Season 3 - Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life" (03/24/13)



  • BryVia12
    BryVia12 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm so bummed that Merle is gone! There is so much more they could have done with him, he was so multi-dimensional. I really hope we get some closure in the finale, I hate the cliff hangers! By the way, I'm totally watching the season 1 marathon right now, Merle's 1st episode is on right now.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    New way to shop for a wedding ring. Wish Glen would have dropped to one knee and given a proper proposal to Maggie. Thought it was interesting that the Gov was on the Talking dead - I just can't get over all the Brits they have on the show.
    Hats of to the demise of Merle - he was definitely a bad *kitten* zombie - loved that they had him gorging on a corpse.
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,151 Member
    Thought it was sweet that Glen went to talk with Hershel first, before asking Maggie.

    Merle ruled this episode. Totally thought at first he was going to deliver Michonne to the Gov.....sad also that he died, though I did love to hate him before. Lol

    I doubt they'll kill the Governor, he's a great villain, and they could carry out that story line further. I like the feeling that they're setting booby traps, can't wait to see what's in store...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I know it's the apocalypse and everything Glen, but you think you could have done a little better than shoving the ring in Maggie's hand?

    I had a similar thought. Is their wedding going to be like the last scene of Spaceballs?

    Minister: Do you?
    Lone Star: Yes.
    Minister: Do you?
    Princess Vespa: Yes.
    Minister: Good, you're married.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Can you talk about the COOLEST zombie kill of the show so far?!?!?! Michonne using her restraints like a garrote and chopping that zombie's head off?? Best. Zombie. Kill. Ever.

    I love the description of Merle like the Pied Piper. At first when he was just sitting there drinking and blasting the music I thought "Is he trying to kill himself????" but he had a much better and more bad *kitten* plan!!!

    Yeah, the garrote thing was AWESOME!!! I have come around to think Michonne is the biggest badass on the show, possibly even (dare I say it?) moreso than Daryl. *runs and hides*

    Merle's redemption was positively brilliant! Great shooting for someone who just had a fair amount of straight whiskey, too, especially considering his tolerance is probably pretty low. I also think he might have taken out that kid (the one from Tyreese's group that had been at the prison) when he almost shot the Governor. I kind of felt bad about that because he was just a kid and seemed to be doing what his dad told him to do. By the way, did anyone see if the dad was one of the Woodbury people killed?

    I never really hated Merle and always hoped he'd come around to back up his brother in a big way. I think that was probably the best way he could have gone out. Great acting, great writing.

    But when they were fighting (Merle and the Governor), all I kept saying was, "Why don't you just stab him?!?" Did the Governor break his arm or something? I didn't know if there was something I'd missed.

    Daryl's reaction was Oscar-worthy, no joke. As if he couldn't get any awesome-er, Norman Reedus goes and does a scene like that. Great way to close out the show, too. I am also hoping that Daryl gets the pleasure of doing away with the Governor. I agree that I'm getting tired of him the same way I was getting tired of Shane.

    I'm glad that Rick is realizing that he shouldn't be a dictator. I think there's a lot of strength that's come about in the group that could be beneficial. At this point everyone who's still alive has a good head on his/her shoulders, so you might as well make good use of that.

    Also, has anyone else noticed that Carol's had some good lines lately? Between her telling that one prisoner about how just because she had short hair didn't mean she was a lesbian to her retort to Merle when he said, "You're a late bloomer," and she said something like, "Maybe you are, too." Snappy but dead-on. I've always liked her, but she's really become one of my favorite characters. I used to think her getting together with Daryl would be weird because it seemed more like a mother-son dynamic, but now I'm not so sure. I kind of hope they do get together.

    I'm still wondering if Maggie got pregnant from last week's little romp with Glenn, which would make their getting married particularly fitting (not that it wouldn't happen otherwise). I'm going to guess neither one of them had a condom on hand...
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    The finale is titled "Welcome to the Tombs". In a sneak peek on The Talking Dead you see the gang from Woodbury in the prison yard; which is interestingly devoid of walkers. Think they have set a trap for them in the tombs with the walkers?

    yup. and if you notice at amc there is a sneak peak pic of the episode of Rick crouching in the weeds with a gun. From the preview it looks like they will go into the prison (tombs) looking for Rick and company. But they will not be there. I guess Rick seals that door and Woodbury folks will have to fight their way through a group of walkers to get out.

    I guess they eventually get out but their group cut in half. That would make the odds about even in terms of people. They need to make a final shootout and God knows what will happen then. I guess we will lose some Prison folks. Maybe Glenn or Lori. with them just getting married it would be a nice tragedy and fitting for how they have done the show. The Gov will have some surprises of his own though I guess.

    The prison is boring and nasty and this story has played out. I guess what is left of the group after the battle will be back on the road again looking for a new home. but they need some kind of direction of where to go.

    that's just a guess. but would make for an interesting season ending episode. I would like to see the gov not make it, but somehow I feel that he will.

    I was a bit surprised at what Merle did. Its kind of a sad thing. Merle and Daryl grew up very rough and Merle was a result of that.
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    I know it's the apocalypse and everything Glen, but you think you could have done a little better than shoving the ring in Maggie's hand?

    I had a similar thought. Is their wedding going to be like the last scene of Spaceballs?

    Minister: Do you?
    Lone Star: Yes.
    Minister: Do you?
    Princess Vespa: Yes.
    Minister: Good, you're married.

    ^^ -- LMAO!.. I was thinking that too!

    I thought the episode was good but got better and the ending was a complete SHOCK to me!.. Very said to see Merle die at the end however like previous posters have said I think Michonne got to him and Darryl.. Merle wanted to go out a "HERO" instead of the Bad Guy IMO..

