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  • anaquay
    anaquay Posts: 150 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Jacky and I live in Lancashire (UK). I'll be 50 in a couple of weeks and I'm under doctor's orders to lose weight or I'll end up on medication. I used to be pretty fit as a youngster but life got in the way (which you can read about in my blog if you're interested) and I've ended up fat and unfit. Since joining MFP I've realised that despite being a chubber, I'm not actually eating too many calories, my problem is being lazy and eating the wrong stuff. I've about 44 lbs left to lose, after losing 2 lbs in the last couple of weeks.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi all! So many interesting comments from everyone! I'm 47 and am finding, like a lot of you, that the weight doesn't come off as fast or easily as it once did. I lost around 25 lbs. in 2011 using mfp only to slowly gain it back due to slacking off on exercising and enjoying my wine too much! Lately have really had a hard time staying motivated for any length of time. I ran my first 5k last weekend and would like to do a couple more - I just need to keep myself motivated to keep training and eat the way I know I should.

    Would love to have some friends of this same age who know the struggles we all deal with daily . . .
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    Hello, I'm Eileen. I am 54 and live in Northern California.

    I decided not to accept, that it is nearly un-doable, to lose weight post menopause. Total weight loss to date is 45 pounds. I am stoked, and feel goal is totally doable.

    Married for 33 years to my guy, who still makes my knees weak! Was a professional mom for most of my adult life, now I am focused on me. I have two adult kids, and a little grandson, whom I adore beyond measure.

    The idea of going to a gym is a big ugh for me. I love the outdoors, and prefer getting my fitness there. I hike and powerwalk, also free weights. Now that I am closer to goal I really want to step up my fitness, and work on toning.

    Thanks for the invite, look forward to discussions unique to our stage of life. Carry on.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    Greetings ladies. Just joined this site and happy to join this group. My name is Janet and I'm from Ontario Canada. Lived in Ottawa most of my life but moved to a small village west of Ottawa 4 1/2 yrs. ago to start a life with my guy. I'm 48 years young and 5'7". We have four furry children, 3 cats and a dog. Started gaining weight when puberty hit and finally settled at 170lbs. during adulthood. Things came crashing down on me in early 2003. Was working in a highly stressful job which became too much for me and had to take a leave of absence. This led to clinical depression followed by being diagnosed with tourette's syndrome a year later. With my mood and fatigue in an all time low, working out became a thing of the past and the weight started to creep up. The medications I was on only added to the problem. My chronic fatigue and pain continuted for several years until i was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the medication to help control these symptoms really packed on the pounds. I did manage to get back into a fitness routine and was careful with what I ate but the weight continuted until I hit my all time high of 275lbs. That's when I knew something had to change.

    After much thought and research, I had my family doctor refer me to the weight management clinic in Ottawa in July 2011. Had my first appointment in Sept. where I was told that due to my health problems and the medication needed to control them, there was no amount of exercise or dieting that would get the weight off so I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. It was a two year process with many appointments, information groups and tests before finally having RNY Sept. 14, 2012. And contrary to what many think, the surgery was anything but an easy way out. I have had a fairly easy recovery but following the program can be a daily struggle. I was given a head start but it is solely up to me not to go back to old bad habits which would cause my new stomach to stretch and see the extra pounds back on. I have been given a wonderful gift and will do everything that I can to honour it. The time has finally come to take back my life both physically and emotionally!
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    Love your furry child. We have the same breed.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member

    I'm Karen, 48 years old and have hypothyroidism. Weight is something that I have battled since my teenage years, not alot of weight but enough to make me uncomfortable in my own skin.

    I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada I'm a mother of a 14 year old daughter and we live with my boyfriend of 7 years who is a total fitness buff.

    I have just recovered from a hip injury that had me sidelined for a couple of months. I've started running again, very slowly. I also started weight lifting in January. I

    Just today my Dr. advised me that I am starting peri-menopause and suggested that I stop taking my birth control pills!

    I'm always open to learning and making new friends.


    Glad to see another gal from my side of the world on this site.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member

    I'm Karen, 48 years old and have hypothyroidism. Weight is something that I have battled since my teenage years, not alot of weight but enough to make me uncomfortable in my own skin.

