cause?
    Not been able to get oat bran around here, i live in africa.
  • ForbiddenFruit
    ForbiddenFruit Posts: 62 Member
    I've just had a look at your diary and it looks pretty good. The only thing I would say is that perhaps you're actually not eating enough. You really shouldn't be below 1200 a day and, as far as I remember, you've not hit that since Monday. I always keep a protein shake (check the carbs though - mine is low carb) handy to top up on days when I physically can't eat any more meat.

    The oat thing is possibly a bit of a problem as well. It is fairly fundamental on the Dukan plan. Can you not get hold of it online? It keeps pretty well if you could order several packs. You shouldn't really be having the crackers, although at least they are pretty low carb. Failing being able to get the oatbran can you get oat crackers or similar instead? It would seem like a better option to me - again watch the carb count on them though.
  • Sayoh
    Sayoh Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the feedback.
    Stopped d crackers yday and noticed a loss of 1kg.
    Myt just substitute with plain old fashioned oats for the fibre at least, i believe that should work.

    hope you're having a great day