    Just hope next week's episdoe is GOOD for a season ending as it's a LONG wait till October!! .. I'm thinking 1 or 2 main people may die off the show.. Just a guess on my part..

    All in all good episode IMO
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member

    Merle's redemption was positively brilliant! Great shooting for someone who just had a fair amount of straight whiskey, too, especially considering his tolerance is probably pretty low. I also think he might have taken out that kid (the one from Tyreese's group that had been at the prison) when he almost shot the Governor. I kind of felt bad about that because he was just a kid and seemed to be doing what his dad told him to do. By the way, did anyone see if the dad was one of the Woodbury people killed?

    Also, has anyone else noticed that Carol's had some good lines lately? Between her telling that one prisoner about how just because she had short hair didn't mean she was a lesbian to her retort to Merle when he said, "You're a late bloomer," and she said something like, "Maybe you are, too." Snappy but dead-on. I've always liked her, but she's really become one of my favorite characters. I used to think her getting together with Daryl would be weird because it seemed more like a mother-son dynamic, but now I'm not so sure. I kind of hope they do get together.

    I think it was that kid from Tyrese's group. Is his name Ben? I think the dad is named Allen. At first I thought it was that asthmatic teen from Woodbury, but now I think it was the teen from Tyrese's group after all. I would have liked it if his father died, but I didn't see him among those Merle took down. And it was interesting Merle shot them in the arm or leg, not the head. So they were wounded, but it was the walkers that did them in.

    How the heck does the Governor, a man with no depth perception and one good eye, move so fast?! This is the second time he did it. The first time was with Lori in last week's episode. He's incredibly fast.

    Carol has good lines! And I love her. She's my favorite female character. That's why she's doomed.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Carol has good lines! And I love her. She's my favorite female character. That's why she's doomed.

    Nooooooo! Daryl will cry again :sad:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I was like, all the abandoned jewelry stores around and Glen goes for a Walker's ring.


    Yeah, nothing says love like a second hand zombie ring.

    You know I'm kind of glad that Glenn didn't do some big romantic gesture. I don't think that would have matched the tone of their relationship thus far. I mean Maggie didn't even like him at the beginning. And they weren't even speaking to each other before last week's episode. I like that he had the more meaningful speech with Herschel. Especially since Herschel had given Glenn a heartfelt speech at the farm when he gave him the watch.
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    I'll be shocked if they kill the governor in this finale. I think there needs to be more than one episode dedicated to the war that's about to happen between the 2 camps.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I hated Merle just because he was a racist *kitten*.

    But I think Michonne got to him and I could see he was like hmmm...maybe I am a douche?

    I wish he didn't shoot Ben though. Well...I wish Ben didn't get in the way.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    Merle had to go to fuel the fire... heck for a second there, I though that Daryl would catch up and end up getting killed. Then Merle would kill the gov.... they sure are taking alot of the spot light away from Ricky Rick.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Merle had to go to fuel the fire... heck for a second there, I though that Daryl would catch up and end up getting killed. Then Merle would kill the gov.... they sure are taking alot of the spot light away from Ricky Rick.

    I think a bunch of people would stop watching if Daryl died. Apparently Norman Reedus is such a badass that the part was added to the show for him.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I forget if it was in a Talking Dead episode or some other interview where cast members said Normal Reedus (Daryl) gets the most fan fail. Not just mail, but gifts too. He's very popular. I doubt they would kill his character off....just yet.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    You know I'm kind of glad that Glenn didn't do some big romantic gesture. I don't think that would have matched the tone of their relationship thus far.

    Can you imagine how ridiculous that would have been? "Hey gang! We're probably all gonna get killed tomorrow, so instead of helping ya'll prepare for the assault I'm going to take one of the cars, use up our getaway gas to try and find some pawn shops or jewelry store to loot through for a ring for Maggie. But shhhhhhhh, don't tell her I left. If she notices I am gone for 12 hours, make something up. Bad rice and beans or something."

    Like they got time to go shopping. Ain't nobody got time for that. ;)
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    You know I'm kind of glad that Glenn didn't do some big romantic gesture. I don't think that would have matched the tone of their relationship thus far.

    Can you imagine how ridiculous that would have been? "Hey gang! We're probably all gonna get killed tomorrow, so instead of helping ya'll prepare for the assault I'm going to take one of the cars, use up our getaway gas to try and find some pawn shops or jewelry store to loot through for a ring for Maggie. But shhhhhhhh, don't tell her I left. If she notices I am gone for 12 hours, make something up. Bad rice and beans or something."

    Like they got time to go shopping. Ain't nobody got time for that. ;)

    Couldn't have said it better myself!!!
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Not only was the kid from Tyrese's group the one Merle shot but he was the one Merle was snacking on when Daryl found him!
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Not only was the kid from Tyrese's group the one Merle shot but he was the one Merle was snacking on when Daryl found him!

    Wow! Good catch... sheesh, the dad (Allen) didn't even insist on taking the son back to Woodbury for a burial? That's cold. I can't imagine leaving my son's corpse there. I wonder if he tried and the Governor shot down the idea. Now the dad doesn't have to worry about Tyrese embarassing him in front of the son. :ohwell:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Not only was the kid from Tyrese's group the one Merle shot but he was the one Merle was snacking on when Daryl found him!

    Wow! Good catch... sheesh, the dad (Allen) didn't even insist on taking the son back to Woodbury for a burial? That's cold. I can't imagine leaving my son's corpse there. I wonder if he tried and the Governor shot down the idea. Now the dad doesn't have to worry about Tyrese embarassing him in front of the son. :ohwell:

    And it looks like the Allen is the one leading the charge into the prison from the looks of the sneak peek for this Sunday's episode. It just gives him another reason to hate the prison group and want them all dead. It definitely looks like Tyreese and his sister are hesitant about the whole "going to war" thing.