Lantus injection question

Hello All,
I have a question for those of you who inject Lantus, for some reason when I do the injections in my stomach I have no issues, but when I do them in my thigh they really hurt. Is this normal?? May be because I have so much extra fat in my belly versus my thigh? I still squeeze the skin when I do the thigh. Any insights would be appreciated. I've only been on it a couple of months and probably don't rotate sights enough because of this.


  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member

    I'm using Lantus basal for my background insulin needs in addition to, mealtime insulin and found when I first started injecting
    in my thighs and in areas other than my tummy, i too experienced uncomfortable results, and it (is) normal.

    Injecting in the tummy is the preferred area for me also, due to the reason you describe, having more fatty tissue to inject in.

    Tops of thighs, upper shoulders are also good areas for some, but not for me.

    It's about trial and error as to what areas are most comfortable for you. I find if I use my belly button as guideline, I can usually inject above and below that mid-line in my stomach (picture vertically) about 2 inches from my mid-section around to both the left and right as far as I can go until I experience discomfort. Directly below my belly button works for me too. As you mentioned rotating your sites is important to allow for optimum absorption.

    I also experience, and you may have too, as you explore and use different areas, the occasional discoloration or bead of blood after injection, this is normal and shouldn't be alarming, but an indication to move your next site away from that area a touch.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck!
  • pmcbrady
    pmcbrady Posts: 31
    Thanks, glad to hear that it's not just me. Think for now I'll just do the belly rotation :)
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    When I started taking Lantus, my diabetic instructor told me to take all my insulin in the belly, about an inch or 2 above my belly button. I have always done this. I do bruise easily, but normally there is so little pain involved. It is so much easier to do in the belly because I can just lift up my shirt slightly, vs having to go into the bathroom to do in the thigh. Hope this helps.