Introduce urself

Hi please feel free to introduce urself, ur journey so far n y this challenge is important for u:)


  • princessnik7
    princessnik7 Posts: 144 Member
    I've actually done the 21 day no junk food challenge before, successfully too :). I'm game to try it again.

    However, I'll start April 8, since I'm on spring break from work the first week in April.
  • mariaseychelles
    mariaseychelles Posts: 107 Member
    awesome!maybe u can give us tips on how to survive it!:)
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I love this idea. Junk food is my downfall! I usually eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner but sometimes I'll ruin my day by eating tons of cookies or a huge bag of chips/popcorn. I plan to let myself have peanut butter and the occasional alcoholic drink on the weekends though.
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    i started to experience anxiety when i read this challenge. I too am a snacker/junk food eater. I will need much support,encouragement and most of all will power. Please for those who have been successful in this challenge share share share. I am willing and ready to do it. (sweat bead)
  • sgoessling
    sgoessling Posts: 119
    Ready for the challenge!

    CW 178.6lbs

    GW 173lbs in 21 days
  • bellavita0125
    bellavita0125 Posts: 116 Member
    I have never done this kind of challenge before, but I know I need to. I'm not too big on sweets, but I am a big snack food eater: cheezits, kettle corn, rice cakes, peanut butter on my saltine crackers, etc..

    CW: 235
    GW: 229 in 21 days

    Let's do this!!!
  • Squirlgirly
    Squirlgirly Posts: 11 Member
    I planned on doing this anyways for April and stumbled upon this group. Now I have to do it!
  • 133amy181
    133amy181 Posts: 17
    I will be doing this too! I need suggestions of snacks I can eat though....
  • ladyinprogress2013
    ladyinprogress2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I love this plan. However, my birthday is April 4 and my hubby is April 20. I'm not sure how to do that. It'd be so close to impossible not to have a little cake. Or maybe not.
  • mariaseychelles
    mariaseychelles Posts: 107 Member
    ooh thats a tough one!:)))maybe a little slice will be fine its urs n his bday after all.
  • princessnik7
    princessnik7 Posts: 144 Member
    awesome!maybe u can give us tips on how to survive it!:)

    I'll be honest the hardest part for me was the white bread. I do have a serious sweet tooth but I was able to get past that. The fast food part I just made sure I packed my lunch, and had back up lunches here at work. Made sure I had healthy snacks available. It wasn't EASY by any means but I did it.
  • DinkyDani88
    DinkyDani88 Posts: 22 Member
    I am excited for april 1st! I love a challenge!

    My stats:
    Start Weight: 177
    CW: 173.6
    Goal for June 22nd: 149
    Ultimate Goal: 133

    I am hoping that cutting out junk will help me....kinda glad that Easter is this weekend though before we start hehe!
  • mariaseychelles
    mariaseychelles Posts: 107 Member
    i started off at 165 lb about a year back made it to 138lb by october 2012.Now since after my november i gained back and im now at 150lb:( my target weight is 132 lb!
  • mariaseychelles
    mariaseychelles Posts: 107 Member
    i started to experience anxiety when i read this challenge. I too am a snacker/junk food eater. I will need much support,encouragement and most of all will power. Please for those who have been successful in this challenge share share share. I am willing and ready to do it. (sweat bead)
    its gonna be tough.i also love junkies.But i am so determined.i am just fed up making excuses.I do believe in the occasional treats but i need to do this to show myself i can live without it.after that i will as usual have rewards during the weekends but just not overdo it.msg me anytime when u need support!
  • mariaseychelles
    mariaseychelles Posts: 107 Member
    I am excited for april 1st! I love a challenge!

    My stats:
    Start Weight: 177
    CW: 173.6
    Goal for June 22nd: 149
    Ultimate Goal: 133

    I am hoping that cutting out junk will help me....kinda glad that Easter is this weekend though before we start hehe!
    lol!I am gonna have a nice little easter bunny on sunday too:)
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    its gonna be tough.i also love junkies.But i am so determined.i am just fed up making excuses.I do believe in the occasional treats but i need to do this to show myself i can live without it.after that i will as usual have rewards during the weekends but just not overdo it.msg me anytime when u need support!

    I will take you up on that offer thanks
  • im gain. but will be hard since i love junk. food
  • mariaseychelles
    mariaseychelles Posts: 107 Member
    im gain. but will be hard since i love junk. food
    i love it too:)think we all do
  • rivergirl5
    rivergirl5 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am so sorry that I am late to the party, but hopefully I can use this as a stepping stone to becoming junk-free. I just decided today that I really need to eliminate the junky snacks and replace them with healthy snacks. I will start my junk-free diet tomorrow, and plan to complete the full 21 days.