New to the group, check in here



  • Sandy92392
    Sandy92392 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am also new to the group. Wanted to stop by and say hello my name is Sandy and I am 45 and I am trying to get back on track and put me first this time. I am currently taking care of my husband and kids so I always put me last. My husband is diabetic and has bipolar and depression really bad to where he has mood swings every day. I give him his Insulin every night and trying to get him healthy and I forgot about me. I have 6 kids from ages 4 to 11 so I am a busy mom. I try to fit in 10 minutes here and there of exercise. I am currently 214 and my goal is to get down to 140. I also struggle with emotional eating and insomnia and I am a smoker as I can smoke over a pack a day. I don't handle stress well and that why I smoke which I know is a no no but it calms me. I am here for support and motivation. I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know you all better along this journey. Sandy
  • cresje
    cresje Posts: 4
    Hello everyone! My name is Jennifer and I am 41 turning 42 on March 26. I am here to help me get out of the 200's. I am looking for support, receipe ideas and exercising tips.

    I look forward to meeting you guys :) Good luck on your loss.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    Welcome to the newer members! You should be so proud of yourselves for taking these positive steps and seeking additional support! We're all here for the same reason and we definitely like to stay positive and encourage each other to reach our goals!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Overcomer7737
    Overcomer7737 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP..only 2 days! I'm looking for groups to join, saw yours...I am just out of my 40's, so if you want me to leave the group , I will. Everyone seems very supportive and encouraging here. I was not trying to break your rules. Please advise and I will either leave or stay! Maybe the group could be 40+ Something Ladies!! ??? It's no problem either way, thank you so much!
  • CaribChick
    CaribChick Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! My name is Stephanie and I am a 42 yr. old WW flunk out. I had great success with WW about 6 years ago and lost 60 lbs. I allowed 30 of those nasty things to creep back and it is time to send them packing again. I tried WW again beginning in October 2012 but the new points system and I did not get along well. I love MFP! Seeing real world numbers is very important to me. I work about 3-4 times a week (45 min/cardio twice a week and pilates twice a week on a perfect schedule). I've lost 3 lbs since I started MFP and I have abou 25 to go. I'm a married Mom of a great 10 yr. old boy. I'm looking forward to being part of this group.
  • dacadoo
    dacadoo Posts: 32
    Hi Everyone,

    another newbie here! my name is Ann and I am a single mom of a great 14yo girl. I am working on getting back on track with my weight loss. I had gastric bypass 4 years ago and some of the weight is creeping back and that is just not a good thing. I hope to find lots of friends and encouragement here and motivation to move it move it move it!!!
  • cforbesm
    cforbesm Posts: 9 Member
    Hello I just turned 40 on March 11th. I have four kids ages 23, 17, 12, and 1. I am wanting to lose some weight so I can get off my high blood pressure medicine that I didn't need until I gained weight. I was on WW back in 2007 and lost over 50 pounds but then gained it back and have also had a baby since then. Just wanting to find my way back to myself.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hi! I am 44yr young Wife and Mom. I have 3 girls ages 22,20 and 18. I have one adorable granddaughter. And one Amazing puppy dog (hoping for another soon). I have been using MFP on and off for a couple of years, but I am serious and devoted this time. I love having lots of supportive friends, an open diary is always a plus, but beware, I do make comments! If I see that you are eating junk food all day and not drinking water I will probable call you out on it, but I expect the same. I also belong to another Zombie group and find the support amazing. Please send friend request if you are looking for friends.
  • tanyawhite43
    Hi, I'm Tanya and am new here. I just turned 44 and have gained 20+ pounds in the last 2 years and want to get it off. Tired of feeling awful! I started college 2 years ago and I sit all day now so I'm sure that is the problem coupled with being in my 40's. I have 5 teenagers and a crazy life but truly need to put myself first now because being everyone's everything has taken its here I am:D
  • Aussielooser
    Aussielooser Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    New to the group I am 24+24 I will let you add that up.. :wink:

    I have been on my life style change for the last few months and have managed to loose almost 40 KG'S I hope to get to know you all soon.. :flowerforyou:
  • yankee_grl
    Hello ladies. My name is Debbie and I'm 45 years old. I work full time and I have 4 children ages 20, 17, 14 and 13. Due to my hectic life, I have let my health fall to the bottom of the list. I am determined to lose this weight and start doing for myself. This looks like a great group for motivation and support.
  • zinnober
    zinnober Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone - completely new to MFP, but have had success with similar sites in the past. How these 20 lbs creept back on is anyone's guess!! Well that's not true, I know exactly why - had some weird thyroid stuff around my 40th birthday, can't seem to fit in gym classes the way I used to, I work full-time, take courses and have two children (8 & 6). But I want back in those clothes that are currently collecting dust bunnies under the bed, time to take control back over my diet. Hoping this site and community will keep me on track!
  • shawkinson
    :happy: Hello to all the fabulous 40's out there! I just joined this group and wanted to check-in and say "hey". I am in my fourtys and about 10 years ago lost 160lbs. I have gained about 50 pounds back over the years and want to get rid of at least 30-35 of that! I am ready to continue on my journey and would love to meet new people along the way!:laugh:
  • reedfam
    reedfam Posts: 31
    I'm new to the group and will not be 40 until September. My goal is to be FABULOUS when I do turn 40! I am a wife and mother if 2 girls, 18 & 10. I started this round of getting healthy January 1st. One difference, this time hubby is on board!!! We get up every morning at 5 am and work out together. Which has been a great help I am down 20 lbs. 15 of that since January. My first goal is to get to 150, 12 lbs to go. Then really just getting some muscle after that but I would love to see 140!

