Just need some friends for support :)

I'm trying to lose about 10 pounds so any motivation/support/advice for losing it would be helpful, as well as friend requests. I promise I won't be a pain! hahaha...I haven't started in weight loss mode yet. So far, I've just been logging in my daily caloric intake to see how much I usually eat so I can get an idea of where I need to cut back, carbs, fats, protein, etc...


  • jennagoogles13
    I'm always looking for people who I can support, and who are also willing to offer me some motivation! Feel free to send me a friend request:)
  • abc71
    abc71 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm looking to lose 5 more and then the hard part for me...Maintenance!
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I'm 5 lbs down, 10 to go (admittedly, some of those final pounds are probably more aspirational than realistic for my age). Feel free to add me.
  • callie07623
    callie07623 Posts: 36 Member
    Looking to loose about ten lbs too! Always looking for new friends and support- feel free to add me! I am 5'2'' and about 122 lbs :)