    I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada I'm a mother of a 14 year old daughter and we live with my boyfriend of 7 years who is a total fitness buff.

    I have just recovered from a hip injury that had me sidelined for a couple of months. I've started running again, very slowly. I also started weight lifting in January. I

    Just today my Dr. advised me that I am starting peri-menopause and suggested that I stop taking my birth control pills!

    I'm always open to learning and making new friends.


    Glad to see another gal from my side of the world!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    hello chickies

    I'm 44, happily married to my childhood sweetheart with 2 kids, age 17 and 24.
    I hail from Long Island NY, I love to cook, learn new things. I'm a pet lover and professional pet sitter, ex Veterinary tech.
    Looking forward to hanging out with you all during this journey :drinker:
  • Amyzeppy
    Amyzeppy Posts: 23 Member
    Hello Ladies!! I am going to be 43 this year, yikes! But my 40's have really been the best years so far! I started running 2 years ago and did my first 1/2 marathon, yes that is running 13.1 miles and it wasn't easy but I did it!! I still run but my running buddy who got me into it has flown the coop and doesn't run anymore. I run during my lunch hour 3 miles along with weights 2 - 3 times a week and I belong to a gym where I do an hour cardio kick class 2 - 3 times a week. So I try to exercise 4 - 5 days a week.

    I am married with 2 boys, 12 and 13 and they keep us very busy with all of the running around for sports but that is good as it keeps us active! I work full time and live in Buffalo, New York. Brrrr, it is cold here! We are not sure what happend to spring?

    I would like to lose the last 15 pounds which has become extremely difficult. I was over 200 years ago, lost 50 on Weight Watchers and am around 160 so I want to get down to 150 or less. As I get older it does seem to get harder. I'm excited to be on this site as I am new and really loving it so far!! Let's do this ladies!!!! :wink:
  • jackasia
    jackasia Posts: 2
    hi my name is pauline and live in ireland. i'm a 44 year old mom f 2 girl and boy and am a recovering stroke survivor of oct 2010. i never really had issues with weight it was high cholestrol and genetics. since my stroke i've been diagnosed with an annurysim and also with C.O.P.D. i was left partail paralysed on the right side. i lost 90% use of my right hand can only walk with tha aid of a knee high support on my leg. my swallow speach breathing core temp were also impaired. but with all that i will not be stopped living my new life to the fullest.thank u for takin time to read this .
  • Thingirlwannabe
    Thingirlwannabe Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm Sallie and I live in West Virginia. I just joined MFP a couple of days ago and love it. I'm 49 and have battled my weight for years. In college, I was told I was fat and I weighed 145 pounds - I would give my eye teeth to be that weight now. Anyway, I started gaining in graduate school and have had a cycle of gaining and losing every since.

    I lost about 30 pounds on South Beach a few years ago, but didn't keep it all off. Recently, I tried just to eat appropriate amounts and healthfully, but without a plan and tracking mechanism, I didn't get very far. It's pretty amazing to be able to input data into this tool and see the immediate impact. I even negotiate with myself; am I willing to do more exercise for another glass of wine?

    I went out to lunch today for the first time since I joined on Tuesday and ate according to my plan. I'll see how I do tomorrow on the scales. I'm more concerned about going out to dinner and how to handle large portions full of delicious food. I'm thinking of just eating at home for a while until I am more solid on this program.

    This looks like a fun group that fits me and my lifestyle. I look forward to getting to know all of you and learning from you too.

  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone and thanks for the invite. I am Karen and I'm 53. I've been working hard on mfp and at the gym for the last 8 months to recover my body from a travel job where I ate and drank way too much and slept too little.

    I live in California, have a few kids, step kids and grand kids. I have lost 15 pounds since starting back here and just started a heavy lifting program to burn off the rest of the waist fat.... Damn muffin top and back fat. It does come off so slow at this age but I think I wasn't eating enough either so I have moved through several different stages of eating changes and exercise changes.

