Shock! Horror! Women Lifting!



  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Ya, i don't get any bad looks or comments from women; occassionaly my break group will sarcastically comment how they "hate" me b/c i'm always working out lol - but it's all in good fun & they rarely even use the word "diet" around me anymore (probably b/c they see me eat all the time) - there was, mind you, one moment when i "politely" ripped a co worker a new one for nagging me about being healthy - something along the lines of, "ya i'm 'skinny' so i shouldn't be concerned about my health right?, i'll just wait until i'm obeise and have a heart attack and THEN i'll develop some character to get into shape!" :::and smiled::: lol

    at the gym i work out with a pretty cool group of guys & a couple women - they are mostly cardio bunnies, but they've started asking questions & using some machines too. then men mostly ask me 1) if i'm using said weight or rack ore 2) (mostly this one) = why my tall bright socks never match :D!
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    One in-law said "We'll, you HAVE to lift weights because it's your job". I just told her I was doing weight-training decades before getting certified as a trainer.
  • Ololade1
    Ololade1 Posts: 6 Member
    It can really be frustrating for me, the staff at the gym will not even allow me and when I am stubborn about it, the guys at the gym looks at me from the corner of their eyes, a bad look though.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    It can really be frustrating for me, the staff at the gym will not even allow me and when I am stubborn about it, the guys at the gym looks at me from the corner of their eyes, a bad look though.

    The staff at your gym won't ALLOW you to lift? What?
  • vals83
    vals83 Posts: 63 Member
    I got that a lot! you're gonna look like "those women!" No I'm not. But thanks!
    I get a lot of "Don't end up looking like a man" type comments. Meh! More fool them.
  • jzlater
    jzlater Posts: 11 Member
    I've been coming to the realisation of late that I LOVE strength training. Cardio in the gym bores me, I quite like running outside but weights make me happy.

    I agree! Cardio is pretty boring, but it is easy to get in via a short walk. When I am motivated to get to the Gym, I much rather do strength training.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    My mum told me that I should only use weights on my upper body, so that I wouldn't get "thunder thighs". I have pretty wide hips and a nicely round bum, so I guess she thought that muscles under all of that would look bad. Besides, I was "working out my lower body with cardio right???"

    My hubby likes that I lift. Men at the gym either ignore me or look impressed. Women at my gym either ignore me or look a bit jealous.

    Can't wait to see what 10 more weeks will do to me! I'm in a 12 week bulk which will be followed by a 14 week cut to get to my goal weight of 145 with much more muscle. I wish I wouldn't finish this AFTER summer ends *sigh*
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    My partner constantly tells me I'll end up looking like Jodie Marsh or a man lol!
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Back in college, I was one of those women that was afraid to lift because I did not want to look like a man! My Track strengthening coach and I bumped heads about this for 2 years. He showed me a picture of Mocha Lee (Ms. Galaxy, 1999) and I loved the way the muscles made her look so curvy and fit. My Mom loves that I am so strong! My Dad is the one encouraging me to do mostly Cardio and light lifting, "because I am naturally strong". When my Dad asks if I went to the Gym, I just say yes I had a good workout. I am just getting back to lifting after several years of injuries from an auto accident. I love the way my body is changing, and look forward to the day I reach my goal weight! Happy Lifting Ladies!
  • Getit_Simpson
    Getit_Simpson Posts: 69 Member
    I love weight makes me feel strong and accomplished. I especially like to work out my legs AND as a bonus it really does help melt the fat away faster. Not soon enough for me... :wink:
  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member
    they should buy a copy of oxygen magazine i wished i looked like that