Shaun T's rocking body



  • A friend of mine told me how to get my weight loss ticker to show at the bottom of my posts, so now it shows. Yay. Day four for Rockn' body. I didn't get a chance to start until 10:30 pm & I felt like crying, I was so tired. I thought it was going to be the workout plus the extra bonus workout (a short one like last night), but it wasn't! ugh. When I put in the second disk & saw the second workout schedued for today was as long as the first one, I almost past out. A LOT of excuses went though my mind, but I didn't act on them & just hit play. I've been up since 5:30am & it's now after midnight and I'm outta here! to bed. Gonna sleep like a skinny baby :)
  • chosen2worship79
    chosen2worship79 Posts: 7 Member
    I JUST got my videos today!!!! I need encouragement. Lost 30 lbs then slowly creeping back on. I still need to lose a little over 70 more! What's this 30 day challenge? Am I too late?
  • I JUST got my videos today!!!! I need encouragement. Lost 30 lbs then slowly creeping back on. I still need to lose a little over 70 more! What's this 30 day challenge? Am I too late?
    No you're not too late. I'm on day 8 now. Just start today & we can "friend" each other & report in to each other's wall each day about how the workout went that day. I have to say that yesterday was easier by far than day one (so my body must be adjusting). Yay! Also, i decided to take two Advils before turning in because I was awakened during the night w/ calf muscle pain (ugh!) and had to go find some. It moves your body in ways i've never moved (i'm so not a dancer). I'm determined to make it to day 30 and would love the support too. Just knowing you have to check in w/ a buddy is a real help. Let me know what you think!

    I'll send you a friend request :D

    Let's get moving girl & burn that fat!!!!
  • chosen2worship79
    chosen2worship79 Posts: 7 Member
    I JUST got my videos today!!!! I need encouragement. Lost 30 lbs then slowly creeping back on. I still need to lose a little over 70 more! What's this 30 day challenge? Am I too late?
    No you're not too late. I'm on day 8 now. Just start today & we can "friend" each other & report in to each other's wall each day about how the workout went that day. I have to say that yesterday was easier by far than day one (so my body must be adjusting). Yay! Also, i decided to take two Advils before turning in because I was awakened during the night w/ calf muscle pain (ugh!) and had to go find some. It moves your body in ways i've never moved (i'm so not a dancer). I'm determined to make it to day 30 and would love the support too. Just knowing you have to check in w/ a buddy is a real help. Let me know what you think!

    I'll send you a friend request :D

    Let's get moving girl & burn that fat!!!!

    I'm all in!!!! I might need a kick or 2 sometimes but.... I NEED to do this!!!! I love to dance, feel like a dork doing it but that's ok! :-) As long as it doesn't make me feel COMPLETELY uncoordinated I think it would be fun! (hence the reason I bought it lol) What exactly do you post it under? High Impact Aerobics???
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    Chosen2...I use High Impact Aerboics when I log it! I get a very vigorous workout for sure!

    I am not doing the workout calendar. I am also not doing the eating plan. I am more or less doing whatever workout I feel like! I tried the hard core abs the other night but it still put a lot of strain on my neck and have been suffering from headaches ever since. Then last night I was going to do the 42 min. workout but have come down with an awful head cold so opted for the 15 mins Move, Groove one. It is still an awesome workout no matter short or long video! Gonna try to get my 25 or 35 min one in tonight!

    Keep up all the great work!

    Also, still not seeing that ticker RCtransformed ;(
  • Chosen2...I use High Impact Aerboics when I log it! I get a very vigorous workout for sure!

    I am not doing the workout calendar. I am also not doing the eating plan. I am more or less doing whatever workout I feel like! I tried the hard core abs the other night but it still put a lot of strain on my neck and have been suffering from headaches ever since. Then last night I was going to do the 42 min. workout but have come down with an awful head cold so opted for the 15 mins Move, Groove one. It is still an awesome workout no matter short or long video! Gonna try to get my 25 or 35 min one in tonight!

    Keep up all the great work!

    Also, still not seeing that ticker RCtransformed ;(

    Hi! I love your dedication. I hear you about straining things. I had the neck strain, too. I put some muscle soothing stuff on it that I got at the drugstore and it really helped it stop hurting. I'm on day 14 (day of rest), but it starts in tomorrow. I do feel good when I'm done, but i procrastinate like crazy! I'm going to try the ticker thing again & see if I can get it to work. I really want the one that just gives you the lbs lost....hmmm. it's gotta be here somewhere.

