


  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Ok, I didn't do something right..........my booch isn't fizzy like the store bought booch I have bought in the past. Do I need to let it ferment longer?

    Momof8munchkins.........I am in Southern Illinois and have experienced the same crazy weather you all have in Kentucky. We don't actually live very far apart.
    Howdy neighbor! I would say yes.. fresh booch is fizzy but not like soda.. does it taste fermented or like tea?
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I realize that I'm about 2 months late to this discussion, but I only just found it. I'm in the process of attempting to cultivate my first SCOBY and would love any support / tips / new friends to chat about this stuff with, as my family will surely think I've lost it when I'm making stuff to drink from a giant blob of slime in a jar. :)
  • NeeNeeB
    NeeNeeB Posts: 3
    I've been brewing my own for over a year now. I was given a SCOBY by a friend. Most batches come out great but I had af this winter that never got real fizzy. My friend thought maybe the temperature in my house was too cold. Recent batches have been much better! If anyone ever breaks in my house and looks in the fridge they'll be in for a surprise! Jars with slimy things growing in them! Jars with kefir grains in milk. It's like one big science experiment!
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    My co worker just gave me to scobies and I have two new batches fermenting as of this morning. Can't wait for them to be ready!
  • mamawolfen68
    mamawolfen68 Posts: 3 Member
    yes, they do that