
Hi, my name is Julia and I live in Orlando, FL. I am planning to run the Disney half marathon during the Marathon Weekend in January 2013 and thought it would be great to have a group where people could meet up and discuss Disney races. I hope to meet others planning to run in January and to hear all about the experience of people who have runDisney before!

I am not really sure how to get word out about the group so please invite others you know who are interested in DIsney races or who have run them before and can share their experiences.


  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi!! I want to be able to do one of the Disney races at least once! I am not a runner though. Starting C25K again tomorrow. I'd love to do the full marathon in 2016... is that realistic? I have friends who have done the half. Is that the same as the princess? I am a huge Disney lover (annual passholder), so I think it's only fitting that I bring my health progress to my favorite place :-)
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Hi! Disney hosts so many races, that I am sure you would be up for something in 2016, if not before! There is any distance from 5k to 10 mile to half to full marathon to choose from. I made a folder for each race with a link to the race website so people could see what is coming up.

    I have been running for a few years but the half in January is the first race I have signed up for. I may do a local 10k in November just for practice. The Expedition Everest night time obstacle course and scavenger hunt sounds really fun too, so I am considering signing up for that, even though it is in May and will probably be much hotter than the real Everest!

    Good luck with your C25K!!
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    I'm planning on participating the Wine & Dine Half Marathon in November 2013. I'm more of a casual runner but I'm buying a treadmill this week so I can continue to train through the winter. My husband plans on doing it with me as well...should be interesting!
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    My name is George and I live near Disney. I will be running the Wine & Dine Half in 6 weeks! Training is going ok. I ran 9 miles yesterday for my long run of the week. Looking to increase my long runs to 10-11-12 and then drop 9-8 before taking it easy the week of.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    My name is Rachel and I'm currently living in the Melbourne, FL area. I'm running the Disney Princess Half in February! It's my first half..and I'm super excited!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hi all! I'm Allie from NJ.. I ran the Princess Half this past Feb and had an awesome time! This was my second half, and ran 2 additional halfs this year- would've been 3 more by now, but I'm training for my first full in Nov and came down with some IT band issues a month ago and had to drop out of the Philly half :( I'm in PT at the moment and really really hoping I can make it to the full! I'd love to do the Disney full, and one day the Goofy!
  • djs113
    djs113 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - My name is Dan and I live in Cambridge Massachusetts. I'll be running the WDW half on January 12th, it will be my first race over 5 K (although I hope to get a 10K or 2 in before then). I hope to see a few MFPers running that day
  • kace406
    kace406 Posts: 80 Member
    My name is Kacey and I live in Michigan. I've been becoming a runner for awhile now and decided a few years ago that the Princess would be my first half and I'm registered for 2013! I'm excited!

    I'm a little nervous about training in the cold weather, so I'll probably start a thread here in a month or so to help motivate those of us training in the north when the snow starts to blow.
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    I'm a little nervous about training in the cold weather, so I'll probably start a thread here in a month or so to help motivate those of us training in the north when the snow starts to blow.'s already 35 degrees in the morning here.
  • misha5555
    misha5555 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm Milee. Live in Southern California after years as an East Coaster and just started running since I moved here.I did Tinkerbell earlier this year and signed up for Princess 2013 and plan to sign up for Disneyland 1/2 to get that Coast to Coast. Hope to meet some of you at a race!
  • AEFidgets
    Hi everyone, I'm Autumn and I live near San Diego. I did the Tinker Bell this year and am slated to run the Princess Half in Febuary. I'm not a runner so much as a run/walker.
  • nermal6873
    nermal6873 Posts: 344 Member
    Hi all! I'm Leah. I live in NE Florida, about 3 hours from Disney. I'm planning on running the Wine and Dine in 2013. I ran my first half November of 2012 and have fallen in love with the distance! I plan on doing a full marathon in 2014 and sometime after that doing the Goofy Challenge- that's quite a few years off though :laugh:
  • rcstabile
    rcstabile Posts: 19 Member
    Hey All!!
    RC here and I am a new floridian and weight loss(er). I am training for the Everest run in March!

    Add me and let's motivate one another :)
  • AmandaTheNewMe
    AmandaTheNewMe Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, my name is Jay, I am live from Missouri. I am wanting either run the WDW wine and dine in Sept. or DL Dumbo half in Aug. Does anyone know if one is better than the other?
  • twoboysnmygirl
    twoboysnmygirl Posts: 161 Member
    Hi, my name is Karen, I have wanted to run the Princess 1/2 for a couple years now but keep derailing myself with injuries! I have my sights set on 2014, it gives me a little over a year to SLOWLY train so that I can do it without injury. Please friend me if you plan on running it as well in 2014...any Disney lovers or runners are welcome in my book! :)
  • KayTeeJay84
    Hi! My name is Katie and I LOVE Disney races :) I have done the Wine and Dine before and just did the marathon weekend. I plan on doing the half next year and the Goofy Challenge in 2015. I am from Charlotte, NC and just got started on MFP. I am loving this site and so glad I found a Run Disney group!
  • nwalker76
    nwalker76 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Nicki and live in Charlotte,NC - I have just started running and I am 37 years old. I am a single parent of an awesome young man (he's 11) The Princess half marathon 2014 will be my first half and super excited.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    Hi all, I recently started running after I found out that these Disney races exist, and I plan on running the Tinker Bell half marathon next year. I live so close to Disneyland and love it but never visit (too expensive, and I'm not very patient with the lines) but the race will be a good chance to at least see part of the park for the first time in years :)
  • Radioactivclown
    Radioactivclown Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. New to the group. Big Disney fan who is trying to keep in shape (other than round). Living in Titusville allows me to go to the parks and I know several people that runDisney so I decided that I would too. Honestly, I just want to earn one of those sweet sweet medals. I plan on running the Tower of Terror Ten Miler and calling it good from there. I don't see myself ever running the full marathon. Ten miles. That I can do. Knowing more people on here helps me stay motivated.
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    Hi new to the group! I ran the Marathon in 2011 and the Goofy in 2012 and am signed up for the Dopey in 2014!