WEIGH IN - FRIDAY (3/22/13)

Here's what I need from you on Fridays:

BW (beginning weight - your highest weight, or weight when you joined MFP.)
SW (weight when you joined the group)
LW (last weigh-in)
TW (today's weight)

Obviously, for the first weigh-in you don't have to put LW.


  • LoonyR
    LoonyR Posts: 13 Member
    K, sounds great! Thanks for giving me a little added motivation!
  • Pkeenan1229
    Pkeenan1229 Posts: 51 Member
    Start tomorrow?!
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Ok. I would imagine tomorrow I will weigh the same as today though as I weighed myself today for the starting weight of this group. Who knows I might get lucky and lose a few ounces as I have been in the bathroom a lot today for some reason (TMI I know..lol).:blushing:
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    ^^^ ROFL. No worries on the TMI. :) You can use today's weight, re-weigh yourself tomorrow, just use Thursday's weight every time you weight in... whatever works for you! But yeah, I'd reweigh tomorrow in case you lose a few ounces. :)
  • Michelleladder
    Michelleladder Posts: 11 Member
    My usual weigh-in day is Wednesday, but I think I'm going to change it to Friday for this group. I hope that I didn't gain from Wednesday!
  • Viola47
    Viola47 Posts: 121
    If you want to keep weighing in on your normal day and post it on Friday, that's fine too!
  • casherrill76
    casherrill76 Posts: 28 Member
    BW 195
    SW 188.2
    TW 186.6

    Woohoo...down 1.6 this week! :)
  • akjellin
    akjellin Posts: 30
    BW: 170
    SW: 165
    TW: 167

    I gained to pounds from this past week.... Thank goodness a new week is coming up
  • tosha_e_1
    tosha_e_1 Posts: 19
    BW 207.2
    SW 207.2
    LW 207.2
    TW 207.2

    LOL I am brand new ok!
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    Yeah 1.2 pounds loss!! I guess all that "bathroom time" yesterday did make a difference :)

    BW: 322
    SW: 248
    TW: 246.8
  • manda_panda0238
    manda_panda0238 Posts: 17 Member
    BW- 261
    SW- 252.6
    LW- 252.6
    TW- 251.8

    LOST 0.8 lb.....
    I read u can weigh on your regular days and just post so to avoid confussion thats what I did.... I weigh Mondays
    so TW is mon the 18th & the LW is the 11th.... I hope i did this right let me know if Im wrong so I know.
  • BW 226
    SW 226
    LW 218
    TW 215

    Lost three lbs from last week for a total of 11 lbs!!
  • AdrienneRenae83
    AdrienneRenae83 Posts: 21 Member
    BW: 179
    SW: 166
    TW: 166
  • how do you get the little weight loss bar on your weigh in?
  • nevermind i figured it out
  • AdrienneRenae83
    AdrienneRenae83 Posts: 21 Member
    Your's is already on there.
  • ricochette55
    ricochette55 Posts: 68 Member
    BW 150.5
    SW 146.4
    TW 144.8

    Happy Friday!!!
  • mli85maj
    mli85maj Posts: 14 Member
    BW 226.2
    SW 217.2
    TW 216.4
  • Dulcefresh
    Dulcefresh Posts: 55 Member
    BW 280
    SW 256.6
    TW 253.4
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