new to site and paleo

Hi everyone,
I just started this site yesterday and primarily joined to learn more about the paleo lifestyle. I've been reading up on it but wanted to hear from actual users and their success rate. My wife started about a month ago and would like me to do so as well. We are hoping to start a family in the next year and we have discussed continuing this lifestyle with our children as well. Would love to hear from those of you that have been doing this for some time!! Feel free to add me! Thanks so much! Dale


  • dwest1976
    dwest1976 Posts: 41 Member
    Dale, the liefstyl has worked very well for me. I would say as long as you like meat and veggies its pretty easy to get started. I have had great success getting lean and strong. I have lost 43 pounds so far and am in the process of building up muscle for the next push to lose another 10-15. My energy level is much better and I have been told I lok 10 years younger.

    I have not convinced my wife to go Paleo. She is at a good weight for her and has decided she can't live without bread.

    Kids are tough, as I find that they really don't like meat for some time and they LOVE pasta and bread. Mine are still really young, and I have been trying to get them to eat more protein and fewer carbs, but at the same time I think there little bodies can do fine on "cheap" calories and I don't want to starve them. Perhaps if I were paleo from the time they were young and if my wife were paleo too that would be easier.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I started eating primal about 2 months ago now. I had read the Primal Blueprint in about 3 days and decided to jump into it the following week. It was a bit rough in the first week, I had a lot of cravings and felt pretty foggy and lethargic, but it quickly improved dramatically. I have noticed many improvements in my health (list copied directly from my profile page):

    - Better skin and hair
    - Drastically reduced cravings, over-eating, and bloating
    - More consistent energy throughout the day and better sleep
    - Reduced mood swings
    - Less pain (headaches, stomachaches, etc.), therefore, drastically reduced OTC pain killers
    - Lost inches from hips, waist, bum, and thighs
    - No shaky or sick feelings if I happen to skip meals

    I also have lost about 17lbs so far. As time has gone on I also feel like this is something I want to continue to do in the future. My boyfriend has also recently decided to join me after seeing my successes and enjoyment of the primal life. I don't have any children so I can't give you any solid advice there. I would recommend maybe searching on Google or visit and use their search function, there is likely some great advice in there. Send me a friend request if you'd like :flowerforyou:
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome to paleo! If you are patient with it and give it is WELL worth the "sacrifices." Feel free to friend me if you want!
  • hilliardjoe
    hilliardjoe Posts: 111 Member
    Check out the documentary 'Fathead' (on Netflix streaming if you have that). It started out as a counter to 'Super Size Me' but the creator (Tom Naughton - I think) found that eating paleo/primal really is better for you. He did this with his doctor and his doctor couldn't believe the results he was getting.

    After making the film he moved his wife and kids (who are pre-teen now) from LA to a farm in TN and is really living the paleo/primal way (including the kids).

    He has a blog,, and is pretty active on it.

    I've been primal since Jan 1 and have seen the same benefits as Purplesaurus. My kids are older though (16 and 20) and the 20 year old is starting to see how I'm eating and the results I've gotten and is slowly coming around. So is the wife. My youngest is basically a vegetarian but too SAD-y for my liking.

    My diary is open so feel free to check it out (although this weekend may not be the best since I am in March Madness mode now).
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    Fathead is good. I also watched one called "The Perfect Human Diet" which I thought was pretty good.