Week 2: Out Do Last Weeks Totals.

mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
1. Go back add up all the calories you burned last week Divide by however many days you workout and I want you to add 50 calories more each day this week. For example 1000 calories 5 days = 200 per day this week do 250 that could mean increasing Time or increasing INTENSITY!! an extra 50 per day = an extra 250 per week on a 5 day workout week which equals another pound lost every 14 days with very little extra work =) Go Get it.

2. Hold yourself accountable contact someone in your family or friend circle that doesnt know what you are doing and tell them. Maybe they will want to do it as well.

3. Stretch- I notice a lot of you are very sore. Stretch after each workout and thoroughly warm up muscles with light dynamic stretches prior to workout to alleviate some of the soreness.

4. Protein - Make sure you hit your protein goals everyday you don't need to go over but get as close to that number as you can the protein will help build the lean muscles you desire while keeping the metabolism high.

5. Plan your first reward. You all made goals for the end of four weeks decide what your reward will be WHEN you hit that goal. (New sneakers, massage, workout shirt, pants, sports bra, whatever that will motivate you. Or maybe even something you are forbidding yourself to eat. CUSTARD or something =) You are worth it!

Thats all I have for now you are all BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING keep up the hard work. I'm so fortunate to be with you on this journey.


  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    1.) Acording to my FitBit stats: from last Friday to yesterday I burned 15864 and I ate 12720. This past week I burnt about 2267/day and ate about 1818/day. So from today until next Saturday I need to burn about 2317/day and eat about 1768/day which seems totally doable!
    2.) My fitness partner has sort of fallen off the wagon but I'll find another. In fact yesterday I sort of co-opted my partner into holding me accountable. It worked out okay yesterday, lets see if we can keep that going.
    3.) I do stretch but today I'll look into a different stretching program. Changing things up is always a good idea.
    4.) I hit my protien goal yesterday but only by eating a ton of steak and then putting protein powder in my frozen yogurt for desert (which was pretty okay!). I learned that I need to think about protein every meal/snack of the day rather than at the end.
    5.) I think I'll set my reward to be planning a trip up to Seattle -- just for me -- to visit with my sister. So if I meet my burn and calorie goals for the next seven days and stretch daily and hit my 105g of protein/day then next Saturday morning I'll plan my trip up there...hmmm maybe i can co-opt my sister into helping keep me accountable :drinker:

    Thanks for your ideas and weekly 'to-do" lists!
  • lizlashley2009
    lizlashley2009 Posts: 54 Member
    1. So last week I burned 14568 calories and I ate 8052 which is a 930 deficit a day and I want to be at a 1000 a day so more working out for me. I worked out 4 days so this week I am going to try for 5 days of exercising.
    2. This site keeps accountable and then also my arm band that I wear to keep me shooting for 1000 calorie deficit a day.
    3. I stretch every day it feels great.
    4. I eat about 80-100g of protein a day
    5. My 4 week goal reward would be more highlights to my hair.
  • Overcomer7737
    Overcomer7737 Posts: 21 Member
    Mike, you rock!! Thanks for figuring out this simple but effective strategy and for encouraging all of us...I really, really do appreciate ALL you are putting into us...Bless you!
  • bits4226
    bits4226 Posts: 101 Member
    HEY MIKE QUICK QUESTION..... For the protein how many grams per pound should we be eating.. I am having a hard time meeting my protein goal and I feel like I'm constantly eating protein (ie. eggs, yogurt, chicken shakes on workout days)> any advise on getting more in?
  • bits4226
    bits4226 Posts: 101 Member
    not counting today i burned 2879 this week.... feel like I did a bit more since i didn't log for 2 days so my aim will be 3300 or so from monday to sunday this week
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    HEY MIKE QUICK QUESTION..... For the protein how many grams per pound should we be eating.. I am having a hard time meeting my protein goal and I feel like I'm constantly eating protein (ie. eggs, yogurt, chicken shakes on workout days)> any advise on getting more in?