    So glad I found this group!
  • emilyahartmann
    emilyahartmann Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone! Excited to be here, I am 42 and a single mother of 2, my life gets busy and I forget to take care of me.....33 pounds to lose and ready to look how I feel :)
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    Hello everyone. I am 47 I have two teenage daughters, I live in the UK but hubby is or was a CA surfer dude :-) We go to the States each year to visit his family and I love it.

    I have a story I hope will offer some inspiration to all you lovely ladies, it's a bit long, so sorry in advance :-)

    In March 2012 after being very ill for many years I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes. Yes, I was obese, but I couldn't even admit that to myself. I was pretty much housebound as I was wheelchair bound with arthritis. After my diagnosis and pity party, I looked diabetes up on the internet, I knew nothing about it, as I was the first person I knew who had it. I found web sites and forums based here in the UK and worldwide, I joined a UK forum, and read article after article about the dietary needs I faced. They all came back that I must lose weight and lose the carbs. How could I do that, no bread, rice, potato's...

    Then I read about the complications of diabetes, you bettchya bread, rice and potato's suddenly lost their appeal and I began a new chapter of my life.

    Within 4 months I had dropped a staggering amount of weight, and all but reversed my diabetes. I tried anything I hoped would help, some things did others didn't. I then found the Paleo community, but Paleo was a little too hardcore for me. I thought I could perhaps manage to eat Primal, and so I gave it a go. That was my Eureka moment, it worked for me and I could easily eat like this for the rest of my life. It was a way I could lose weight at a steady rate and keep my BG at non diabetic levels.

    Two weeks ago I had my annual check up, I have lost 102 pounds and my HbA1c was 5.1mmol/l I think that is 91.8 US measurements. I am the fittest and the healthiest I have been in well over 20 years, and I don't look 47 I look 10 years younger.

    From being obese and in so much pain, and housebound/wheelchair bound, I am now in all the fashion clothes, I buy all my clothing from regular stores now, and shoes... Oh my goodness I love shoes and own far too many pairs :-) I love life, I am living again, My wheelchair has a layer of dust and I can go out all by myself again. My skin, hair and nails and amazing and I think I am still in shock :-)

    Being in my 40's is wonderful, I am now catching up on the life I missed out on and it's fabulous. :-)
  • tlwinky
    tlwinky Posts: 20 Member
    Hey y'all,

    I have been on MFP for a while and have had successes and defeats....Life as we all know it. I am 45 years old, a mother of two teenage girls (a big inspiration for me to set an example of what a HEALTHY lifestyle should be like) and happily married for 18 years. My husband has the metabolism of a gerbil and cannot sit still for more than two minutes at a time. He, therefore, has absolutely no body fat on him, can eat all day and sees absolutely no problem with going out and running for 2 hours at a time. Piece of cake. He does not quite understand what I am talking about when I try to discuss my weight loss challenges with him.... he gives me the deer-caught-in-headlights stare. I live in the Austin, TX area and was doing really, really well with my weight loss (had lost 15 pounds) until I was involved in a pretty bad car accident last October. It kind of put a halt to any and all exercise for a while. But I have mended and now I am trying to get back at it, but it is hard to get the momentum going...especially now while overcoming injuries to both of my legs, too! Double whammy!

    So any of you that were on my "friends" list before my accident that I have lost touch with, please reconnect. And any of you that might like to find our motivation together, just let me know. I only have those last 15 pounds to lose (20 if I am visiting my happy place) but it seems like the smallest weight losses are the hardest to achieve.

    Friend me! :happy:
  • meredithfp
    meredithfp Posts: 104 Member
    Hello all! I've been working at this on mfp since january and though I've lost 12 pounds, and I'm happy about that, I know I could do better. I'm a 41-year-old mom of 3 (17, 14, 11) and teacher. Things are super-busy but I started running in October and I'm loving it. I'm a very slow runner and I'm working on building up my speed. I moved to Portland, OR last year and I love it, including all the amazing restaurants (sushi!). I'm looking to lose about 50 pounds, which would put me at my high school weight. My ideal weight would be about 10 pounds less than that.

    I'd love to find people in similar circumstances who would like to encourage each other. I am on here throughout the day off and on and I read posts that come through on my feed but I think it would be really fun to find some weight loss texting buddies!
  • geminside
    geminside Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jennifer and I am 41 turning 42 on March 26. I am here to help me get out of the 200's. I am looking for support, receipe ideas and exercising tips.

    I look forward to meeting you guys :) Good luck on your loss.

    Hi Jenn, happy birthday!!!
  • geminside
    geminside Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new here as well.
    42 years young, married, mom to two great boys (15 & 17) and a nurse. Started little over a week ago because I figured it was time to take care of ME for a change. Started at 115kg (253lbs) and would love to get down to 85kg (187lbs). According to the BMI calculations that's still too high but I have not been there since high school and I think it's a good start... ;)