    Good job & I'll tt u soon!
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    Got thru the weekend, but only worked out on Sat. I took Friday and Sunday off. I was so busy doing things on Sunday I literally did not stop and sit until almost 9!

    I did the Disco routine last night! Love that one! I think my new fave though is the 42 min Shaun T's Dance Party! Love the music and all the routines! I just have SO much fun! Thinking tonight will be a 15 min routine, but that is Ok! i have a meeting and might not be getting home until 8!

    Have a great day friends!
  • heatherforever222
    heatherforever222 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone! I am here if anyone needs any extra support with rockin body. I too have started this program but I also came from Insanity so I decided in order to get that extra burn that I would do both rockin body and hip hop abs at the same time. I didnt realize how difficult it was going to be until last night! I did the rockin body move and groove and the party express cd and then had fit cardio with hip hop abs, needless to say, I had about an 1 1/2 hour workout and now I feel that I must follow through with it because I commited to I have a polar 4 HRM that I use to help me on how many calories I burn for each cd and then add the total once Ive completed them. Its gonna be a long program I think! Pray for me!
  • escalada22
    escalada22 Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome here! I slaced a little last night but still did the 15 min. Move & Groove and still work up a sweat! My fav. is the dance party for sure! It is 42 mins but I love ever routine in it! I think tonight is going to be the disco one!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Ordered Rockin Body from Amazon but won't be here until next Thursday. I'm happy to see so many people like the workouts. Husband thought I might like Rockin Body since I'm a workout wimp and won't try/do Insanity with him!
  • slarobinson
    slarobinson Posts: 41 Member
    I just got my rocking body this week. I'm going to start with day 2 from his calendar today. Hope someone is still working it out.
  • Ddc76
    Ddc76 Posts: 14
    Hi! I just joined MFP and found this group. I'm on day 3 of rockin body. Just finished disco groove and hardcore abs. I like it so far. How about you?
  • slarobinson
    slarobinson Posts: 41 Member

  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I have it, but I have only done two days. I am just using it two or three days a week (training for a half marathon, so running is the priority). I really enjoy it... even though I'm all over the place trying to keep up with the moves. I feel so uncoordinated! :laugh:
  • shauna1372
    shauna1372 Posts: 2
    hey there new here I have rockin body and insanity. tried insanity but it is just a lil to intense for me right now I haven t worked out in a really really long time. So I am starting with the rockin body which I totally love. started a diet plan last wk that you take in the calories of ur goal weight. I lost 7 lbs in 7 days!!!! love the rockin body wkouts shaun t is soooo much fun!!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I've done a couple more of the workouts and I'm starting to feel a bit more confident about what I'm doing. Once I got some of the steps down, I noticed it became a bit more of workout. Totally loving it (when I can find time to do it!)! :smile:
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    hey there new here I have rockin body and insanity. tried insanity but it is just a lil to intense for me right now I haven t worked out in a really really long time. So I am starting with the rockin body which I totally love. started a diet plan last wk that you take in the calories of ur goal weight. I lost 7 lbs in 7 days!!!! love the rockin body wkouts shaun t is soooo much fun!!

    Congrats on the weight loss -- that's awesome!! :drinker:
  • Yes I have and I Love it I also do Hip Hop Abes but I love Rocken Body. Will be doing this today
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    Yes I have Shawn T's Rockin' Body and am on week 5. My 11 year old son and I love doing it. We use the weights as well starting with week 4 as our muscles needed to adjust to working out. I had been walking 3x40 min with my dog per day and occassionally doing Turbo Jam.
    At first I noticed the weight didn't really go down but when I went to his discussion site it seems that this is usual or at least not uncommon. Due to the use of muscles not used to working hard, water surrounds the muscles to protect it. The weight is finally starting to come off. I am also watching my calories for the past week and that may be helping as well. Started drinking the 8 glasses of water a day as well to help flush out my system. Will weigh in every Thursday so we will see how it goes. All my best to all of you!
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    August 8th Weekly check in.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget? Yes
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, I managed 185 min. Used Rockin' Body, walking, and biking
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
    Drank 8 glasses water.
    Keeping active and motivated!
    Lost 3.75 inches overall neck to calf. I find it is helpful to measure all areas in order to see where the loss is occurring as well as for keeping motivated. Sometimes the weight loss isn't much, but the inches come off. After all, muscle is heavier than fat.