Heartburn?! But I am a clean-eating vegan!!!!

ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
Last few days, I have gotten slight heartburn, and I am puzzled.

Mostly, I have experienced a very slight burning feeling in the back of my throat after some meals, and a couple times I have had burping, or like a "sour burp".....

I am SUCH a clean eater....clean as I can be without being an absolute fanatic and never leaving the house :laugh:

Vegan, don't drink coffee or soda......can't understand what's going on. I have had to take TUMS twice now in the last week.

I have no health insurance, and don't place much faith in doctors anyway. Recently went back on the birth control pill...could THAT be causing it?!


  • EshaS30
    EshaS30 Posts: 7 Member
    I've heard a soy intolerance can cause symptoms such as heart-burn and bloating. That was one of many reasons I try to limit or completely eliminate it out of my diet....my tummy just cannot handle it. Soy also raises estrogen levels and completely throws your hormones off whack (in my case anyway). Try cutting out soy for a couple days to see if it helps any? Best of luck! :)
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    soy *could* be a factor, but i have happily eaten soy for YEARS (in fact, i eat LESS soy now than I used to...), so i dunno....

    I just got back on Birth Control Pills this past week after being off for many months, and these are a different brand that i never tried before....

    just read MANY online sources that link BCP with heartburn....i might stop my pill again: i do NOT like the feeling of heartburn
  • tomatini
    tomatini Posts: 61 Member
    I don't think eating a clean or vegan diet makes you any less susceptible to heartburn than an omni diet. Some people just have more sensitive stomachs, or it could be that certain foods trigger it. Tomatoes, fruits and other acidic foods are especially likely, and it's possible that something that didn't upset your stomach before could be upsetting your stomach now. I don't know anything about heartburn as a side effect of the BCP, but other meds have definitely given me heartburn so it seems possible to me.

    Other possibilities that come to mind:

    -This will sound silly, but when you take supplements or pills do you swallow them with a lot of water? A pill not going all the way down and partially dissolving in your throat will definitely give you a yucky, burpy feeling. :/
    -Stress. Are you more stressed out than normal lately? I definitely get worse bouts of heartburn and indigestion when I'm stressed.

    Does drinking water help at all with the symptoms?
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    honestly, after a bunch of research last nite, i am pretty sure that my recent starting of a new BCP is what has been causing it...found lots of info about the progesterone in BCP causing HB.

    while certain foods CAN cause it, here's what's so weird about mine:

    --I eat the EXACT SAME stuff i have been eating for 2-3 years now. NEVER heartburn in all that time...now HB all week, even with bland foods....and this is the week i have been taking the BCP

    --years ago, i was a severe binge eater, eating tons of junk, eating to the point of almost vomiting, eating in the middle of nite, smoking, doing drugs..........and NEVER HB!?

    hard to explain, but u know how u KNOW when something is just not right in your system...having HB for a several days in a row this week is SO bizarre for my system, and the ONLY thing i have had/done any differently during this time is a new med. at this point, i am 99% sure that's the answer.

    stopped my pill, will watch out for HB from now on. if i were to keep having HB for several weeks even off the pill, then i might need to examine different causes and lifestyle changes.
  • tomatini
    tomatini Posts: 61 Member
    Well, I never had heartburn because of BCPs, but I've tried a few different kinds and had different but terrible symptoms from all of them: Mood swings, weight gain, hypertension, breakthrough bleeding etc. So I avoid them, and if they make you feel weird then you should too! Using "old fashioned" methods of birth control (like condoms) sucks but at least they don't make me feel like an insane person.

    If the heartburn continues I would look at what you're eating first. Like I said, just because you didn't get heartburn from something before doesn't mean you won't get it now. You can develop food sensitivities at any time in your life.
  • TwiistedTwiin
    TwiistedTwiin Posts: 32 Member
    Not trying to be mean here but you are going to the doctor to get your BCP, why not ask them or google it.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    i have no insurance, so the only doc i can afford to go to is the state-funded OB GYN clinic, where i get my pills..

    i will certainly ask the doc there. sadly, she's not very knowledgeable. she actually was confused when i told her i take B-12 (she had asked, "do u take any drugs or meds") and i had to spend several minutes teaching her about why vegans need a b-12 supplement.

    and google was what yielded the info that BCP *may* cause heartburn.
  • TwiistedTwiin
    TwiistedTwiin Posts: 32 Member
    Sometimes when my husband has heartburn he takes a mouthful of baking soda...I know it sounds gross, and it tastes nasty but it seems to help him and is fairly inexpensive. It doesn't fix your problem but it helps at the time :(
    Maybe stress? Or eating laying down? I am sure you have thought of these things already.
    Hope it gets better soon!