Purchases You Made To Prepare For Insanity

randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
Just curious…

Have any of you purchased, Shakology / recovery formula, Heart Rate Monitor, Cross Trainers / Footwear

Or anything else to get through this round of Insanity?

I bought a strapless heart rate monitor (New Balance HRT), it was $50 but it helps me know if I’m in my target zone and how much I’m burning (typically between 500-600 per workout, minus the cardio recovery video which burns significantly less).

I am using my regular gym Nike cross-trainer sneakers, tried the workout (Pyro) barefoot once … won’t be doing THAT again.

I didn’t buy Shakeology, too pricey and the MFP forum pretty much says the recommended 4:1 for recovery can be achieved by drinking low-fat chocolate milk. I drink whey protein with fruit and unsweetened almond milk post-workout.

Have you guys made any purchases to prepare, opted out of purchases or are planning to buy stuff to help you through?


  • itsavilesecurity
    Honestly this is my second time around insanity and I didnt buy anything (except for a good pair of sneakers) for the first time and i wont be buying anything for this time! I love it!
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    @itsavilesecur do you use protein powder?
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    I did I just bought the Shakeology on Ebay. Got it for 119.00 for the 30 day supply and bill me later give 6 months interest free so I just pay 20.00 per month.
  • ndrec
    ndrec Posts: 31 Member
    i take whey protein. that's about it.