    There is so much debate on this subject. Bodybuilders go 1.2-1.5 grams they recommend 1 gram per pound for people trying to put on muscle I like .6-.8 per pound bodyweight of your goal weight. As long as this protein comes from high quality sources (Lean meat, beans, veges, fish, nuts,) I think that this is more then enough. Keep in mind to spread the gramage evenly across your meals don't eat all your protein at once because then your body has a difficult time absorbing it all. Hope this helps.

    Hemp is a great way to add more protein through a natural source at 7 grams per scoop. Also meal replacement protein bars and shakes help as well.

    So the example i'll use is me my goal weight is 200 lbs and i do about 150grams a day which is .75
  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    Out of the last six days...I averaged 1752 calories per day. I've been at a plateau, so I just started to increase my calories. I also burned an average of 582 calories per day. Tomorrow is weigh in day...we'll see if it these changes work!
  • bits4226
    bits4226 Posts: 101 Member
    thanks this is helpful. So i have a short termgoal of 160 and a long term goal of 150-155. So 120grams seems sufficient. this helps alot
  • jwpe
    jwpe Posts: 77 Member
    This past week burned 4035 in 6 days.....add 300 and I need to burn 725 every day this next week. (6 days)
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    Last week I burned 4712 calories I worked out 6 days. I don't know what all that other stuff meant. Sunday I'm running 16.5 km, so I'll have no trouble hitting those extra calories.

    I ate over my protein every day, but under fat, carbs and salt.

    I am sore today, but that's from running 15 k yesterday. I did do lots of stretching throughout, and runner's yoga after *I was also painting moldings in my house, which is always hard on the hammys)

    My diet was pristine this week, lots of clean, healthy food. Yesterday, however, I had some timbits. :)

    Total down 4.8. That is almost unheard of for me, especially at this stage of the day.
  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    WTG! It's sounds like your really committed to taking care of yourself!
  • roverdisc98
    roverdisc98 Posts: 78 Member
    sounds good
  • roverdisc98
    roverdisc98 Posts: 78 Member
    increasing your daily burn was a great idea. i'm now more motivated to work out/run longer and lift heavier!

    this is awesome!

    now to stay away from all that bad food! that's what's killin me
  • andreagreen1974
    andreagreen1974 Posts: 64 Member
    Current plan of exercise until I can get my bike out!

    My current calorie range is 1380 per day. My typical week for working out is
    Monday: Off
    Tuesday: Run 6-8 k usually so far
    Wednesday: Hasfit Cardio and Legs, Glutes and Abs
    Thursday: Run 6-8 Km
    Friday Hasfit: Cardio and Chest, Tricep, Back Bicep and Abs
    Saturday and Sunday, Long run days 10+km each day (which makes Monday a good rest day) And so many squats every day!!!
  • os2013
    os2013 Posts: 11 Member
    I upped my calories by 250 earlier this week and came off a plateau. I am 2 weeks out from a torn plantar tendon in my arch, so I have been trying to take exercise slow and steady. I walked 15-30 minutes daily this week, and rode bicycle most days. Our weather is getting nicer in the great white north so I can get outside now. I will be able to start golfing a few times a week soon.
    Thanks for putting this group together, Mike. Everyone have a great week 3. os2013
  • mikehart164
    mikehart164 Posts: 108 Member
    I upped my calories by 250 earlier this week and came off a plateau. I am 2 weeks out from a torn plantar tendon in my arch, so I have been trying to take exercise slow and steady. I walked 15-30 minutes daily this week, and rode bicycle most days. Our weather is getting nicer in the great white north so I can get outside now. I will be able to start golfing a few times a week soon.
    Thanks for putting this group together, Mike. Everyone have a great week 3. os2013

    You are welcome !! Arch tears can be nasty I'm glad you are getting better. Golfing will be great, I was able to spend all day outside yesturday 60 degrees in PA I loved every minute of it. Waxed Washed the car, picked up more leaves, two workouts it was amazing. The warm weather will serve us all well in the upcoming weeks/ months!!