Welcome Sorors!!

soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
Hello Sorors!

I thought we should have our own group. The other Sororities have their own and we deserve one too :). I searched to make sure there wasn't one already and couldn't find one. If there is and they are just private I can delete this one. So come in, introduce yourself, let us all know your goals, and let's encourage each other!!

Spring 08
Deuce Club
Omicron Xi, Texas State University

Weight loss Goals:

Get out of the 200s before the summer is over
Drink more water
Be more committed to workouts
Stay consistent
Eat Healthy
Size 12!!


  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member

    Spring 1996
    University of Oklahoma
    Theta Mu chapter
    Strictly Biz #1

    Goal: get even sexIER......AIMING FOR "ER".... Whatever number that is,lol!

    Lost over 35 last two years! Slow and steady wins the race...or journey of life!

    ZETAZEN Posts: 46 Member
    Soooo Sweeeet!

    Alpha Zeta Chapter

    Spr '10 | 11 by DeZine | #10 | Knowledge

    SW: 282
    CW: 232
    GW: 175-167

    Feel Better
    Look Better
    Stay Better
  • shaniquehoward
    shaniquehoward Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Sorors!


    Fall '06

    Looking forward to losing weight with you Dovely ladies!
  • shonmac36201
    shonmac36201 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Sorors

    Theta Kappa Zeta

    Fall '08

    I made a commitment to my son (who is 9 months) that I was going to be a healthier mommy to him. That way I can be around to raise him a little longer.

  • stillfine2013
    stillfine2013 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello SororZ,

    Xi Tau/Spring 2011
    Ace Club

    I am so glad someone made this group. When I joined MFP, I searched for us first! :) I have a family history of heart disease and diabetes and I refuse to follow that path!
    KLCZETA Posts: 6
    Hey Sorors

    Nu Psi Zeta/Spring 11
    #4 Like Never Before
    Goal is to get lean muscles and more aerobic capacity
    Want to ride 50 miles on bike with teenage son who completed 100 miles last year
  • vlowe213
    vlowe213 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sorors,

    Nu Psi Zeta/Fall 2012
    #10 We come to win!
    Goal is to get healthy and have my Dr. stop talking to me about diabetic medication. Loose Weight and be fit and finer for my 40th bday. This is a long term lifestyle change but my short-term goal is 20 lbs in a month. Look forward to getting healthy with my sorors.
  • shelacious
    shelacious Posts: 1
    Hi Sorors!
    Nu Mu Summer 1993
    #3 Tre Club

    Goal: Had a baby last September, so my goal now is to lose the baby weight--20 lbs.
  • mstoney1979
    mstoney1979 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Sorors,

    Spring 05/ Delta Nu/Cleveland, Ohio #4 Tail

    My goals are:

    Lose weight slowly in order to keep it off for a lifetime
    Continue with strength training 3x a week
    Add speed training/hill training to run faster
    Increase my weekly running miles

    I wish all my Sorors the best of luck!! Zzzz-Phi
  • MissDwood
    MissDwood Posts: 108 Member
    Hey SoroZ!! Room for one more?

    Phi Iota Zeta
    Fall '14
    Tail Club

    starting Weight:255
    Goal Weight: 155
  • MakeupHoneyDoll
    MakeupHoneyDoll Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Sororz! Not sure if this group is still active

    Fall 07/Lambda Lambda
    #5 (Tail Club)

    Goal Weight - 180...Let's just say I have a long way to go :)
  • Blu3Hea7en
    Blu3Hea7en Posts: 45 Member
    Hey SororZ!
    Spring 09/ Sigma Nu
    #7 Tail C7ub!!!!!
    My goal weight is 150 lbs ... My starting weight or highest weight is 271.