    Hi Sallie. For going out to dinner I try to eat half and take home half. Sometimes I ask for the box early and box half right away so I don't keep thinking about eating it.
  • Agefyter
    Agefyter Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all. I'll be 51 in April, live in NoCal, and I'm still wanting to wear a 2 pc swim suit this summer. I may finally have to give it up. I've been w/MFP for quite some time but have taken a break since I reached my goal weight but find that goal weight at 50 doesn't necessarily equate to a nice figure. I exercise pretty regularly, love to cook and eat fine food, and unfortunately LOVE the wine!

    I've been a slacker for months and need to get serious. After all, shorts and sleeveless shirts are right around the corner!
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    Hi all. I'd love to 'lunch' with you. My name is Gale, mid 50s, have been on MFP for almost a year and have lost 45 lbs. My goal was 130 and I'm just a few pounds away but I've been stalled here for almost a month. Feel great but now that I'm close, thinking 125 looks better. Have struggled with my weight forever. Have been thin, fat and in-between. Now want to be strong and healthy and a good example to my children.
  • Eclips50
    Eclips50 Posts: 5 Member
    Checking in! New and just learning my way around the site. I am a mother of 2 teens. My son is 15 and daughter is 13. I am married, and also have a cat and large dog. The latter of which keeps me walking at least 5 k a day. I am a volunteer at a local animal shelter, working with the canine residents.

    I am in Canada (south of Calgary, AB) and work as a Professional Personal Chef (see my food challenge?), and, I apologize in advance, a small town politician (am a town councillor). I also keep busy by doing part time Graphic Design. . . . Kind of a Jill of Many Trades! Lol

    I have a dry sense of humor, and tend to state the obvious.

    Having a hard time losing the lbs. and can use as much support and virtual butt kicking as you can muster. TIA
  • Sushi145
    Sushi145 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm new to this group and like what I see. My name is Susan, and I'm 53 years old. I have been married for 30 years but have no children. I am a reading/language arts teacher, which causes me a lot of stress (the workload not the students). I am currently suffering from knee and shoulder injuries. I enjoy walking but am currently staying off the knee. I hope to get back at it soon. I've always had weight issues and have successfully lost weight several times. I would like to lose it and keep it off this time.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Ladies, new to the group, Thanks for the invitation. My name is Juanita I'm 60yr old, live in Northern Ontario, Canada. Been married 43 yrs. 2 children both married now, 2 grandchildren , and 2 furry spoiled poodles, I've been on the ups and downs of weightloss for years I am now just trying to keep on track and at my daily calorie count with doing what exercise I can on two very arthritic knees, Hope to be part of your journey as we all work at this together.
  • mjcat002
    mjcat002 Posts: 15
    My name is Joy. I am from Cleveland, Ohio. Married to my great hubby Mitch for 30years we have 1 super son Jordan who will be 21yrs old this May. I had my son at 35 yrs old, I lost the weight then life got hectic and I got stressed with work, kid school stuff, just life in general time flew. Somewhere around 45years old peri-menopause kicked in and weight creeped on about 10 lbs a year.
    Anyway I am now 56 year old, still perimenopausal which makes it very hard to take weight off. I have lost about 8 pounds since February so still hanging in here.
    I am a foodie, I love the foodnetwork, love to cook and eat. Am learning new foods and flavors that are tasty and still healthy. One of my new favorites is classic hummus. Hopefully this group will be good for me and some fun too! We really need a strong and fun attitude to keep losing and staying healthy!
    Well, hope to hear from others here, have fun, and stay strong!
  • mjcat002
    mjcat002 Posts: 15
    Hi Susan, I'm Joy and I just joined this group today 04/03/13 Wed. Hope your knee gets better. I am currently doing a Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds for Abs dvd. It is too chilly to walk here in Cleveland Oh., so I am walking inside lol. Would like more friends and backup to keep losing. It really is a lot harder the older I get. I used to be able to give up a few goodies and lose 5 pounds in a week, now I'd have to eat nothing, and Oh, I don't know maybe workout all day just to lose 5lbs. Well hope to hear from you.. take care! :flowerforyou:
  • Jenniferlynnmcc
    Jenniferlynnmcc Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm Jennifer. I am 47 and have a goal to lose 15 pounds. I live in the Palm Springs, CA, area. I don't cook very well, so I might as well start learning to prepare healthy meals for myself and my two teenage daughters!